In the new report series “Inside JBL” we will allow you a regular glimpse behind the scenes at JBL. You will become more familiar in detail with the various company divisions and the manufacture of the products. And we’re starting with an activity which will give you the opportunity to do this live.
You have probably already read or heard of it. The JBL fan meeting “Online meets Offline” takes place annually for selected applicants. JBL fans can apply for one of the 25 coveted places for some unforgettable hours with JBL. You will see how the food is produced and the remedies are bottled. In the research center you will come across some interesting product innovations. Our doors are open for you and you can ask any questions you like.
In addition to the glimpse behind the scenes there will always be at least two further items about JBL’s partners. The Reptilium Landau , the Coral Breeding Wendel , the SEA LIFE Speyer или L'Alligatore (as seen on television) have been added to the programme so far.
You’re bound to come cheek to cheek with lizards, snakes and other aquarium and terrarium dwellers. And tasting insects or stroking crocodiles is also a part of being a participant. To give you an idea here are some soothing film scenes from of the 3rd „Online meets Offline“. You won’t believe it.
We are currently planning the 4th fan meeting „Online meets Offline“. As this meeting is for you, you will also get the chance to make requests and suggest topics to help us arrange the 24 hour event. Simply use the comment function of the blog. You will find some reviews of the first fan meeting „Online meets Offline“ here:
Online meets Offline Vol. 1: 1st. JBL fan meeting - Online meets Offline - was a resounding success
Online meets Offline Vol. 2: JBL Online meets Offline Vol. 2 - 24 hours with JBL
Online meets Offline Vol. 3: JBL Online meets Offline Vol. 3 – 2 days up very close with JBL