Hi guys!
This is Moritz again - the JBL intern.
When I first entered the administrative offices, I was very impressed by the display aquariums in the boss's office and in the various conference rooms.
So I wanted to share this with you by writing a post about them.
In total there are three aquariums with three different themes: South-East Asia, South America and marine water. Depending on the stock, the food is adapted. The JBL food adviser can be a great help here ( Консультант по кормам ).
I’m going to be taking a closer look at each tank:
The South-East Asia biotope is the "reception aquarium".
Key data: 1,240 litres, 155 cm x 100 cm x 80 cm, white glass (back with sandblasted frosted glass pane including lighting)
Substrate: JBL Sansibar RED , JBL Manado , JBL ProScape Volcano Mineral
Typical care products such as: JBL Biotopol , JBL PROFLORA Ferropol , JBL Denitrol
- Caridina multidentata (amano shrimp)
- Neocaridina davidi (red & orange dwarf shrimp)
- Neritina pulligera (dusky nerite)
- Tanichthys albonubes (white cloud mountain minnow)
- Trigonostigma espei (lambchop rasbora)
- Danio margaritatus (celestial pearl danio)
- Atyopsis moluccensis (atyopsis)
- Pangio kuhli (kuhli loach)
- Yunnanilus cruciatus (Vietnamese multi banded zebra loach)
- Yaoshania pachychilus (panda loach)
- Colisa chuna (honey gourami)
- Trichopodus lalius (dwarf gourami)
- Plant highlight: Bucephalandra sp. “Red” & “Wavy Green”
Technical items:
JBL CRISTALPROFI e1902 greenline (2x), JBL PROTEMP e500 (2x)
JBL LED Solar Natur (4x), JBL LED SOLAR EFFECT (3x)
JBL PROFLORA m2003 (2x), JBL ProFlora Direct (2x), JBL PROFLORA pH-Control Touch
JBL ProCristal UV-C Compact Plus 36 W , JBL FLOATY BLADE
JBL double stopcock+quick coupling (some)
Automatic water refill with osmosis water (via domestic water system)
The “executive aquarium" is South American inspired.
Key data: 720 litres, 200 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm, white glass (back with sandblasted frosted glass pane incl. lighting)
Substrate: JBL Sansibar River , JBL ProScape Plant Soil BROWN , JBL ProScape Volcano Mineral
Typical care products such as: JBL Biotopol , JBL PROFLORA Ferropol , JBL Denitrol
- Otothyropsis piribebuy (black Oto)
- Apareiodon affinis (darter characine)
- Helisoma anceps (great ramshorn)
- Corydoras julii (leopard catfish)
- Apistogramma Hongsloi (no synonyms)
- Paracheirodon axelrodi (cardinal tetra)
- Hyphessobrycon megalopterus (black phantom tetra)
- Pterophyllum scalare (freshwater angelfish)
- Xiphophorus variatus (variable platyfish)
- Peckoltia compta (L 134)
Technical items:
JBL CRISTALPROFI e1502 greenline (2x), JBL PROTEMP e300 (2x)
JBL LED Solar Natur (4x), JBL LED SOLAR EFFECT (4x), JBL LED SOLAR Control WiFi (4x)
JBL PROFLORA m2003 , JBL ProFlora Direct (2x), JBL PROFLORA pH-Control Touch
JBL ProCristal UV-C Compact Plus 36 W , JBL FLOATY BLADE
JBL double stopcock+quick coupling (some)
Automatic water refill with osmosis water (via domestic water system)
The marine water tank is in the large conference room.
Key data: 1,078 litres, 220 cm x 70 cm x 70 cm
Typical care products such as: JBL TraceMarin 1 , JBL TraceMarin 2 , JBL TraceMarin 3 , JBL CalciuMarin , JBL MagnesiuMarin
- clownfish family
- yellowtail damselfish
- yellow tang
- pajama cardinalfish
- yellow devilfish
- white-barred goby
- royal gramma
- elegant firefish
- bristle-tail filefish
- stenopodidae
- common cleaner shrimp
- cardinal shrimp
- banded diadem
- hermit crabs
- various species of algae snails
Technical items:
JBL LED Solar Natur (4x), JBL LED SOLAR EFFECT (4x)
JBL ProCristal UV-C Compact Plus 36 W (2x), JBL FLOATY BLADE
JBL double stopcock+quick coupling (some)
Flow pump EcoTech Marine (MP40) (2x)
Automatic refill system built with JBL ProFlow u800
filter tank and overflow box , JBL PROTEMP S 300
large skimmer with ozone (runs with JBL PROSILENT a200 )
filter tank with JBL Coarse Filter Foam + JBL Cermec + JBL Carbomec ultra + silicate filter column
I don't know about you, but I definitely wasn’t familiar with all of the aquarium creatures, so I learned something new! Which one did YOU like best?