Our best food For your turtles

Over 60 years
of research and development

Ahead through research. JBL EXPEDITION TESTED.

Aquatic turtles

Aquatic turtles

Fish, crustaceans, invertebrates, insects and vegetable matter - the new PROTERRA aquatic turtle range offers you and your pets a wide selection of different natural foods for a varied diet.



Herbs, grasses, flowers, vegetables and fruit - the new PROTERRA tortoise assortment offers you and your pets a wide selection of different natural foods for a varied diet.

EVERY MONTH a main prize

Buy PROTERRA. Upload Proof. Go for the Prize.

12 months full of prizes - Buy a JBL PROTERRA promotional tin with the SCAN + WIN sealing film and with a bit of luck the main prize will be yours - product packs, vouchers and unforgettable experiences.

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Discover PROTERRA.




Cleaning made easy.




A food for every season.

The right pond care in winter

The pond through the ages

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The food for your pets!
Large selection of species food!

Find your food

We have the right food for every species. The prebiotic orientation improves digestibility. We do not use artificial colours in the production process for the benefit of you and your pets. Some types of food also contain the popular insect protein of the black soldier fly larva to strengthen your fish. All varieties have been researched and confirmed by observations in the wild and after food tests on JBL expeditions. The "Expedition tested" seal is therefore the guarantee of a natural diet with high acceptance.

Customer opinions

For quality products, and customer service, for me JBL sound like guarantee of good product/service, but also huge support for… Mehr erfahren

For quality products, and customer service, for me JBL sound like guarantee of good product/service, but also huge support for those based on years of experience and knowledge and research. For quality products, and customer service, for me JBL sound like guarantee of good product/service, but also huge support for those based on years of experience and knowledge and research.

Used this brand for a long time. Trusted and always recommend to others.

Great products at a good price. Would use your brand exclusively.

JBL make fantastic products at very competitive prices - efficient, hard working and durable - I love them

The professional but understandable guidance is one of a kind from JBL.

Does what it says, with good customer service, what more can you ask for

JBL products have proven to be econoMic and reliable.

They always have the correct product to solve my problems. Thanks a lot!!!!

The products are great quality. And for an amazing price. I love the products and mostly the filters.

Great and diverse products.

The test strips are simple and quick to use very handy.

Jbl gives high quality products built on scientific knowledge and research, which always comes to the customers benefit. JBL is… Mehr erfahren

Jbl gives high quality products built on scientific knowledge and research, which always comes to the customers benefit. JBL is the first choice always. Jbl gives high quality products built on scientific knowledge and research, which always comes to the customers benefit. JBL is the first choice always.

In the JBL aquarium, terrarium and pond Themeworlds you will find everything you need to know for every stage of your hobby. Free of charge and well structured. It is the equivalent of a thick book with 154 chapters and more than 400 pages. We help you in every situation. From troubleshooting to tips for planning a set-up or adding new animal stock.


Fascinating water worlds for your home
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Tips and ideas for starting and maintaining a natural habitat
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Having a functioning, healthy and algae-free pond is not magic!
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Ahead through research

To take product development seriously you need a good research basis. That’s why biologists work in the JBL research center and that’s why a JBL research team organises research expeditions to the native countries of the aquarium and terrarium animals, to observe the living habits of the in their natural habitats and to analyse the biotopes. This is the only way to develop professional products for optimal animal keeping.


Expedition Colombia - Research. Measurement data. Findings.

In this episode #07, expedition leader biologist Heiko Blessin and presenter Matthias Wiesensee summarise the observations, highlights and scientific findings with facts & figures that were collected on the JBL Expedition Colombia.



JBL TV #70 Pond care in winter - What you need to keep in mind

There are a few tips that we pond owners should definitely follow in winter to ensure that the pond inhabitants survive the winter well.

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Die schönsten und gleichzeitig auch zutraulichsten Fische in der Natur waren die Crenicichla-Arten, auf deutsch: Hechtbuntbarsche.

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JBL TV #69 Algae in the aquarium - causes and solutions - Part 2

After our first part on algae control, Part 2 is about prevention.

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JBL TV #69 Algae in the aquarium - causes and solutions - Part 1

The first part is about successful algae control in the aquarium.

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JBL TV #68 Running-in phase in the aquarium - bacteria, nitrite peak & the first inhabitants

Starting a new aquarium correctly has a significant influence on how it functions afterwards.

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Dr. Wolfgang Staeck auf JBL Peru Expedition dabei

Der weltweit anerkannte Cichlidenexperte Dr. Wolfgang Staeck wird die JBL Peru-Expedition 2025 begleiten. Dr. Staeck war bereits 2016 in Venezuela und 2022 in Kolumbien beim JBL Forschungsteam auf den Expeditionen dabei.

JBL wird für Engagement bei Biotop-Weltmeisterschaft geehrt

Biotopaquaristik, also das detailgetreue Nachbilden eines Lebensraums aus der Natur im Aquarium, ist mit Sicherheit eine der schönsten, anspruchsvollsten und auch artgerechtesten Formen der Aquaristik.

Messe ANIMAL in Stuttgart ein voller Erfolg

Zusammen mit JBL Fachhändler Zoo & Co. aus Kirchheim stellte JBL auf der Messe ANIMAL vom 22.-24.11.2024 aus. Die Messe war für alle Tierfreunde zugänglich und fand im Verbund mit weiteren Messen im gleichen Gebäudekomplex statt. Besucher mussten nur 1x zahlen und hatten dann Zutritt zu allen Messebereichen, bei denen gerade Spielzeug und Tierbedarf den größten Zulauf aufzuweisen hatte. JBL stellte nicht nur aus, sondern ...

Die letzten Tage zur Anmeldung für die JBL Expedition Peru 2025 laufen

Am 01.12.2024 endet die Anmeldefrist für die 15-tägige JBL Expedition in den amazonischen Tieflandregenwald Perus und in die Anden. Am 09.09.2025 startet diese außengewöhnlich spannende Expedition des JBL Forschungsteams, bei der 36 Teilnehmer aquaristische und terraristische Forschung unter wissenschaftlicher Anleitung in den Gewässern und umgebenden Regenwäldern unternehmen werden.

JBL Team aus Peru für Expeditionsplanung zurück

Die JBL Expedition nach Peru im September 2025 wird ein richtiger Knüller: Zusammen mit den Indigenen vor Ort Diskus und Skalare bei Iquitos am Amazonas fangen, in unberührten Regionen durch den Dschungel streifen und Pfeilgiftfrösche beobachten. Zum Abschluss die berühmte Inkastätte Machu Picchu und nie untersuchte Gebirgsbiotope...

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