
In addition to new products you can find a lot more information about JBL and your hobby here. Events at specialist pet shops, exhibition activities, lectures, workshops and expeditions are announced here.


JBL und mares kooperieren gerne weiter

Seit 2005 arbeiten JBL und der Tauchartikelhersteller mares sehr eng zusammen. Das JBL Forschungsteam testet mares Equipment unter den harten Bedingungen während der JBL Expeditionen und gibt Feedback an mares.

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Die letzten Tage zur Anmeldung für die JBL Expedition Peru 2025 laufen

Am 01.12.2024 endet die Anmeldefrist für die 15-tägige JBL Expedition in den amazonischen Tieflandregenwald Perus und in die Anden. Am 09.09.2025 startet diese außengewöhnlich spannende Expedition des JBL Forschungsteams, bei der 36 Teilnehmer aquaristische und terraristische Forschung unter wissenschaftlicher Anleitung in den Gewässern und umgebenden Regenwäldern unternehmen werden.

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JBL Team aus Peru für Expeditionsplanung zurück

Die JBL Expedition nach Peru im September 2025 wird ein richtiger Knüller: Zusammen mit den Indigenen vor Ort Diskus und Skalare bei Iquitos am Amazonas fangen, in unberührten Regionen durch den Dschungel streifen und Pfeilgiftfrösche beobachten. Zum Abschluss die berühmte Inkastätte Machu Picchu und nie untersuchte Gebirgsbiotope...

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Twelve new episodes filmed for JBL TV

The craggy coastline of Ireland, ice-cold Alpine lakes, in the studio, the pet shop and the Reptilium have all provided backdrops for the next 12 thrilling episodes of JBL TV.

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JBL runs at the Hockenheimring

For the 20th time JBL took part in the 2024 BASF Company Cup with 14 employees at the Hockenheimring. The Grand Prix race track was extended by a few hundred metres with barrier fences, to make it 5.2 km long. The fastest member of the JBL team...

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Holidays are coming - no problem with JBL

Who feeds the fish in the aquarium or pond when you go on holiday? It’s especially an issue for terrarium friends, because most of their pets only eat live food. But thanks to JBL, both aquarium and pond enthusiasts now have a solution: an automatic feeder to take over the feeding.

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JBL supports nature conservation in Peru

The 20th JBL expedition in 2025 will include a trip to the Amazonian lowland rainforest. In the small town of Tarapoto, about an hour's flight from Iquitos on the Amazon, is the Urku Centre, a small station run by biologists

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No microplastics in JBL products

Synthetic polymer microparticles - also known as microplastics - are a major burden on the environment. They degrade very slowly and are easily absorbed by living organisms.

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Zu Weihnachten: Im Fachhandel kaufen und JBL zahlt Cashback-Aktion

JBL unterstützt das Weihnachtsgeschäft des Zoofachhandels mit einer wirkungsvollen Cashback-Aktion. Jeder Aquarien-, Terrarien- und Teichfreund, der zwischen dem 15.11.2023 und dem 15.01.2024 JBL Produkte im Fachhandel (in DE, AT, LU, FR, BE und NL) kauft, kann diese kostenlos registrieren und nach dem Hochladen der Kaufbelege je nach Warenwert (ab 50,- €) einen Cashback zwischen 2,5 und 15 % (bei 500,- €) von JBL direkt erhalten!

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JBL answers your requests: what would you like to see on JBL TV?

JBL TV is the most successful series made by a manufacturer of aquatics, terraristics and pond sector products. Up to 100,000 end consumers use the educational films...

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Did you know that UV-C water clarifiers can get limescale and then stop working?

If you’ve ever opened your UV-C water clarifier to find out why its effectiveness has diminished so much, you were probably surprised to find the glass tube around the UV-C bulb completely covered in a layer of limescale.

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JBL Expedition to see discus in Peru

In September 2025 the JBL Expedition #20 will set off for the Andes and the jungle of Peru. Apply on the JBL homepage ( to go with the JBL research team.

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JBL koi feeding in autumn - get your koi fit for the winter

Autumn has only one thing in common with spring and it’s the water temperature! The koi have completely different demands on their food AFTER hibernation in spring and BEFORE hibernation in autumn.

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The next JBL generation is born

On June 26, 2023, Managing Director Stella Kaltenmeier-Böhme and her husband welcomed a baby son to the world! Mother and baby are doing well and our first interview with the child has revealed that he is sure to follow in her footsteps at JBL! The whole JBL team shares their boss’s joy at the healthy baby! During Stella's maternity leave, her father...

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JBL Team on the starting blocks in Hockenheim

They weren’t in a car or on a motorbike, the JBL employees were on foot as they circled the 4.8 km course, cheered on by their Managing Director, Stella Kaltenmeier-Böhme.

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JBL Expedition South Seas 1: Results are reassuring

These days on this planet it hardly matters which coral reefs you go to see: coral bleaching and other reef destruction is sadly the norm. So it’s absolutely good news to hear that the atoll reefs in French Polynesia are completely healthy!

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JBL makes sustainability its top priority

Along with product quality, sustainability issues are a top priority at JBL. The JBL management and the JBL team are not the only ones who care about the issue

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JBL Expedition Colombia 2 is online with pictures and videos

If you’ve never snorkelled in the jungle at high tide, now’s your chance to do it virtually. All the results of our scientific research, 500 photos and lots of internationally unique videos are now available on the JBL website.

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New Podcast - TROPICAL FEVER from JBL

The JBL podcast "TROPENFIEBER - Hobby meets Nature" is directed at all aquarists, terrarium and pond owners, as well as every nature and travel enthusiast. Guests and listeners will join host Matthias Wiesensee to discover a fascinating underwater world, ...

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JBL PROPOND AUTOFOOD 2.0 - better and stronger

Now and then even the JBL development department is surprised at the things that can break on products. An example of this is when the sturdy base plates in automatic pond feeders break.

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If you have any questions about press releases or if you would like to be included in the press distribution list, please contact our marketing manager.

Heiko Blessin
Dipl.-Biologe / Biologist (M.S.)
JBL GmbH & Co. KG


Dieselstr. 3
67141 Neuhofen

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PUSH messages from JBL

What are PUSH messages? As part of the W3C standard, web notifications define an API for end-user notifications that are sent to the user's desktop and/or mobile devices via the browser. Notifications appear on the end devices as they are familiar to the end user from apps installed on the device (e.g. emails). Notifications appear on the end user’s device, just like an app (e.g. for emails) installed on the device.

These notifications enable a website operator to contact its users whenever they have a browser open - it doesn’t matter whether the user is currently visiting the website or not.

To be able to send web push notifications, all you need is a website with a web push code installed. This allows brands without apps to take advantage of many of the benefits of push notifications (personalised real-time communications at just the right moment).

Web notifications are part of the W3C standard and define an API for end user notifications. A notification makes it possible to inform the user about an event, such as a new blog post, outside the context of a website.

JBL GmbH & Co. KG provides this service free of charge, and it is easy to activate or deactivate.