
¿Quieres recibir información de interés sobre el hobby o echar un vistazo entre los bastidores de JBL? Nuestro equipo de expertos de JBL pone regularmente a tu disposición conocimientos, consejos y demás información sobre los distintos tipos de hobby que no encontrarás en ningún envase ni en la descripción de los productos. Aprovecha la oportunidad y participa en las discusiones sobre temas controvertidos o expresa tus dudas. Ten al equipo de expertos tan cerca como nunca.

Keeping an eye on the most important water values


Professional water analysis sounds very expensive. But the professional water testing in your aquarium or pond at home also works on a high level and above all it is simple and inexpensive.

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Identifying Fish Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late


Many pond owners believe that fish diseases are mainly introduced and passed on by sick fish. Fortunately this is very rarely the case and it’s mostly up to you whether your fish keep well and fit. More than 90 % of the diseases are caused by inappropriate living conditions, such as water values and inadequate nutrition!

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Interzoo 2016 – Introducing JBL’s innovations at the world's leading trade fair


From May 26 to May 29, 2016 the world’s leading trade fair Interzoo opened its doors for the 34th time in Nuremberg. The trade fair, exclusively aimed at the specialist trade, showcased product innovations from all over the world.

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Inside JBL: videos and exclusive insights into the new food production hall


Take this unique opportunity to accompany us on a tour through our new production area, where up to 35 tons of food is manufactured per day.

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Water values for water plants in detail


If we transfer this Liebig’s Law of the Minimum to the aquatic field it quickly becomes clear how important balanced fertilisation is for plant aquariums.

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Misunderstandings – typical beginner mistakes


Based on our own experience in customer service and the many messages and questions we receive, we have put together the typical mistakes beginners may make. The experienced aquarist might well smile, but if they are honest, these are mistakes we all made at the start, aren’t they?

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Inside JBL – How does the food get in the tin?


You’ve probably already asked yourself how food gets put in tins. During our company tours we not only show our visitors how food is manufactured, but also how the tins are filled and sealed.

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Inaccurate water tests – or did I do something wrong after all?


In the aquarium scene we often hear people talking about “accurate” and “inaccurate” tests. But mostly they mean a rougher or finer scaling of the output values.

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The story of liquid CO2 fertilisation


A lot of aquarists are talking about liquid CO2, which is said to be able to replace a conventional pressurized gas system or a bio-CO2 system.

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Bacteria starter – starting an aquarium without a run-in phase – Part 1


Bacterial preparations for aquariums have been on the market for more than 20 years. That’s a very long time. From the start they were used to establish healthy bacterial flora or as an emergency measure to quickly add fish to a freshly set up aquarium.

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Aquascaping: sand, gravel or soil – which is best?


Aquarists wanting to aquascape will need to rethink their substrate: sand or gravel are only suitable for decorative purposes, when no plants are to be put in.

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Garten- & Zooevent 2015 – Innovations and Information


At last, last weekend, we presented our product innovations to a wide audience of specialists at the ”Garten- & Zooevent” in Kassel . After some short product training, our general manager Roland Böhme took to the stand and introduced his favourite new item.

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Lack of oxygen in the morning


The fish stay under the water surface in the morning, gasping for air.

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What is an Aqua-terrarium / Paludarium?


You’ve seen them in zoos. They are a combination of conventional terrariums and aquariums. On top there’s a rainforest, below there’s an aquarium.

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The JBL Intern - All good things have to come to an end, or do they?


Hi folks, My time as an intern at JBL is now coming to an end. The five months were a lot of fun and I learned a lot about working in marketing and also about this hobby.

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The JBL Intern - 10 Things You Didn’t Know About JBL


Hey guys! In the last few weeks, I’ve learned so many new things about JBL that I didn't know before and I don't want you to miss out. That's why I’ve decided to rank them into a top ten.

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Interzoo 2016 – Need clarification? JBL ProCristal will help


Neben ProHaru ist die neue ProCristal Produktlinie mit zahlreichen Neuheiten ein echter Zugewinn für Ihr Aquarium oder Ihren Gartenteich.

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Social Escape – an aquarium slowly and relaxingly takes shape and is the antidote to burn out.


Social stands for online marketing and social media. Escape means a way out of our fast moving digital lives and a way into another world. A balancing haven of peace and relaxation.

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Interzoo 2016 –Bonding with ProHaru®


This post introduces you to another innovation. It is the product line ProHaru® which creates bonds in your aquarium, terrarium or pond to last a lifetime.

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Identifying Diseases and Deficiency Symptoms Before It’s Too Late


Is one of your aquarium dwellers acting oddly or looking different? This could be a first sign of disease.

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Notificaciones PUSH (emergentes) de JBL

¿Qué son las notificaciones PUSH? Como parte del estándar W3C, las notificaciones de escritorio definen una API para las notificaciones destinadas a los usuarios finales, que serán enviadas por medio de notificaciones al navegador del equipo de sobremesa y/o dispositivo móvil del usuario. Las notificaciones aparecen en los terminales de la forma que el usuario final conoce por las app instaladas en el dispositivo (p. ej., correos electrónicos). Las notificaciones aparecen en los terminales de la forma que el usuario final conoce por las app instaladas en el dispositivo (p. ej., correos electrónicos).

Estas notificaciones permiten al propietario de una página web ponerse en contacto con sus usuarios siempre que estos tengan un navegador abierto, independientemente de si el usuario está visitando la página web en ese momento o no.

Para poder enviar notificaciones de escritorio solo se necesita una página web con un código web push instalado. Así, las marcas que no tengan app también pueden beneficiarse de las muchas ventajas que ofrecen las notificaciones emergentes (también denominadas push, comunicaciones personalizadas en tiempo real justo en el momento adecuado).

Las notificaciones de escritorio son parte del estándar W3C y definen una API para las notificaciones destinadas a los usuarios finales. Una notificación permite notificar al usuario sobre un suceso como, p. ej., un artículo nuevo en un blog, fuera del contexto de una página web.

JBL GmbH & Co. KG ofrece este servicio de forma gratuita, el cual puede activarse tan fácilmente como se puede desactivar.