JBL AquaEx Set 45-70
Gravel cleaner for aquariums with 45-70 cm in height

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There are successor products for this item:
  • Siphons metabolites, food and plant remains (sludge) from the aquarium bottom. Convenient: gravel cleaner with automatic suction device for a water level of 45 - 70 cm.
  • Easy installation: connect the hose to the gravel cleaner, attach the hose with stopcock to the bucket, insert the cleaner – activate with shaking movements. Push the gravel cleaner into the ground, water suction siphons the debris
  • Automatic suction device (no priming by mouth required), cleans places which are difficult to reach: round cross section with “corner”, cleaning claw to adjust suction strength, internal diameter 40 mm
  • Protective sieve to prevent plants and fish getting sucked in
  • Package contents: 1 complete set, bottom cleaner length 53 cm, Ø 40 mm, incl. 2 m hose (12/16 mm), 2 hose clips, cockstop
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Price: 0,00 £
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
Product information

Dirt on the bottom
Food and plant remains and metabolic products form debris on the bottom of the aquarium (sludge). In case of oxygen deficiency in the aquarium there is the risk of putrefaction processes at the bottom caused by the debris. Putrefaction endangers the health of the aquarium inhabitants. It is therefore advisable to clean the bottom regularly.

Easy handling
Connect hose on one end to the stopcock on other end to the gravel cleaner. Use the clip to attach the end with the stopcock to a bucket. The clip prevents the hose slipping out of the bucket. Hold the gravel cleaner into the water and activate it by shaking (no suction by mouth required). Move the gravel cleaner inch by inch through the gravel of the aquarium bottom. Finish by clipping the gravel cleaner to the aquarium rim and close the stopcock.

Cleans thoroughly
The small round cross section enables you to clean places which are difficult to reach. The edge at the corner of the gravel cleaner allows you to clean into the aquarium corners. Suction strength can be adjusted with cleaning claw.

Safe operation
Thanks to the built-in protective sieve it is impossible for fish or plants to be sucked in.

This product is unfortunately no longer available

JBL AquaEx Set 45-70

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
40 mm
530 mm
Volume packaging:
3.5 l
Gross weight:
558 g
Net weight:
382 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
150/57/410 mm


Animal species: Arowana, Axolotl, Barbels, Bettas, Bichirs/reedfish, Blowfish, Catfish, Cichlids (South America), Corals, Crayfish, Danions, Discus, Dwarf shrimps, Flowerhorn, Gobies, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Panchaxes, Rainbowfish, Snails, Spiny eels, Terrapins, Tetra, Tropical terrapin, Veiltails, Water turtles, freshwater butterflyfish
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Volume habitat: > 800 L
Material: plastic (ABS) / plastic (PS)
Colour: grey / black

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No
What am I doing wrong? JBL AquaEx Set 20-45 sucks in the substrate and clogs up the sieve in just seconds.

A substrate, e.g.: Manado is a rather light substrate. If it is sucked in by the gravel cleaner, it is recommended to reduce the water current as a remedial action.

Blog (opinions & experiences)

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Video: Gravel Cleaner for a Clean Aquarium Bottom without Sludge

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Reference guide (Themeworld)

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safety instructions

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    • Filename:
spare parts
Customer reviews

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