JBL Aqua In Out Complete Set
Water changing kit for aquariums to connect to the water tap

There are successor products for this item:
  • To siphon metabolic products, food and plant remains (sludge) from the aquarium bottom: gravel cleaner with automatic suction device at a water level of 45-70 cm
  • Easy installation: connect the hose to the gravel cleaner, attach the hose with stopcock to the bucket, insert the cleaner – activate with shaking movements. Push the gravel cleaner into the ground, water suction siphons the debris
  • Automatic suction device: creates suction from the water jet from the tap (even if washbasin is is higher than aquarium), cleans difficult to reach places using gravel cleaner: round cross section with “corner”
  • Safe to use: end water change by simply closing the stopcock of the hose. Protective sieve in the gravel cleaner to prevent plants and fish getting accidently sucked in
  • Package contents: 1 water changing kit Aqua In-Out. Incl. 8 m hose, gravel cleaner 28 cm, 2 thread adapters 22 x 1 and 24 x 1, 1 hose clip
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Price: 0,00 €
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
Product information

Regular water change
Feed and plant remains and metabolic products pollute the aquarium water. Since aquarium filters can’t completely remove these substances from the water a regular partial water change needs to be carried out. The JBL IN OUT facilitates the water change and provides clean water without the need of dragging buckets.

Easy installation
Just connect the water jet pump with the water tap. Connect the long hose with the ball joint to the water jet pump. Connect the other end of the long hose with the loosely enclosed hose stopcock and the short hose piece at the gravel cleaner. Hang the gravel cleaner into the water. Open the stopcock at the water jet pump and the stopcock of the hose. Fully open the water tap. The water flowing by sucks in the aquarium water. Clean the aquarium bottom with the gravel cleaner during the siphoning procedure. To refill the aquarium close the stopcock at the water jet pump and let fresh water run into the aquarium.

Convenient operation
By shutting the stopcock of the hose you can conveniently finish the water change. An accidental sucking in of fish or plants is impossible due to the built-in protective sieve inside the gravel cleaner.

This product is unfortunately no longer available

JBL Aqua In Out Complete Set

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
Ø hose:
12/16 mm
8 m
Volume packaging:
11 l
Gross weight:
1638 g
Net weight:
1364 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
70/480/330 mm


Animal species: Arowana, Axolotl, Barbels, Bettas, Bichirs/reedfish, Blowfish, Catfish, Cichlids (South America), Corals, Crayfish, Danions, Discus, Dwarf shrimps, Flowerhorn, Gobies, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Mussels, Panchaxes, Rainbowfish, Snails, Spiny eels, Terrapins, Tetra, Tropical terrapin, Veiltails, Water turtles, freshwater butterflyfish
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Volume habitat: For all aquariums
Material: plastic (PS) / plastic (PVC)
Colour: grey / black

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No
JBL Aqua In-Out: The adapters that come with it don't fit on the faucet in the kitchen or the one in the bathroom. Neither do they fit on the bathtub faucet. Where can I get the right adapters?

Unfortunately, I can't provide information on where you can find a suitable adapter in your area. All I can recommend is trying a conventional bathroom fittings shop.

JBL Aqua In-Out stopcock: Sometimes there is no suction at the drain. What might be the cause?

It is impossible to determine why there is too little suction in a specific case by remote diagnosis. Factors such as the water pressure of the water mains, length of hose and whether there are any clogs in the system my be involved.

The suction is needed

a) when the Aqua In-Out is started up
b) permanently when the drain is higher than the water level in the tank.

Why does the hose always pop off at the coupling?

Have you made sure that the hose was positioned securely in the guide (between the connector and the "flexible knobs") at the coupling when the hose was installed? This is important because pressure is exerted on the hose when the coupling piece is screwed fast so that it can no longer come off.

Blog (opinions & experiences)

JBL TV #19 Part 4: Aquarium set-up - inserting aquarium plants and adding the water

If you’d like to set up an aquarium and learn how to insert aquarium plants and add the water, we’ll explain how to do it.

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Video: Your set for a quick and comfortable water change in the aquarium

The most important piece of maintenance for your aquarium is the two-weekly partial water change, done in combination with an aquarium substrate clean. The JBL Aqua In-Out complete set makes your aquarium clean simple and quick!

Find out more

Video: Gravel Cleaner for a Clean Aquarium Bottom without Sludge

The most important maintenance measure in the aquarium is the two-week partial water change in combination with the cleaning of your aquarium substrate. With the help of the JBL AquaEx gravel cleaner, aquarium cleaning is child's play and can be done really quickly!

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Moving With Your Aquarium – The Checklist

But wait, how do I transport my aquarium(s) from A to B? What ’s important here? We have put together a checklist-like post that explains the process, so you won’t forget anything.

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Misunderstandings – typical beginner mistakes

Based on our own experience in customer service and the many messages and questions we receive, we have put together the typical mistakes beginners may make. The experienced aquarist might well smile, but if they are honest, these are mistakes we all made at the start, aren’t they?

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Time For A Change - Pros And Cons

Think back to your childhood. Your bedroom was a small area for you to let your imagination run free. And unsurprisingly you felt like re-decorating and rearranging it at least every three weeks.

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Outline: Fertilisation in the Aquarium

The JBL plant care concept leads to vigorous and healthy growth even with the most demanding aquatic plants. JBL has all the components you need, whether it’s a fertiliser, a bottom substrate or a fully automatic CO2 fertiliser system.

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Care products - The best solutions for your aquarium

With the right products, aquarium care is not only easy, but can also be a lot of fun! The formulas that make up JBL products are based on intensive research and, especially with care products, their effects are not always immediately visible, yet in the medium and long-term they’ll result in a beautiful aquarium and healthy fish.

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Social Escape – an aquarium slowly and relaxingly takes shape and is the antidote to burn out.

Social stands for online marketing and social media. Escape means a way out of our fast moving digital lives and a way into another world. A balancing haven of peace and relaxation.

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Ein unkaputtbares JBL Wasser-raus-Wasser-rein-Set

Praktischer geht es nicht: Beim Teilwasserwechsel Ihres Aquariums schließen Sie eine Wasserstrahlpumpe an Ihren Wasserhahn, verbinden sie per Schlauch mit dem Bodenreiniger und drehen den Wasserhahn kurz auf.

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Neuer JBL Film online: Das JBL Aqua In-Out Wasserwechselsystem

Das JBL Aqua In-Out Set ist ein typisches Produkt, das man erst versteht, wenn man es selbst einmal ausprobiert hat oder die Funktion in bewegten Bildern vorgeführt bekommt.

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Laboratories and calculators

Water Analysis Online Laboratory

Enter your water parameters and get an in-depth analysis of your values in a matter of seconds. You enter your water values – and we analyse! Here you have the opportunity to enter the measured water values directly into the JBL Online Laboratory. This will analyse your values and explain and submit corrective measures.
Reference guide (Themeworld)

Filter material as troubleshooter

Which filter media combats which problems? What you need to optimise water values?

Marine water

There is a solution to almost every problem! And the hardest part is finding the cause of the problem.

Reducing problematic water values

How to lower critical water values.

Algae control

Here’s how to combat algae successfully and lastingly.

Water change

The most important maintenance measures: the partial water change. How to carry out a partial water change correctly?


An aquarium requires less work than any other pet. Here’s how to do it properly!

Daily care

How much daily or weekly care is involved? What are the basic maintenance measures for your aquarium?

Useful equipment

Which tools and equipment facilitate your aquarium maintenance? What is really useful?

Run-in phase

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What is the perfect substrate? Which material is suitable? What‘s the right grain size?

Adding water

Here’s how to add water to your aquarium? Adding water without disturbing your aquarium made easy. Tips and tricks for adding water.

Aquarium filters and aquarium accessories

Why is a filter important? What function does your filter have? What do you have to look out for when choosing a filter? What types of filter are available?

The marine aquarium

Holiday at the coral reef - in your own living room! Marine aquariums are the most exciting branch of aquatics

Biotope (habitat) aquarium types

A real piece of the Amazon or, with the Congo, a piece of the heart of Africa. A habitat (biotope) aquarium is a challenge. Can you emulate nature?

Aquascaping aquarium type JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium

Jungle aquarium type JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Rocky reef aquarium type JBL Malawi Rocks®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Goldfish aquarium type JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.


Additional product information and downloads

  • JBL Aqua In Out-Wasserwechselset aQuaBits
  • JBL Aqua In Out-Produkttest-aquariumnano blogspot
  • JBL Aqua In Out-DATZ Produkt des Monats Heft 7 2013

safety instructions

  • safety instruction for accessories
    • Filename:
spare parts
Customer reviews


Overall rating: 5.0
3 public review(s) for this product.

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3 Reviews in other languages

diskusowner - German

Das komfortabelste set in Sachen wasserpflege... Kein getropfe mehr auf dem Boden und keine Frau mehr die genervt ist

Phils_waterplants - German

Was soll ich sagen? Ich danke JBL für die vielen ersparten Eimer und den dadurch sehr unkomplizierten Wasserwechsel. Ich schließe es immer an der Badewanne an. Der Wasserwechsel geht sehr schnell von der Hand, must have!!

happyfishtanks - German

Das perfekte Produkt für einfache und schnelle Wasserwechsel. Vor allem für große Aquarien sehr hilfreich, denn so umgeht man lästiges Wassereimer schleppen & Pfützen.

Die Anwendung ist unkompliziert & die Verarbeitung ist top.

Ich nutze mein Set nun schon seit knapp 3 Jahren regelmäßig und alles funktioniert noch immer einwandfrei.

Mit dem passenden Verlängerungsset kann man auch ohne Probleme längere Entfernungen zwischen Aquarium und Wasserhahn überbrücken. Absolute Kaufempfehlung.

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