JBL SediEx Pond
Bacteria and active oxygen for the breakdown of sludge

  • For water to suit both fish and plants: highly active cleansing bacteria and active oxygen in sinking mineral granulate for the breakdown of pond sludge
  • Easy to use: calculate required quantity, spread the granulate over the pond water, spread active oxygen over the pond
  • Healthy pond water: breakdown of organic waste leads to the consumption of surplus nutrients
  • Prevents fish loss, prevents algae, prevents decomposition processes at the bottom of the pond
  • Contents: granulate for the breakdown of pond sludge, SediEx Pond. Dosing: component 1: 30-50 g/1000 l pond water; component 2: 50 g/1000 l pond water
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Price: 10,21 €
basic price 40.84 EUR / kg
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
Price: 38,88 €
basic price 38.88 EUR / kg
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Price: 83,78 €
basic price 33.51 EUR / kg
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Product information

Natural balance in the garden pond
Plant and food remains, metabolic substances and leaves deteriorate the quality of the water in the garden pond. Good water quality is necessary to ensure the health of fish and plants. Each season makes different demands on the garden pond. A water test will help recognise deficits in the pond water so that you can take the necessary steps.

Promotes the break down of bacteria
The mineral granulate carries the special biodegrading bacteria directly to their “work place“, the floor of the pond, where they effectively break down excess organic waste or prevent it developing. The active oxygen is spread over the surface of the pond and releases oxygen on its floor, supporting the work of the bacteria.

Easy use of SediEx Pond
Calculate the required quantity. Add the sinking granulate to the pond water and spread the active oxygen widely over the pond.

Component 1 (white powder) 30 – 50 g/100 l pond water
Component 2 (mineral granulate) 50 g/1000 l pond water

This product is unfortunately no longer available

JBL SediEx Pond 250 g

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
0,25 kg
2500 l
Volume packaging:
0.54 l
Gross weight:
285 g
Net weight:
250 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
80/84/80 mm


Animal species: Goldfish, Koi, Mussels, Snails, Terrapins, Tropical terrapin, Veiltails, Water turtles
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All garden pond animals
Volume habitat: > 2,500 L
Colour: brown
Dosage: Component 1 (white powder): 30-50 g / 1000 l pond water Component 2 (mineral granulate): 50 g / 1000 l pond water

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

JBL SediEx Pond 1 kg

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
1 kg
10000 l
Volume packaging:
2.2 l
Gross weight:
1049 g
Net weight:
1000 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
130/130/130 mm


Animal species: Goldfish, Koi, Mussels, Snails, Terrapins, Tropical terrapin, Veiltails, Water turtles
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All garden pond animals
Volume habitat: > 10,000 L
Colour: brown
Dosage: Component 1 (white powder): 30-50 g / 1000 l pond water Component 2 (mineral granulate): 50 g / 1000 l pond water

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

JBL SediEx Pond 2,5 kg

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
2,5 kg
25000 l
Volume packaging:
5.8 l
Gross weight:
2629 g
Net weight:
2500 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
190/160/190 mm


Animal species: Goldfish, Koi, Mussels, Snails, Terrapins, Tropical terrapin, Veiltails, Water turtles
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All garden pond animals
Volume habitat: > 25,000 L
Colour: brown
Dosage: Component 1 (white powder): 30-50 g / 1000 l pond water Component 2 (mineral granulate): 50 g / 1000 l pond water

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No
After the application the water became cloudy and there were particles swimming on the water surface

When using the first component the active oxygen spreads across the whole of the pond and releases the oxygen at the pond bottom. This promotes the bacterial activities. During the decomposition process mulm particles sometimes rise and make the water temporarily cloudy. These can be removed from the water surface with a fine landing net.

What is JBL SediEx Pond ? Why and when should I use it?

JBL SediEx Pond consists of 2 components: firstly it contains active oxygen (comparable with JBL OxyPond) and secondly it contains heterotrophic (all eating) strains of bacteria.

Oxygen deficiency often develops in the sludge at the bottom of the pond and this leads to a development of bacteria , including sulfate-reducing bacteria. These sulfate-reducing bacteria excrete toxic hydrogen sulphide. Oxygen needs to be added to the bottom of the pond before the bacteria in SediEx Pond can set to work reducing the sludge.

JBL SediExPond can be used throughout the whole year, providing the temperatures stay above the freezing point. We recommend dosing on a regular 3 monthly basis, and especially in the spring and autumn.

Can the pond care products StabiloPond Basis, JBL StabiloPond KH, JBL OxyPond, JBL FilterStart Pond, JBL PhosEx Pond Filter, JBL SediEx Pond, JBL AlgoPond Sorb, JBL AgoPond Forte*, JBL AlgoPond Green*, JBL PhosEx Pond Direct, JBL BactoPond be used with an operating UV-C water clarifier without any problems or should the UV-C unit be switched off?

In simple terms we can say that when applying the liquid products JBL AlgoPond Sorb, JBL AgoPond Forte*, JBL AlgoPond Green*, JBL PhosEx Pond Direct, JBL BactoPond the UV-C water clarifier should be temporarily switched off so that the active substances will not be destroyed. Please look up the time periods in the respective operation instructions.

With JBL StabiloPond Basis, JBL StabiloPond KH, JBL OxyPond, JBL FilterStart Pond, JBL PhosEx Pond Filter, JBL SediEx Pond the UV-C water clarifier may remain in operation.

* Labelling according to EU Directive 98/8/EC: Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use!

Blog (opinions & experiences)

JBL TV #62 Pond care in spring - Preparing for summer

Spring is the time to pave the way for summer in the pond.

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The ABC of Pond Maintenance in Autumn / Winter - Part 2

Now is the time to lay the foundations for a healthy ecosystem. We have put together a checklist with all the tips and topics you need to be best prepared for winter and the coming spring.

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The ABC of Pond Maintenance in Autumn / Winter - Part 1

Now is the time to lay the foundations for a healthy ecosystem. We have put together a checklist with all the tips and topics you need to be best prepared for winter and the coming spring.

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#jbldeal – Now you can benefit!

As a member of the myJBL community you have exclusive access to special promotions. We have attractive benefits and offers for you. Don’t miss out!

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Too much sludge in the pond? This is how to biodegrade pond sludge.

Over the years, pond sludge accumulates in every pond and can even halve the water depth! Simply use a white folding ruler to check how much pond sludge has accumulated.

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Your pond’s health in summer

The care of your garden pond depends on the season. In spring you have other jobs than in autumn. But what needs doing in summer?

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Averting algae next year – take action now

You may well have asked yourself this year why algae suddenly appear in spring even though you have barely fed your fish yet. It was still cold and the sun had only just begun to shine a little stronger. The reason for it is last year’s “waste” still lying on the bottom of the pond.

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The cold weather’s here: get your pond ready

Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to know to keep your fish healthy during the winter and to give them a good start into the next season.

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Preparations for the autumn - algae prevention

If you take proper action now, by reducing the nutrient input and the existing nutrient sources, you can prevent algae problems in the coming year.

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I’ve had enough of this pond! Give up or save it?

Maybe you’ve felt like this: nothing works, the pond looks disastrous and you just don’t know what to do.

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My pond is losing water - where has it gone?

Die Sonne knallt auf den Teich und Sie füllen täglich Wasser nach? An manchen Tagen fragt man sich, „ist das wirklich normal und nur die Verdunstung“?

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Pond guide: you ask, we answer!

Ask us your technical question and we’ll answer your question in the comments with our team of experts.

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Liquid sun protection for your pond prevents algae

Is your pond clear – with no algae in sight? Perhaps you were just lucky or you have completed an algae treatment successfully. In either case there’s one thing you don’t need: algae!

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ProPond: What pond care do you really need and what really works?

A lot of pond owners neglect their regular maintenance and only react when problems occur and it’s often too late.

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Pollen, The Algae Motor In The Pond

The car roofs are yellow, the windows dusty and on the water surface floats a yellow-green film of flower pollen and insects. Take immediate action, using preventive or immediate measures to make sure it won’t lead to problems.

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Algae Control 1-2-3 algae free

A few algae in the pond do not pose a problem and even form a component of a healthy pond. But once the water turns green or „blanket weed“ algae become rampant, you then have a problem which needs fixing. Effective and longterm algae control consists of three steps.

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Seasonal Pond Care

Spring, summer, autumn and winter. For each season there is a different maintenance to follow and various aspects to consider.

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Battle Sludge in the Pond

ANY pond which is not roofed-over will build up sludge from leaves, aquatic plant leaves and other matter entering the air.

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Algae in the Pond – An Outline

It can affect every pond owner. But if you are careful you can avert problems before they occur. In the following article we would like to introduce you to the different types of algae you may meet in the garden pond:

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The right way to get your pond ready for winter.

Not only the koi needs to become “autumn-proof” with its nutrition but also its home, the garden pond. The leaves fall, but unfortunately they also fall into our ponds.

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Refilling water into the pond – but not like this!

The water level can drop by up to several centimetres a day. This means it has to be refilled once a week at the latest.

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Heavy rain – watch your water values

There has been plenty of heavy rainfall in Germany in the last few days. The ponds are full to the brim and the garden - and more - is under water.

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Algae carpets on the water surface: act now!

We are constantly being asked by pond owners for advice about how to deal with the problem of algae carpets on the water surface.

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Algae in Sight: Pollen and Blossoms as Growth Engines

The flowers are blooming and the allergy sufferers know it only too well: the pollen count! We can see the powdery yellow coating on our cars and on the forest paths. The pollen count and small leaves are floating through the air and reaching our ponds in huge amounts.

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Phosphate: The cause of tomorrow’s algae is in your pond now.

Many pond owners don’t realise this. That’s why they don’t react to algae growth until it’s too late. This is not only annoying, it makes it harder to achieve clear water for your dream landscape.

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These steps in autumn will make your garden pond fit for the winter.

Pond owners need to start preparing their ponds in autumn for the coming winter. Only by doing this can you be sure that your pond will continue to bring you pleasure next year and that your fish will be healthy.

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Heavy Rainfalls Are Stressful For Your Fish

As a pond owner in autumn you not only have to deal with getting the pond ready for winter, you also have to struggle with heavy and frequent rainfalls.

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To avoid algae next year – How to make your pond fit for the winter

It’s getting cold slowly and the pond season is coming to its end. The leaves of the water lilies are dying and the sunshine hours are getting shorter. But in the pond there is still a lot happening. We will show you how to make your pond fit for the winter.

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Flowers for the pond – planting to combat algae

It happens every year. The algae arrive. What can you do to prevent it? For a healthy basis the pond needs to be filled with sufficient plant mass. This applies to ALL ponds.

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Rain – A problem for fish and good for algae

In the garden pond the pH rises to over 10 if the carbonate hardness is insufficient or non-existent. In unbuffered ponds the pH level can even fluctuate up to 4 pH value levels within one day.

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An anti-algae agent alone is no solution

Everyone knows this scenario. Just last week the pond was alright, then suddenly the algae came overnight. Why does this happen? It’s really very simple. You only have to keep in mind 2 factors.

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Wer wühlt schon gerne im Schlamm?

Gegen Jahresende braucht Ihr Teich dringend Hilfe: Die Seerosenblätter sterben ab, Unterwasserpflanzen gehen zurück und auch die Blätter, die das ganze Jahr über in den Teich gefallen sind, führen zu einer extremen Wasserbelastung:

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Springtime is algae time

The total phosphorus entering water bodies per year in Germany is approx. 23,000 t (data from 2005, source: Federal Environmental Agency). Broken down to a single square metre of water surface, ...

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Das Algenproblem von morgen hat seine Ursache heute

Jeder natürliche See, Weiher oder Teich verlandet. Unter Verlandung versteht man die Auffüllung von Gewässern mit organischer Materie. Diese organische Materie stammt aus verschiedenen Quellen, z. B. den Wasser- und Sumpfpflanzen, die im Herbst absterben, eingewehtes Laub, aber auch vor allem im Frühjahr Blütenpollen, wie es 2011 sehr stark war.

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Braunes Wasser

Braunes Wasser, Staub im Wasser, Sedimente, Teichschlamm ....

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1-2-3-algenfrei: Tipp der Woche

I have successfully combatted the algae, but they have come back. Why have they returned and how can I prevent it?

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Biologische Prozesse am Gewässergrund

Was geschieht eigentlich am und im Boden eines Gewässers ? Diese wichtige Frage entscheidet unter Umständen über Überleben der Tiere im Gartenteich.

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Der Phosphorkreislauf in natürlichen Gewässern

Es ist ein falscher Glaube, anzunehmen, dass Phosphate die abgebunden werden, für immer dem natürlichen Kreislauf entzogen sind. Auch wenn in der Tat viele Phosphatsalze nur schwer wasserlöslich sind und die Fällung mittels eines Phosphatbinders die Phosphate vorerst dem Wasser entzieht, ..

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Das JBL Teichlabor: Voll normal ! - Fortsetzung

Eine Analyse der Daten zu Teichen, die an uns in der individuellen Beratung herangetragen werden, ergibt interessante Ergebnisse.

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Das JBL Teichlabor: Voll normal !

Das JBL Teichlabor ist nun bereits seit 3 Jahren online und hat vielen hundert Teichbesitzern bei der Pflege ihres Teiches geholfen. Was geschieht im Hintergrund ?

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1-2-3-algenfrei: Tipp der Woche

Teichschlamm entsteht durch permanenten Eintrag von Nährstoffen in den Gartenteich. Er akkumiliert sich am Boden und wird mit der Zeit immer mächtiger. im Teichschlamm kommt es oft zu Sauerstoffmangel bis hin zum vollständigen Fehlen von Sauerstoff.

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Zusammenhang zwischen Sedimenten und Algen im Gartenteich

Eintrag von Nährstoffen bedeutet Sedimentbildung. Der Prozess heißt Verlandung.

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1-2-3-algenfrei: Tipp der Woche

Wie halte ich den Gartenteich über das Jahr algenarm ?

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Green ponds: Worse than in recent years!

Due to the unique conditions this year (a warm, very humid spring, heavy pollen fall), we have a special situation in many ponds with floating algae growth that is so strong that "normal" doses of algaecides are sometimes not enough.

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Laboratories and calculators

Pond laboratory / calculator

This worldwide unique pond laboratory gives you dedicated support to combat problems with algae and cloudiness in your pond.

Pond Guarantee

JBL guarantees you a pond without algae problems if you follow our 3 steps. If by any chance the algae have not disappeared by the end of step 3, please contact the JBL Online Pond Laboratory directly. There you will receive comprehensive online advice. In the unlikely event of your algae problems not being solved, despite your consultation with us, you will be refunded with the purchase price of all JBL 1-2-3 algae-free products purchased during the current calendar year.
Reference guide (Themeworld)

1-2-3 algae-free concept

Sooner or later every pond owner has to deal with the algae issue. Sometimes I’s the first time they’ve had to think about it and sometimes they have tried out various methods and treatments – unfortunately without any long term success. JBL has put scientists to work on that problem and they have worked out a concept which will guarantee success.

Pond types

Are you planning a natural or an artificial pond? What do you need to remember?

Seasonal maintenance

Which seasonal maintenance is needed? What do you need to remember when?

Pond cleaning

Leaves, sludge and fish excrement pollute your pond. The filter can’t manage everything. What preventative measures can you take?


Why are plants so important for your pond? What needs to be considered?

Plant care

How to look after the plants in your pond?

Combating algae

Do you have green water or thread algae? We’ll give you long term solutions for algae problems

Algae species

Do you have green water or thread algae? We’ll give you long term solutions for algae problems

Water cloudiness

Is your water crystal-clear? How cloudiness is caused and how you can remove it.


Additional product information and downloads

Customer reviews


Overall rating: 5.0
1 public review for this product.

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A review in another language

ShakaAnimalStudio - German

Leider hat sich bei mit im Teich einiges an Schlamm angesammelt, aber dank diesem Produkt hab ich ihn schnell wieder los gekriegt.

safety information in accordance with GHS

safety note

P261a: Avoid breathing dust.
P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
P305+P351+P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
P405: Store locked up.

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PUSH messages from JBL

What are PUSH messages? As part of the W3C standard, web notifications define an API for end-user notifications that are sent to the user's desktop and/or mobile devices via the browser. Notifications appear on the end devices as they are familiar to the end user from apps installed on the device (e.g. emails). Notifications appear on the end user’s device, just like an app (e.g. for emails) installed on the device.

These notifications enable a website operator to contact its users whenever they have a browser open - it doesn’t matter whether the user is currently visiting the website or not.

To be able to send web push notifications, all you need is a website with a web push code installed. This allows brands without apps to take advantage of many of the benefits of push notifications (personalised real-time communications at just the right moment).

Web notifications are part of the W3C standard and define an API for end user notifications. A notification makes it possible to inform the user about an event, such as a new blog post, outside the context of a website.

JBL GmbH & Co. KG provides this service free of charge, and it is easy to activate or deactivate.