JBL TV has released a new video about plant growth. Every aquarium owner aspires to a beautiful lawn in the foreground and a lush, yet well-maintained, jungle, which looks a little like a bonsai garden. Red plants are also often a must. But it doesn't always work.
This video will help you if your plants aren’t growing properly in the aquarium. Biologist Heiko Blessin explains clearly and comprehensibly what is necessary for perfect plant growth in the aquarium. Heiko Blessin also explains Liebig's law of the minimum, which often makes plant growth problems easy to understand and thus easier to solve. The topic of plants in the aquarium has never been explained in a simpler or clearer way!
Deutsche Version: https://youtu.be/bWYhYxjqn00 (JBL TV #3: Wie bekomme ich meine Pflanzen im Aquarium schön zum Wachsen?)
English Version: https://youtu.be/tW4KeD5-utw (JBL TV #3: How do I get my plants to grow well in the aquarium?)
Version française: https://youtu.be/JEKTfcXViuk (JBL TV #3 : Comment faire pour que mes plantes poussent bien dans mon aquarium ?)
The product from the video on plant nutrition can be found here: JBL PROFLORA Ferropol
Further plant care products can be found here: Nawożenie roślin
You’ll find additional detailed information on plant care, plant nutrition and plant fertilisation in the Themeworld: Pielęgnacja roślin
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