Spedizione esplorativa 2006 - Sudafrica e lago Malawi

Spedizione esplorativa JBL 2006 - Sudafrica e lago Malawi

Spedizione esplorativa JBL 2006 - Sudafrica e lago Malawi

Lake Malawi

It is also known as the Malawi Sea – not surprisingly. When you stand on the shore for the first time, you can scarcely believe that it’s a lake. From Red Zebra Lodge we traveled by boat to Cape MacLear National Park. The team spent two full days there learning more about the habits of the fish. Day trips were made to an island in the lake where you can snorkel and dive.

The water was not as clear as you might imagine. Visibility was between 6 and 15 meters. You would also expect the temperature of the water to be higher in tropical Africa. It was only 24° C at the surface, sinking to only 21° C at a depth of 40m!

The initial dives were spent just observing. At first all the aquarium keepers were so fascinated to see “their” cichlids swimming around freely, that they couldn’t even think of research. Tests could only be started after a few dives.

Water analyses were carried out to document the parameters of the lake. The most astonishing discovery for some team members was that the water hardness was so low. With a TH of only 5° GTH and a CH of 7° GCH, this water hardness is exceeded by almost any tap water!

The higher CH is due to the soda sources in the north feeding sodium bicarbonate –rich water into the lake. Since sodium does not raise the TH, whilst bicarbonate increases the CH, the result is that the CH is higher than the TH. These water properties can be recreated using the JBL product AquaDur Malawi/Tanganyika.

On land the terrarium experts investigated light measurements. Interesting results were produced using UV-meters and luxmeters. Just one leaf reduced the UV radiation practically to zero!

A luxmeter was also used underwater. Protected in a watertight casing for a video camera, one diver held the equipment next to his depth meter to show the second diver the depth. The second diver noted down the depth and lux level on a waterproof writing pad, which was later evaluated on board the boat.

Feeding trials underwater were a special experience. Different sorts of food were tested for acceptance. The team members watched in fascination as the Mbunas (periphyton-eating cichlids) snapped greedily at the JBL Granulate. Aufwuchs or periphyton refers to the algae grass which covers all rocks to a depth of a few meters. Aufwuchs consists not only of algae and blue-green algae, but also of microorganisms living in the aufwuchs. An investigation of the aufwuchs showed that it seldom consisted of green algae, but more frequently of blue-green algae (Cyanophycea)!

Tests with green feed granulate showed very different behavior: the fish tried it, but did not eat it as greedily as food containing fish protein. The explanation for this was revealed to the team on another dive. One diver observed a whole shoal of Mbunas attacking a fish carcass. So the fish like the taste of fish protein very much, but normally don’t get any. Over the course of evolution, Mbunas have adapted to eating periphyton (mouth shape, teeth) and exploited a habitat which does not offer any nutrition to the predators in the lake. But if the rare opportunity of fish protein presents itself, they don’t say no!

All photos have been taken with analogue Canon mirror reflex cameras (EOS 1V und EOS 3) in carbon underwater casings from BS-Kinetics. Films: Kodak Extra Color 100 ASA. As flash equipment Subtronic Mega was used. Lens: Canon EF 100 mm Makro USM, Canon EF 20-35 mm USM, Canon EF 28 mm 1:1,8 USM, Sigma 50 mm 1:2,8 Makro and Sigma 14 mm 1:3,5. For differing focal lengths the corresponding front-ports for the underwater casings were used.


Operatore turistico Sudafrica: Boleng Adventures, Wolf Snykers, www.boleng.co.za
Operatore turistico Lago Malawi: Safaris Afrika, Walter H. Peters, Tel.: +49-30-3137744
Periodo del viaggio : Settembre
Prezzo del viaggio:€3600 da Francoforte, andata e ritorno. Vitto in parte a proprie spese.


Heiko Blessin, biologo, direttore della spedizione JBL, Germania
Dr. Ludwig Neurohr, medico da Rhens, Germania
Cees Dijkers, rivenditore da Zaandam, Olanda
Jürgen Weisbrod, rivenditore da Wiesloch, Germania
Thomas Oehrl, rivenditore da Untermerzbach, Germania
Janet de Sousa, importatore sera da Johannesburg, Sudafrica
Falk Lehmann, rivenditore e insegnante sub da Eggenfelden, Germania
Hartmuth Koschorke, grossista e specialista di terraristica da Karlsruhe, Germania
Monika Tintelott, compratrice specializzata, Germania
Klaus Tintelott, allevatore di pesci ornamentali e costruttore di acquari da Schauenburg, Germania
Michel & Sophie Comte, importatori JBL da Martigny, Svizzera
Johannes Mecke, rivenditore da Berlino, Germania
Rainer Nagel, specialista in terraristica da Kiel, Germania
Thomas John, rivenditore da Berlino, Germania
Norbert Nicolaus, rivenditore da Güsten, Germania


Aliwal Shoal: Cutty Sark Hotel, Scottburgh, al sud di Durban, sul mare.
centro immersioni sotto l'albergo: Quo Vadis Dive Charters, www.raggiecave.com
Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Riserva: Camp Mpila all'interno della riserva.
Hermanus: Windsor Hotel, direttamente sul mare.
Regione del Capo: Simonstown, Quayside Hotel vicino al porto degli yacht.
Città del Capo: City Lodge Waterfront.
Lago Malawi: Red Zebra Lodge, Stuart Grant Fishfarm, www.lakemalawi.com


Escursioni squalo bianco a Kleinbaai, Brian Mc Farlane, www.sharkcagediving.net/
Escursione osservazione balene a Gansbaai,
Scuola squali con Andy Cobb presso Durban: www.SharkProject.com
Scuola squali con dott. Erich Ritter: www.sharkschool.com

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