How much JBL StabiloPond Basis do I need to reach the required carbonate hardness of 4 °dKH?
The dosage required depends on several factors:
1) The present carbonate hardness
For a carbonate hardness of 0-2 °dKH you need 200g / 1000 l pond water.
For a carbonate hardness of 2-4 °dKH you need 100g / 1000 l pond water.
2) Processes in the garden pond which affect the carbonate hardness
Algal bloom (floating or filamentous algae) and an insufficient stabilisation of the water balance may make a higher or additional dosage necessary, because the algae will start the biogenic decalcification very soon after the addition of JBL StabiloPond Basis.
Furthermore strong sediment production will cause microorganisms to decompose the components of JBL StabiloPond Basis at the bottom of the pond. In this case a higher or additional dosage can likewise be necessary.