JBL TV #25: Goldfish in the aquarium - tips & tricks for their care

The goldfish aquarium is particularly popular in southern European countries, whereas in Germany goldfish tend to be kept in garden ponds. What do goldfish need to feel comfortable? What food do goldfish need and how does it differ from food for tropical ornamental fish? How much should be fed? What to do if the goldfish eat the plants? We explain everything that is important for your goldfish to feel comfortable in your aquarium.

You can find instructions for reconstructing the aquarium in the Themeworld Aquarium under Аквариум для золотых рыбок JBL Goldfish Paradise® .

You can find foods for aquarium goldfish here: Холодноводные и золотые рыбки .

© 16.07.2021

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JBL TV #22: Correctly adding, transporting and relocating fish without losses

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Heiko Blessin
Heiko Blessin

Tauchen, Fotografie, Aquaristik, Haie, Motorrad


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