JBL AlgoPond Sorb
Biological algae blocker for the pond

  • Crystal-clear water by reducing the algae growth – biological algae blocker for the pond
  • Easy to use: determine the required quantity, mix it with pond water in a watering can, pour it evenly over the pond
  • Sunglasses effect: the reduction of light irradiation has a preventive effect against algae
  • Active iodine and vital substances to promote the health of the fish, no decrease of the pH level or the hardness in the pond
  • Contents: biological algae blocker, AlgoPond Sorb. Dosage: 40 ml per about 700 - 800 l pond water
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Price: 20,15 €
basic price 40.3 EUR / l
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Price: 70,36 €
basic price 28.14 EUR / l
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Product information

"Sunglasses effect" thanks to biological algae blocker
The natural colour extracts of the peat in AlgoPond Sorb lead to a slight amber tinge in the pond water. This, similar to sunglasses, absorbs certain spectral components from the light. For the algae an essential part of radiation is missing and their growth is limited. Hardness and pH are not affected. Active iodine and vital substances promote the health of the fish.

Easy use of AlgoPond Sorb
Determine the required quantity. Mix with pond water in a watering can and spread it evenly over the pond. Don’t filter with activated carbon. Also recommended for swimming ponds.

Dosage: 40 ml per about 700 -800 l pond water.


JBL AlgoPond Sorb 500 ml

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
0,5 l
10000 l
Volume packaging:
0.85 l
Gross weight:
578.7 g
Net weight:
502 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
40/220/97 mm


Animal species: Goldfish, Koi, Mussels, Snails, Sturgeons, Veiltails
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All pond fish
Volume habitat: > 10,000 L
Material: Polyvinylpyrrolidone, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt, humic acid, sodium salt, iodine, vitamin B, purified water
Colour: brown
Dosage: 40 ml per approx. 700 - 800 l pond water

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

JBL AlgoPond Sorb 2,5 l

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
2,5 l
50000 l
Volume packaging:
3.36 l
Gross weight:
2650 g
Net weight:
2500 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
150/195/115 mm


Animal species: Goldfish, Koi, Mussels, Snails, Sturgeons, Veiltails
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All pond fish
Volume habitat: > 50,000 L
Material: Polyvinylpyrrolidone, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt, humic acid, sodium salt, iodine, vitamin B, purified water
Colour: brown
Dosage: 40 ml per approx. 700 - 800 l pond water

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No
Can I use several anti-algae agents together in the pond?

Each JBL anti-algae agent has a special purpose. It is therefore not necessary to use several AlgoPond products at the same time. Use AlgoPond Green to combat green water. Use AlgoPond forte for thread algae and all other types of algae. If you want to change the product, allow a time interval of 14 days, a water change of at least 50 % and filtering via activated carbon. The products StabiloPond and PhosEx may, of course, be used together with an AlgoPond algae agent according to the 1-2-3 algae-free principle.

What is JBL AlgoPond Sorb for? When should I use it?

JBL AlgoPond Sorb is like a pair of sunglasses for the garden pond. The humic substances contained there turn the water slightly amber and thus reduce the amount of light entering the pond. Caring substances like Aloe Vera promote the well-being of the fish. One dosage starting in early spring (from the end of February, depending on weather conditions) and repeated every 4 weeks largely prevents the growth of algae.

I have successfully combatted the algae, but they have come back. Why have they returned and how can I prevent it?

The main cause of algae in garden ponds is too much light and too many nutrients. When combatting the algae, the nutrients bound in them are released, but then during the next spell of fine weather with sufficient light these nutrients are in the pond again ready to feed the next algae attack.

Preventive measure: JBL PhosExPond direct precipitates phosphates, they are removed from the water and from the algae. JBL PhosExPond filter permanently binds phosphates and limits their value. Having dealt with the algae JBL BactoPond can then be applied to minimize the nitrigen compounds. JBL SediExPond helps reduce the sludge at the bottom of the pond with its heterotrophic (all eating) strains of bacteria.

JBL AlgoPond Sorb adds natural humic substances to the water and through its slight amber colouring reduces the excessive amount of light entering the garden pond. This in turn results in a significant reduction of algae growth.

Can the pond care products StabiloPond Basis, JBL StabiloPond KH, JBL OxyPond, JBL FilterStart Pond, JBL PhosEx Pond Filter, JBL SediEx Pond, JBL AlgoPond Sorb, JBL AgoPond Forte*, JBL AlgoPond Green*, JBL PhosEx Pond Direct, JBL BactoPond be used with an operating UV-C water clarifier without any problems or should the UV-C unit be switched off?

In simple terms we can say that when applying the liquid products JBL AlgoPond Sorb, JBL AgoPond Forte*, JBL AlgoPond Green*, JBL PhosEx Pond Direct, JBL BactoPond the UV-C water clarifier should be temporarily switched off so that the active substances will not be destroyed. Please look up the time periods in the respective operation instructions.

With JBL StabiloPond Basis, JBL StabiloPond KH, JBL OxyPond, JBL FilterStart Pond, JBL PhosEx Pond Filter, JBL SediEx Pond the UV-C water clarifier may remain in operation.

* Labelling according to EU Directive 98/8/EC: Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use!

Blog (opinions & experiences)

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Pond care in summer - checklist and tips for algae-free fun

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Natural prevention against algae in the pond

Give your pond a pair of "biological sunglasses" to combat algae! By adding JBL AlgoPond Sorb, the spectral ranges that cause algae to grow are filtered out of the light. Works purely biologically without any side effects for animals and plants! Would you like to know more about the biological algae blocker with the sunglasses effect? Simply go to the...

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Pollen, The Algae Motor In The Pond

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Sunglasses for the Pond

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Algae in the Pond – An Outline

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Algae carpets on the water surface: act now!

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An anti-algae agent alone is no solution

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80 % of All Pond Owners Wrongly Estimated Their Water Volume

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1-2-3-algenfrei: Tipp der Woche

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Warum ist ein geringer Phosphatwert für die Algenkontrolle so wichtig ?

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Geben Sie Algen im Gartenteich kein Chance

Mit Beginn des Sommers nähert sich die Sonne Ihrem Höchststand. Jeden Tag nimmt die Lichtmenge zu.

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1-2-3-algenfrei: Tipp der Woche

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Laboratories and calculators

Pond laboratory / calculator

This worldwide unique pond laboratory gives you dedicated support to combat problems with algae and cloudiness in your pond.

Pond Guarantee

JBL guarantees you a pond without algae problems if you follow our 3 steps. If by any chance the algae have not disappeared by the end of step 3, please contact the JBL Online Pond Laboratory directly. There you will receive comprehensive online advice. In the unlikely event of your algae problems not being solved, despite your consultation with us, you will be refunded with the purchase price of all JBL 1-2-3 algae-free products purchased during the current calendar year.
Reference guide (Themeworld)

1-2-3 algae-free concept

Sooner or later every pond owner has to deal with the algae issue. Sometimes I’s the first time they’ve had to think about it and sometimes they have tried out various methods and treatments – unfortunately without any long term success. JBL has put scientists to work on that problem and they have worked out a concept which will guarantee success.

UV-C water clarifier

How to clean green water and bacterial cloudiness with an UV-C water clarifier

Combating algae

Do you have green water or thread algae? We’ll give you long term solutions for algae problems

Algae species

Do you have green water or thread algae? We’ll give you long term solutions for algae problems

Water cloudiness

Is your water crystal-clear? How cloudiness is caused and how you can remove it.


safety instructions

  • safety instruction for water conditioners
    • Filename:
Customer reviews

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