Typ akvária s karasi stříbřitými JBL Goldfish Paradise®

JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Goldfish aquarium type JBL Goldfish Paradise®

This aquarium is a beautiful home for eight lively veiltail/fantail Goldfish! The fish become tame within a short time and will eat out of your hand. Veiltails/Fantails are very attractive fish and are very popular with children.

Goldfish and their various breeds, such as veiltails/fantails, belong to the most popular fish of all! Children and adults love their lively motion and their peaceful nature. Goldfish can be easily kept and are relatively undemanding. But they shouldn’t be kept in a too small aquarium and certainly NOT in round bowls. According to the German animal protection act this is not even allowed. But in aquariums of about 100 cm length smaller veiltail/fantail goldfish will feel very comfortable and grow healthily. Even if goldfish regard plants as food, the Anubias pictured is so robust that it should be able to withstand their eating attempts. It may happen that veiltails occasionally nibble at single leaves of the fast growing waterweed. However this doesn’t harm the plant and it contributes to the healthy nutrition of the fish. In addition, living aquatic plants are vital for the biological structure of the aquarium.

Modelled on nature

Since goldfish are cultivated varieties of the Crucian carps, the carp habitat can serve as a model. These fish like to live, as goldfish do, in stagnant waters or in waters with a gentle current, partly full of vegetation and partly free for swimming. These animals are very sociable and should never be kept singly.


Where is the best place to put your aquarium?

Dimensions: 100 x 40 x 50 cm = 200 litres, weight: approx. 250 kg (goes easily on your floor!)

What are the electricity costs?

Maximum € 8.50 per month

Who takes care of the aquarium during your holiday?

An automatic feeder ( JBL AutoFood BLACK ) will provide the food supply.

What are the costs of the JBL Goldfish Paradise?

Aquarium with cover: approx. € 220

Aquarium cabinet: approx. € 160

Fish & plants & decoration: approx. € 270

Technical items & care products: approx. € 285

Aquarium information


100 x 40 x 50 cm = 200 l

Complete weight: approx. 250 kg

Water values

pH value: 7.0 – 7.5

KH: 5-8 °dKH

Nitrite (NO2): 0 mg/l

Temperature: 24-26 °C

Special features

The aquarium shouldn’t be set up in too bright a place since direct sunlight promotes algae growth.


Many pond owners keep their goldfish inside in winter, since their ponds are not deep enough to overwinter them. That’s another reason why the “JBL Goldfish Paradise” really is a paradise for them!

The suitable decoration for the JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Here you can see what substrate and plants you need that your goldfish will receive an ideal environment.


JBL Sansibar GREY

Šedý, jemný substrát pro sladkovodní a mořská akvária

  • Jemný, nebarvený písek: Substrát pro sladkovodní a mořská akvária a akvaterária
od 14,94 €

JBL Sansibar River

Světlý, jemný substrát s černými kamínky pro sladkovodní a mořská akvária a terária

  • Substrát pro sladkovodní a mořská akvária a terária se zrnitostí 0,8 mm
od 14,06 €

Lay a foam mat ( JBL AquaPad ) under the stones to protect the bottom pane. First position the stones, then add the sand.

Black boulders

Approx. 25 kg


These plants suit a the Goldfish Paradise aquarium.

Plant (A)


(Egeria densa)

6 bunches

Plant (B)

Dwarf Anubias

(Anubias barteri var. nana)

10 plants

Planting plan

Here you can see the exact location of the plants in the aquarium. The letters characterise the plant species, mentioned above.

Aquarium technology

This outline shows all the technical products you need for the JBL Goldfish Paradise® and a price quotation to give you an idea of the costs involved.

Used products
JBL CRISTALPROFI e902 greenline
Vnější filtr pro akvária od 90 do 300 litrů
Vysoce výkonná světla LED pro akvária
LED efektní světlo jako doplněk k JBL LED SOLAR NATUR
Hnojicí zařízení bio CO2 s rozšířitelným difuzérem
JBL akvarijní teploměr Slim
Tenký skleněný teploměr pro akvária
Vytápění akvárií, 50 W bezpečnostní regulovatelné topení s ochranným košem
Plovoucí magnetická stěrka na čištění akvária

The animal stock for the goldfish aquarium

The following animals suit your goldfish aquarium:


Carassius auratus

8 animals

Bristle nose cat fish

Ancistrus spec.

2 animals

Algaevorous snails

Neritina sp.

5 animals

Video about the setup of the JBL GoldfishParadise®

In a short 7 minute video we show you what the completed aquarium looks like and how to set it up step by step.

How to maintain your goldfish aquarium aquarium

Water change

Perform a 1/3 weekly partial water change with a hose. Siphon any waste from the bottom and between the stones with a hose. Prepare the water afterwards with JBL Biotopol .

Water treatment and water tests

Tap water is not always suitable for fish. That’s why it needs to be adapted to the requirements of the fish with an appropriate water conditioner ( JBL Biotopol R ), before adding them. Add a bacteria starter ( JBL Denitrol ) one hour later and you can add fish. Please check the nitrite content with the JBL test dusitanů NO2 every 2 days during the first 2 weeks.

Plant care

Prune the plants every 2 weeks.

Fertilisation plan

Add weekly liquid fertiliser ( JBL PROFLORA Ferropol , dosing = 20 ml for the aquarium) one hour after the water change.

Maintenance time per week

30 minutes.

How often do you need to empty and to clean the complete aquarium?

Your Goldfish Paradise® can stay healthy and beautiful for many years with the care described above. Redecorating your aquarium a few years later is no problem.


2-3 x daily as much as the fish can eat in 2 minutes.

JBL NovoRed
Základní krmivo vločky pro karasy stříbřité
JBL GoldPearls
Prémiové hlavní krmivo ve formě granulí pro karasy zlaté

Goldfish in the aquarium - tips & tricks for care

The goldfish aquarium: What do goldfish need to thrive? What food do goldfish need and how does it differ from food for tropical ornamental fish? How much to feed? What to do if the goldfish eat the plants? We explain what is important for your goldfish to feel comfortable in your aquarium.

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