JBL supports: Aquarium on the Pediatric Oncology ward of the Helios Clinics Schwerin

In February this year, Ulrike Kramm from AquaDesign Schwerin approached me to ask if JBL and I could support her in a project.

It was about an aquarium on the Pediatric Oncology ward of the Helios Clinics Schwerin. It was a very welcome request and I didn't have to think too long before pledging JBL's support. We began discussing the details of what items were needed and about planning the redesign of the aquarium that very evening.

Below you will find Ulrike Kramm’s original report:

"The aquarium used to be looked after by a colleague who has now moved to another area." reports Sister Karola. Since then the aquarium hasn’t been maintained properly and the question arose as to its future. Seeking help, Sister Karola turned to Ulrike Kramm of AquaDesign Schwerin, a local aquatics service provider.

There was a lot to do

After a first inspection it was obvious that there was a lot to do: the substrate was mouldy and covered with algae, the panes were dirty, the lighting system was outdated. In addition, there were hardly any plants in the aquarium, but far too many fish, some of which were completely unsuitable for the size of the aquarium. For me there’s no question: I want to help maintain the aquarium. Since the friends’ association in charge of it has lots of other important things to do with its donations to finance helping sick children, we don’t want to burden them with the aquarium as well. This is my contribution towards supporting Help for Children with Cancer (Kinderkrebshilfe) Westmecklenburg", says Ulrike Kramm.

For JBL, social projects and promoting the hobby are very important. Thus, when the request came in from AquaDesign Schwerin, we quickly decided that JBL would help. In addition to a new substrate and LED lighting, we supplied a CO2 system and accessories such as food and water conditioner. The 150 JBL colouring books are worth mentioning too. Hardscape, plants and the new fish stock were donated by AquaDesign Schwerin and the fish aquaristics store Schwerin.

The new setup

On a Saturday, Ulrike Kramm and Simone Rosehr, a nurse at the Helios Clinic in Schwerin, completely cleaned out and refurbished the aquarium. After a busy day, the children were then able to admire their new aquarium. "We are really happy about the commitment. The aquarium is of great importance to us. It is a central place on our ward and helps the children to forget their daily hospital routine for a moment," reports Prof. Dr. Dr. Aram Prokop, Senior Physician in Pediatric Oncology. Nurse Karola adds: "We are thrilled with the newly designed aquarium. The children sit in front of it more and more often now. Thank you very much, also on behalf of the staff and our little patients."

The aquarium will continue to be maintained by Ulrike Kramm of AquaDesign Schwerin on a voluntary basis after its redesign.

If you also want to support the friends’ association and the Kinderkrebshilfe, you will find all important information on the page www.kinderkrebshilfe-westmecklenburg.de .

© 19.06.2022
Timo Schaser
Timo Schaser
Key Account Manager Regional

Su di me: Seit frühster Kindheit übe ich das Hobby Aquaristik aus. Die Terraristik kam während meiner Ausbildungszeit dazu. Als Außendienstmitarbeiter repräsentiere ich die Firma JBL bei unseren Kunden und stehen ihnen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.


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