Fish can differ in their feeding types as much as wolves from cows and rats. Tropical ornamental fish from warm waters need a higher protein content than coldwater fish. Differences between granulated food, flake food and food tablets. Advantages and disadvantages of the feed types. Mouth shapes of fish. Which feed size is correct? How much should we feed? The biologist Heiko Blessin explains clearly and engagingly all we need to know about the nutrition of our aquarium fish. The subject of fish nutrition in the aquarium has never been explained so simply and clearly!
Deutsche Version: (JBL TV #6: Warum brauchen wir so viele Futtersorten in der Aquaristik?)
English Version: (JBL TV #6: Why do we need so many food types in the aquarium?)
Version française: ( JBL TV #6 : Pourquoi avons-nous besoin d’autant de variétés de nourriture en aquariophilie ?)
Additional information about feeding can be found in the JBL Aquarium Themeworld under Food advisor .
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