JBL PondOxi diaphragm set

Spare part
Price: 3,76 €
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop

JBL PondOxi diaphragm set

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
Volume packaging:
0.6 l
Gross weight:
20 g
Net weight:
6 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
45/140/96 mm


Colour: black

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No
Blog (opinions & experiences)

Pond aeration to combat oxygen deficiency - Avoid O2 problems in the garden pond

If there is a lack of oxygen in the pond, aerating it with an air pump and bubble stone can help. In the video we show how easy it is to set up a pond aeration system.

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The cold weather’s here: get your pond ready

Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to know to keep your fish healthy during the winter and to give them a good start into the next season.

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Preparations for the autumn - algae prevention

If you take proper action now, by reducing the nutrient input and the existing nutrient sources, you can prevent algae problems in the coming year.

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I’ve had enough of this pond! Give up or save it?

Maybe you’ve felt like this: nothing works, the pond looks disastrous and you just don’t know what to do.

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My pond is losing water - where has it gone?

Die Sonne knallt auf den Teich und Sie füllen täglich Wasser nach? An manchen Tagen fragt man sich, „ist das wirklich normal und nur die Verdunstung“?

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Pond guide: you ask, we answer!

Ask us your technical question and we’ll answer your question in the comments with our team of experts.

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Replacing A Diaphragm On A JBL ProSilent Air Pump

The diaphragm on an air pump / diaphragm pump is in constant operation. And like a car tyre the diaphragm wears out over time.

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Reference guide (Themeworld)

The marine aquarium

Holiday at the coral reef - in your own living room! Marine aquariums are the most exciting branch of aquatics

Pond dwellers

Which animals live in and near ponds? What do you need to remember?

Biotope ponds

What is a biotope pond? What advantages and disadvantages does a biotope pond have?

Technical items

What technical equipment do you need for your pond? Where is it worth a little investment?

Seasonal maintenance

Which seasonal maintenance is needed? What do you need to remember when?

Combating algae

Do you have green water or thread algae? We’ll give you long term solutions for algae problems

Pond accessories

Which accessories make working easier? What is useful?

safety instructions

  • safety instruction for accessories
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Customer reviews

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