I have used StabiloPond Basis and the water hardness has not increased.
StabiloPond Basis and KH raise the hardness, always and without exception. If the hardness hasn’t increased measurably there are only 3 possible reasons:
- The pond has no filtering or circulation. Then a layering of the water occurs. The hardened water is located near the bottom of the pond.
- The products were under-dosed
- An increase in hardness occurred, but the values dropped afterwards quickly.
The latter is mainly possible with high sludge quantities or with an algae plague. It is as if microbes and algae (have to) exist on the back burner when there isn’t enough stabilised water. Just like other organisms in the pond they suffer from a lack of essential minerals, like calcium, magnesium and especially hydrogencarbonates. Metaphorically speaking, they pounce upon the dissolving salts in StabiloPond Basis and KH and immediately start to assimilate them. These effects can occur in ponds with strong organic loads (sludge) and excessive algae blooms. In the latter case an algae treatment is absolutely necessary.