JBL AquaCristal UV-C: Does the ultraviolet light destroy active ingredients of my aquatic plant fertiliser?
UVC light degrades the chelators in the fertilizers, which prevent the precipitation of trace elements such as iron, among others. Therefore, when using a UVC water clarifier, it is advisable to change over to daily fertilisation. The standard dose needs to be converted into a daily dose at the beginning. It may also be necessary to increase the fertiliser dose slightly. Iron should be detectable in traces at least prior to each subsequent application of fertiliser. Vitamins and other higher grade organic compounds may likewise be broken down. Therefore, when using vitamins, it is advisable to add the fertilizer with the food twice a week.
JBL AquaCristal UV-C: There are sure to be some of them floating around now, and I would like to know whether they will be killed by a UV-C water clarifier.
A UV-C lamp kills all of the organisms floating around in the water, to the effect that the cyanobacteria will be killed as well.
JBL AquaCristal UV-C: Can I store my water tests near the UV-C appliance?
Water tests can be stored near a UV-C water clarifier with no trouble, as the bluish light that "shines out of" the hose connector is harmless. Besides this, the liquid reagents are contained in dark plastic bottles.
JBL AquaCristal UV-C: How long should the burner be on every day ?
It's not possible to make a general statement as to how long the burner should be on every day without seeing the aquarium, as information such as the germ load and the germ growth rate of the aquarium is required. However, in my experience, I would not keep the 36 W burner on for less than 12 h daily. In terms of the service life of the burner, non-stop operation would be preferable.
What JBL AquaCristal UV-C unit do you need for your aquarium or your garden pond?
Below you will find a synoptic table, which shows the ranges of the devices and the possible flow rate, depending on its intended purpose.
After two weeks, there is still slight whitish cloudiness in the tank. Therefore, I would like to purchase a UV-C clarifier.
What output do I need to get ?
Please check the table in the instructions for use which can be downloaded at https://www.jbl.de/?lang=en&mod=products&func=detail&id=7404.
Size of JBL AquaCristal UV-C 11 W?
The data refer to the installed appliance without control gear:
Length incl. of cable gland: 36 cm
Housing diameter: 8.5 cm
Diameter without hose tails and incl. back nuts: Back nuts 10.5 cm
Diameter without hose tails and incl. back nuts and mount: 13 cm
Diameter with hose tails (maximum) and incl. back nuts and mount: 19 cm
How much electric power (Watts) does my AquaCristal UV-C water clarifier need for a partial sterilization?
In the instruction booklet for the JBL AquaCristal we recommend the 18 W UV-C water clarifier for a partial sterilization of aquariums of up to 400 l max. and with a flow rate of up to 200 l/h. For a more extensive germ elimination the use of the bigger 36 W clarifier is advisable. Here the recommended flow rate of about up to 400 l/h needs to be taken into account. This makes a bypass connection advisable for most of the usual external filters in such aquariums.
What is the power consumption for the JBL AquaCristal UV-C 11 W water clarifier ?
A JBL AquaCristal UV-C water clarifier comprises the UVC burner and a ballast. The ballast also consumes a certain amount of electricity so that the total electrical power of the UVC clarifier is higher than the power used in the UV-C lamp.
The following table provides an overview of the actual measured values.
JBL AquaCristal UVC 11 W
Voltage: 236.4 V
Current: 0.16 amp
Volt-amperes: 37.82 VA
cos phi: 0.39
Active power: 14.75 W
What helps with green water in the aquarium?
Green water means floating algae, which grow when they have no competition from other plants and, even more, when the excrement of the fish creates excessive nutrient pollution in the water. The filter will not be able to do much about this. Ultimately, there are only two options:
1. Carry out significantly more water changes in order to remove the nutrients caused by fish excrement.
2. A JBL PROCRISTAL UV-C Compact plus kills off the floating algae.
A temporary measure is to switch off the light for 2-3 days in order to stop photosynthesis in the algae.
Do I have to turn off the UV clarifier when I add JBL Denitrol to my aquarium?
Yes, this is necessary. The bacteria need a little time to settle on the substrate. Until then they are floating freely in the water so that the UV-C radiation can kill them off. It is therefore recommendable to switch off the UV-C clarifier for 48 hours.
In the graphic depiction in the instructions for use for JBL AquaCristal UV-C, the UV-C water clarifier is connected behind the filter in an aquarium, whereas it is connected before the filter unit in a pond. Why is that so?
A UVC water clarifier is generally always connected behind the pump in order to ensure a proper flow.
In the majority of pond filters (with the exception of pressure filters), the filter holder is higher than the pond water level and the water flows out of the filter and down into the pond. The pond pump is in the pond. This is why the UVC water clarifier needs to be installed between the pump and the filter unit, to prevent the water from flowing back into it and blocking it.