General Terms And Conditions

General Terms And Conditions

  1. General Business and Delivery Conditions of JBL GmbH & Co. KG Towards Business Owners.

    Status 09/2019
    1. Scope of Application

      1. These conditions of JBL GmbH & Co. KG (hereinafter referred to as ‘seller’) apply in the version valid at the time the order is made for all deliveries and services of the seller towards business owners (hereinafter referred to as ‘buyer’) as defined in § 14 BGB (German Civil Code), therefore towards every natural person, legal entity or partnership with legal capacity executing their self-employed or commercial professional activities upon conclusion of the legal transaction.
      2. Through placing an order, the buyer consents to these conditions. Differing conditions of the buyer do not apply even if the seller does not expressly disagree to them.
    2. Conclusion of Contract and Right of Modification

      1. The seller’s offerings do not constitute a binding offer to sell towards the buyer. They are merely a request to the buyer to submit a binding offer to the seller.
      2. Purchase offers can be submitted by the buyer by fax, email, telephone or via the B2B online shop. The acceptance of the contract by the seller shall be given within 14 days through an explicit declaration of acceptance, a request for payment or the dispatch of the goods.
      3. The right to make changes to design/construction, as well as other changes to technical specifications and performance, is reserved, insofar as they serve the interests of technical progress and are reasonable for the buyer.
    3. Prices

      1. All prices named in offers and orders and the amounts due for payment that result do not include statutory value-added tax to the respectively applicable amount nor packaging, which is to be separately indicated on the invoice.
      2. Unless otherwise stated in the order confirmation, the prices shall apply "ex warehouse Neuhofen/Pfalz".
    4. Delivery

      1. Details on the delivery period are only deemed to be binding if the delivery date is agreed to in writing by the seller.
      2. Unless agreed otherwise, the delivery is made from the Neuhofen warehouse at the customer’s own cost and risk.
      3. If the seller is unable to adhere to the agreed delivery period, s/he is to promptly make the buyer aware of the situation. Disruptions to the seller’s business operations or those of suppliers for which the seller is not responsible, particularly work stoppages, lawful lockouts, as well as acts of God; lead to an extension of the delivery period in accordance with the duration of the disruption. In such cases, the buyer is only entitled to withdraw from the contract if s/he sends a reminder of the agreed services upon expiry of the delivery period and s/he sets an appropriate grace period which expires to no avail. If the delivery period is defined by a calendar date, the appropriate grace period to be set by the buyer begins upon the passing of this date. The statutory right to claim damages in place of the service remains unaffected.
      4. Partial deliveries are permitted insofar as they are reasonable to the buyer.
    5. Payment Terms

      1. Provided that nothing else arises following order confirmation, sales to first time buyers shall be subject to prepayment or cash on delivery with a 2% discount. Furthermore, the seller grants a 3% discount for payment by direct debit, upon collection and spot cash. For payments on account, the purchase price is to be settled within 8 days of the invoice date with a 2% discount or net (without deduction) within 30 days of the invoice date. A discount is only granted if there are no due claims against the buyer.
      2. The statutory regulations concerning the consequences of late payment apply accordingly.
      3. Cheques are accepted exclusively on account of performance. Bills of exchange are not accepted as a means of payment.
    6. Offsetting/Retention

      1. The buyer may only offset claims which are uncontested or legally binding.
      2. The buyer is only entitled to exercise his/her right of retention insofar as his/her counterclaim is based on the same contractual relationship.
    7. Title Retention

      1. The delivery item, including any additions (‘discounts in kind’), remains the property of the seller until all claims against the buyer toward the seller arising from the business relationship have been fulfilled. In the event that the buyer breaches the contract, the seller is entitled to recover the conditional goods. The recovery of goods does not constitute withdrawal from the contract unless this is expressly stated by the seller.
      2. The conditional goods can then be resold in the normal course of business. In the event of a sale, the buyer cedes to the seller by way of security his/her claim arising from the resale against the purchaser with all ancillary rights without the need for any further declarations. This cession is subject to all balance demands and only to the amount which corresponds to the prices of the conditional goods as invoiced by the seller. The buyer shall remain entitled to collect the claim even after ceding rights. This does not affect the right of the seller to collect the claim themselves. The seller shall not make use of this right provided the buyer satisfies his/her payment obligations from the proceeds collected and does not default on payment or cease payment.
      3. The processing of the conditional goods by the buyer is always performed for and on behalf of the seller. In this regard, the expectant right of the buyer to the processed conditional goods continues. Should the conditional goods be processed with other goods which do not belong to the seller, the seller acquires joint ownership of the new item proportional to the invoice amount of the conditional goods compared to the other processed items at the time at which the processing takes place. The same shall also apply to any mixing/combination. If the mixing takes place in a way that the buyer’s item can be deemed as the principal item, it is hereby agreed that the buyer is to regularly transfer joint ownership to the seller and that the sole or joint ownership that arises is reserved for the seller. To secure the claims of the seller, the buyer also cedes those claims which have arisen from the combination of the conditional goods with property of a third party; the seller hereby accepts the cession of rights.
      4. The buyer shall immediately inform the seller in writing if the delivered conditional goods have been seized or exposed to third parties until such a point as ownership of the conditional goods is transferred. The buyer is obligated to provide the seller with all necessary information and, if applicable, documents, which are required for third-party proceedings instituted to prevent the execution of a judgment in accordance with § 771 ZPO (German Code of Civil Procedure).
      5. Upon request from the buyer, the seller is under an obligation to partially release the securities to which they are entitled if their value exceeds the claims to be secured by more than 20%.
    8. Liability for Defects

      1. The period of limitation for defects is subject to the statutory provisions. The period begins anew if a replacement is delivered as part of liability for defects.
      2. Minor deviations from the agreed quality or minor impairments to usefulness shall not be subject to claims for defects.
      3. Provided that notification of the defect is given within the deadline, the seller shall, within the statutory provisions, undertake to repair or replace the goods in question. If the supplementary performance should be unsuccessful, the buyer may withdraw from the contract or reduce the remuneration.
      4. For sales to a merchant deemed as such by commercial law (§ 1 HGB (German Commercial Code), the obligations for commercial inspection and providing notice of defects as defined in § 377 HGB shall apply. Should the statutory notification obligations be omitted, the goods are considered approved.
    9. Liability

      1. The seller assumes liability in accordance with the statutory conditions if the buyer asserts claims which are based on intentional acts or gross negligence, including the intentional acts or gross negligence of their representatives or vicarious agents.
      2. In other cases, the seller only assumes liability in accordance with the Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz) and for injury to life, limb or health or for a culpable violation of essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations).
      3. The buyer’s right to claim damages for the violation of essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations) is limited to damages that are typically foreseeable upon conclusion of the contract unless there is another case of mandatory liability as defined in paragraph 1 or 2.
      4. The above regulations will not lead to a change to the burden of proof to the detriment of the buyer.
    10. Final Provisions

      1. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.
      2. If the buyer is a merchant, legal entity under public law or special fund under public law, the sole place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract is the business location of the seller. The same shall apply if the buyer has no general place of jurisdiction in Germany or the EU, or his/her domicile or habitual residence at the time the lawsuit is filed are not known.
      3. The regulations concerning UN sales law are not applicable.
  2. General Business and Delivery Conditions of JBL GmbH & Co. KG Towards Consumers.

    Status 18/2019
    1. Scope of Application

      1. These conditions of JBL GmbH & Co. KG (hereinafter referred to as ‘seller’) apply in the version valid at the time the order is made for all deliveries and services of the seller towards consumers (hereinafter referred to as ‘buyer’) as defined in § 13 BGB (German Civil Code), therefore towards every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that cannot primarily be attributed to either his/her commercial or self-employed professional activities.
      2. Through placing an order, the buyer consents to these conditions. Differing conditions of the buyer do not apply even if the seller does not expressly disagree to them.
    2. Conclusion of Contract and Right of Modification

      Offers made by the seller constitute a binding offer to sell to the buyers. Once the buyers have completed the online ordering process, the contract between the parties is concluded.

    3. Prices

      The prices for consumers indicated by the seller as defined in 1.1 include all price components including the respective statutory German value added tax. Value added tax shall be shown separately. Costs for packaging and shipping will be presented and reported separately for each product offering. Other price components, such as supplementary taxes, duties or other charges may be incurred for cross-border deliveries.

    4. Delivery

      The delivery times stated for the products start, with the exception of the advance payment method, on the day following the date of the conclusion of the contract. When the payment method payment in advance is selected, they start the day following the buyer’s payment order. The delivery takes place at the latest within the specified delivery time. If the last day of the delivery period falls on a Saturday, Sunday or on a general public holiday recognized at the place of receipt, the next working day will take the place of this day.

    5. Payment Terms

      For payment processing in the online shop, the seller uses the function "Klarna Checkout" of the payment service provider Klarna Bank AB, Sveavägen 46, 11134 Stockholm, Sweden. The following payment methods are offered via the "Klarna Checkout":

      1. Payment in advance

        After sending the order, the buyer's bank account details will be communicated to the buyer for payment. After the amount has been credited to the specified account of the seller, the goods are shipped.

      2. Payment via PayPal

        During the order process, the buyers are directed to the PayPal site of PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., Luxembourg, via which payment is made to the seller. Once the payment has been confirmed by PayPal, the goods are dispatched. The debiting of the buyers’ account depends on the chosen method of payment and is governed by PayPal's terms and conditions, which the buyers have agreed to when registering with PayPal or when issuing the payment order.

      3. Payments via Klarna Bank AB

        The following payment methods are offered by the seller through Klarna Bank AB ("Klarna"), Sveavägen 46, 11134 Stockholm, Sweden, to which the seller has assigned his claim.

        1. Credit card:
          During the ordering process, the buyers are asked to enter their credit card details. If Klarna releases the goods (with a possible credit check), the goods will be shipped. The debit of the bank account or credit card by Klarna depends on the processing of the bank or the credit card issuing institute of the buyers.
        2. Payment by invoice:
          After the release (with a possible credit check) of an invoice purchase the dispatch of the commodity takes place. The due date of the invoice as well as the general terms of payment of Klarna can be viewed under the following link:
        3. Payment by instalments:
          After the approval (with a possible credit check) of an installment payment the dispatch of the commodity takes place. The due date of the instalments, their amount and Klarna's general terms of payment can be viewed under the following link:
        4. Direct debit:
          During the ordering process, the buyer is requested to issue a SEPA direct debit mandate. Once approved (with a possible credit check) by Klarna, the dispatch of the commodity takes place. The collection of the invoice amount takes place only after the shipment of the goods.
        5. Immediate transfer – A product from Klarna:
          Prerequisite for this payment method is an online banking account which the customer can use with PIN and TAN. The payment is made via the provider Sofort GmbH, Munich. The buyer makes the payment order during the ordering process. After the payment has been confirmed by Sofort GmbH, Munich, the goods will be shipped.
    6. Title Retention

      The delivered goods remain the property of the seller until all claims arising from the contract have been fulfilled.

    7. Liability for Defects

      The statutory provisions shall apply.

    8. Final Provisions

      1. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.
      2. For consumers in terms of § 1 Paragraph 2 Section 1, the choice of law as defined in paragraph 1 only applies insofar as the consumer is not deprived of the protection granted by the law of the country in which s/he is customarily domiciled.
      3. The regulations concerning UN sales law are not applicable.
  3. Mandatory information in electronic commerce

    1. Ordering Process

      The buyer’s ordering process begins by their placing of a product into the shopping basket using the button, ‘Add to basket’ on the detailed product page. The buyer can access their personal shopping basket at any time by using the button ‘Shopping Basket’ in the upper menu bar.

      Once the buyers have filled their personal shopping cart with products, they can still change the order quantity in the shopping cart by selecting the quantity they want and pressing the "Update shopping cart" button, or they can remove a product from the shopping cart using the "Delete" button.

      The buyers can continue the ordering process by pressing the button ‘Log in to Order’.

      If the buyer has already set up a customer account with the seller, s/he can then continue the order by entering access data (username and password). If the buyer does not have a customer account, s/he must first open a customer account with the seller using the field ‘Create Account’. In such a case, the buyer must subsequently enter his/her personal details and confirm them by pressing the ‘Save’ button.

      The buyers are then forwarded to a payment processing page displayed by the payment service provider Klarna Bank AB to select and process the payment. The payment method is selected by activating the field in front of the desired payment method.

      Any corrections to the contact data that the buyers wish to make can be made using the "Edit" button. The buyers can make changes to the products in the shopping cart using the conventional browser function "back" in the shopping cart.

      Buyers place a binding order for the products in the shopping basket by clicking on the "Buy now" button. By placing an order, the buyers agree to the general terms and conditions of Klarna Bank AB and the seller. At the same time, the buyers confirm that they have read and understood Klarna Bank AB's privacy policy and the seller's cancellation policy.

    2. Language of Contract

      The contract language is English.

    3. Saving of the Contract

      In the order confirmation the buyers receive their order data, the general business and delivery conditions, the revocation instructions and the sample revocation form by e-mail. The text of the contract will not be stored by the seller after conclusion of the contract. Accordingly, any further permanent safeguarding of the offer must therefore be initiated by the buyers themselves (e.g. by screenshot).

  4. Referral to an online platform for extrajudicial dispute resolution

    In Regulation (EC) No 524/2013 of 21 May, 2013 the European Parliament and the European Council decided to establish an internet platform to facilitate an independent, impartial, transparent, effective, quick and fair extrajudicial online resolution of disputes between consumers and companies resulting from online purchase agreements or online service agreements. Consumers can find more detailed information and access to the platform via the URL .

    Seller’s email address:

    In accordance with § 36 of the law on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes (“Consumer dispute resolution Act” – VSBG) we are obliged to inform you as follows:
    We are not willing and not obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure.

Information and consent to cookies & third-party content

We use technically necessary cookies/tools to offer, operate and secure this service. Furthermore ,with your express consent , we use cookies/tools for marketing, tracking, creating personalised content on third-party sites and for displaying third-party content on our website. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future via the menu item ‘Cookie settings’.
By clicking on ‘Allow all’, you give us your express consent to the use of cookies/tools to improve the quality and performance of our service, for functional and personalised performance optimisation, to measure the effectiveness of our ads or campaigns, for personalised content for marketing purposes, including outside our website. This enables us to provide personalised online ads and extended analysis options about your user behaviour. This also includes accessing and storing data on your device. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future via the menu item ‘Cookie settings’.
You can use the ‘Change settings’ button to grant and revoke individual consent to the cookies/tools and receive further information on the cookies/tools we use, their purposes and duration.
By clicking on ‘Only absolutely necessary’, only technically necessary cookies/tools are used.

Our data protection declaration tells you how we process personal data and what purposes we use the data processing for.

PUSH messages from JBL

What are PUSH messages? As part of the W3C standard, web notifications define an API for end-user notifications that are sent to the user's desktop and/or mobile devices via the browser. Notifications appear on the end devices as they are familiar to the end user from apps installed on the device (e.g. emails). Notifications appear on the end user’s device, just like an app (e.g. for emails) installed on the device.

These notifications enable a website operator to contact its users whenever they have a browser open - it doesn’t matter whether the user is currently visiting the website or not.

To be able to send web push notifications, all you need is a website with a web push code installed. This allows brands without apps to take advantage of many of the benefits of push notifications (personalised real-time communications at just the right moment).

Web notifications are part of the W3C standard and define an API for end user notifications. A notification makes it possible to inform the user about an event, such as a new blog post, outside the context of a website.

JBL GmbH & Co. KG provides this service free of charge, and it is easy to activate or deactivate.