Welcome to Tropenfieber, the JBL podcast, all about aquaristics, terraristics and ponds and for everyone who loves nature and travel. Host Matthias Wiesensee, Head of Digital Marketing, has been part of the JBL family since 2012 and is a true aquarist who is passionate about travelling to tropical habitats.

He wants to take this infectious fascination and the insights imparted to him during his work as a marketing & sector specialist and share them all with you. 


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1. Season
Episode #7

Expedition Colombia - Research. Measurement data. Findings.

In this episode #07, expedition leader biologist Heiko Blessin and presenter Matthias Wiesensee summarise the observations, highlights and scientific findings with facts & figures that were collected on the JBL Expedition Colombia.

1. Season
Episode #6

Caño Cristales - Apistogramma. Macarenia. Kingfishers.

It is one of the most beautiful rivers in the world. The "Liquid Rainbow" in the middle of Colombia. We are talking about the Caño Cristales, a clearwater river, also known as the "River of Five Colors ", which rises from a 130 km long mountain range in the Serranía de la Macarena National Park and flows into the Guayabero.

1. Season
Episode #5

Puerto Inirida - Port city. Military. Ornamental fish.

Inirida is a municipality, capital and port city. The total area of 17,000 km2 is half the size of North Rhine-Westphalia. The region is not on the Colombian road network.

1. Season
Episode #4

Santa Rosa - Jungle. Spiders. Freshwater dolphins.

A small village called Santa Rosa, on the north-eastern edge of the Departamento de Guainía in Colombia, lies on the course of the Caño Bocon river.

1. Season
Episode #3

Rio Atabapo - Biotopes. Current. Indigenous peoples.

The Rio Atabapo in Colombia is a typical blackwater river that has several clear water tributaries. With a length of 280 km, it is one of the larger rivers in South America.

1. Season
Episode #2

Mavicure - Little bird. Monkey. Mavicuri.

Three striking mountains - the "Cerros de Mavicuri", in the Guayana Shield in eastern Colombia - extend directly along the Rio Inirida.

1. Season
Episode #1

JBL Expeditions - Research. Review. Experiences.

From our hobby at home to the habitats of fish, reptiles and invertebrates. After 16 research expeditions, Heiko Blessin, biologist and Head of Research Expeditions at JBL, looks back with us on the data collected, observations and findings.

1. Season

Teaser - TROPENFIEBER is coming

Welcome to Tropenfieber, the JBL podcast, all about aquaristics, terraristics and ponds and for everyone who loves nature and travel.


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