

Amphibians, also known as caudates and anurans, can be fascinating terrarium inhabitants, and they are enormously attractive both in terms of colour and behaviour. Caudata (salamanders, newts, axolotls) easily get used to substitute food, while frogs eat only live food such as flies and so on. This needs to be considered from the start when choosing your animals.


Axolotls are very primeval, cute creatures that have remained in the larval stage with gills.

They retain their gills throughout their lives and are therefore found exclusively in the water. They originate from a lake near Mexico City (cold altitude), which unfortunately no longer exists. They don’t need a land section in the terrarium and can easily be kept in a simple aquarium. Set the water to a cool temperature between 12 and 23 °C. Experience shows the JBL Cooler is a good choice when cooling the water for axolotls. Because the animal’s size can be up to 30 cm, make sure to select a large enough terrarium or aquarium. It needs to be at least 80 cm in length, but a length of 100 cm is better, especially if several animals are being kept. They do not like a current in the water and love overgrown aquariums with caves and plants. Never pick a sharp-edged substrate, as it is sometimes swallowed during eating. Ideal is JBL Manado and JBL Manado DARK . The basic nutritional needs of animals which search for their food in an olfactory manner (through their sense of smell), are perfectly covered by JBL NovoLotl M . For a change, mosquito larvae, earthworms and tubifex are well suited. If the Axolotls are given the opportunity, they also eat fish. Axolotls do not require UV light and their terrarium can be illuminated with normal aquarium lighting ( JBL SOLAR NATUR ) and ( JBL SOLAR TROPIC ), but also with LED lights ( JBL LED SOLAR NATUR ).


Although newts live predominantly in the water, they also need a land section in the terrarium.

They should be kept in a small group and need a terrarium with about 80 x 35 x 40 cm. The water part may well be set up with overgrown plants and wood. Depending on the newt species, water temperatures need to be adjusted between 15 and 26 °C with the help of a heater thermostat ( JBL PROTEMP S 50 ). When stressed, some species release a toxic secretion through their skin which must be kept away from any open wounds. As a basic food JBL NovoLotl M is suitable, and as a supplement try mosquito larvae, water fleas and smaller earthworms. Many native European species are protected! Newts do not require UV light and can be illuminated with normal aquarium lighting ( JBL SOLAR NATUR ) and ( JBL SOLAR TROPIC ), but also with LED light ( JBL LED SOLAR NATUR ).

Poison dart frogs (dendrobates)

Poison dart frogs, also called dart-poison frogs or poison arrow frogs, must surely be one of the most colourful terrarium dwellers.

They jump around cheerfully, looking for food. And they are happy in a terrarium built like a piece of rainforest with beautiful plants and a water section. The only "disadvantage": They only eat live insects (fruit flies, springtails, micro crickets). A terrarium for the small hoppers needs a size of at least 60 x 50 x 50 cm. They do not require UV illumination and the following lamps are ideal for them: JBL ReptilJungle Daylight 24W , JBL SOLAR REPTIL JUNGLE T8 , JBL ReptilDay Halogen , JBL LED SOLAR NATUR , JBL Reptil LED Daylight 12W . All poison dart frogs like to live sociably. A male with several females is ideal. They enjoy climbing and so need some good climbing facilities in their terrarium. The frogs lose their toxicity in the terrarium because they do not receive their natural food (e.g. ants). The air temperature needs to be between 23 and 28 °C with a humidity between 70 and 90%, as in their habitats in South and Central America.

Red-eyed treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas)

This must be one of the most beautiful frogs in the world and it comes from Central America.

A small group of 6 frogs needs a terrarium of 100 x 80 x 120 cm. Select lighting ideal for plants. A UV radiation is not necessary. Ideal are JBL ReptilJungle Daylight 24W , JBL SOLAR REPTIL JUNGLE T8 , JBL ReptilDay Halogen , JBL LED SOLAR NATUR , JBL Reptil LED Daylight 12W . The air temperature needs to be between 25 and 30 °C with a humidity between 60 and 80%. The animals are nocturnal and not easy to find during the day. They only eat live flies, crickets and wax moths. As a substrate JBL TerraCoco Humus is suitable. The terrarium needs a large water section (water level 10-15 cm). Suitable plants are all robust and large-leaved species. These frogs are not suitable for beginners.

Clawed frogs (Xenopus)

Diese aus Afrika stammenden Frösche leben ausschließlich im Wasser und bevorzugen ruhige Gewässer ohne Strömung.

The aquarium needs a content of at least 60 litres and a minimum water temperature of 22 ° C. Since the animals look for food on the ground, avoid a sharp-edged bottom material and instead use a substrate like JBL Manado or JBL Sansibar RIVER . They need hiding places made of stones or wood roots. Their food consists of small fish, JBL NovoLotl M , Tubifex als getrocknetes Futter ( JBL NovoFex ) or as live as well as frozen food, Mückenlarven (also JBL NovoFil ) and earthworms as live and frozen food. Do not feed too much! The animals are very voracious! Clawed frogs can be kept successfully in small groups in the aquarium. They release secretion through their skin to protect themselves against predators.

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