Start of the 9th JBL Expedition to Madagascar/Mauritius/Seychelles

The 9th JBL Expedition to Madagascar/Mauritius/Seychelles is starting

The 16 participants are now packing their things and will meet at the airport on Oct. 10. 2018. We are trying hard to find space in our luggage for the nets, water test cases, measuring instruments and diving equipment. 20 free kilogrammes of luggage is not much and therefore unfortunately everyone had to pay extra to take their diving equipment. Maybe some have just received their final jabs for Madagascar, and can still feel their shoulders tingling.

I'm still looking for ways to reduce my luggage weight: Instead of aluminium flash arms for the underwater flashes, I have managed to buy carbon tubes of the correct diameter. They weigh almost nothing! Then all my batteries are charged again and finally it’s time check my packing list, which I have to prevent me from forgetting something important. According to WetterOnline the weather forecast is going to be a bit mixed: In northern Madagascar, the sun is shining at around 30 ° C, but it’s probably going to rain a lot in the jungle. But that’s why it’s called rainforest: because it rains a lot there.

Our youngest participant has just received her diving license and is looking forward to her first dives in the tropics. The t-shirts for all participants are currently in print and everyone will receive theirs in time on Wednesday. It's going to be a really exciting expedition and we're all looking forward to it!

If you would like to follow the journey "live", you can view the summaries of the day on the JBL profiles on JBL Facebook et JBL Instagram .In addition, all participant reports can be found on Facebook and Instagram under the hashtag #jblexpedition.

More details with a lot of background information about the trip can be found on this page: Expédition Océan Indien

© 12.10.2018
Heiko Blessin
Heiko Blessin

Tauchen, Fotografie, Aquaristik, Haie, Motorrad


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