Floating glass cleaning magnet with blade for thick aquarium panes

  • Conveniently and effectively cleans aquarium panes of 8 to 15 mm thickness: pane cleaning magnet with blade and floating internal element. Also suitable for curved panes
  • Easy to use: float the internal element on the water at the edge of the aquarium tank, use the external element to pull the internal element. Guide the magnet from the outside. Clean the pane in straight sliding movements
  • Patented edge protection: protection of aquarium silicone seals thanks to bevelled edges, swimming internal element: no scratches on the pane caused by trapped gravel stones. Also suitable for curved panes
  • Convenient to use: accesses hard-to-reach spots thanks to angles cleaning edge (e.g. behind technical equipment), blunt blade insert for particularly stubborn deposits (e.g. calcareous algae), reach into corners without getting your hands wet
  • Package contents: 1 floating pane cleaning magnet with blade
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Price: 55,18 €
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Price: 119,93 €
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Product information

Easy to use
Separate the floating internal element from the external element and place it on the water at the edge of the aquarium. Hold the external element close to the aquarium pane to attract the swimming part. Move the magnet from the outside with light circular movements over the aquarium pane surface. With the JBL FloatyBlade, straight movements are more useful to remove the algae deposits in "lanes".

Convenient to use
A protruding cleaning edge even allows access into hard-to-reach spots, such as behind technical devices. Reaches into corners easily without you getting your hands wet. With the blunt blade insert you even can remove very stubborn deposits (e.g. calcareous algae).

Gentle on the aquarium
The edge protection, patented by JBL, protects the silicone seams of the aquarium tank with the help of angled edges. The swimming internal element cannot fall into the gravel and cause trapped gravel stones to scratch the pane. There is no longer any need to “fish around” in the aquarium if the internal part becomes detached from the magnet.

What’s worth bearing in mind when cleaning your panes?
The glass aquarium panes are, in contrast to the plastic (acrylic/plexiglass) panes, harder than steel. This means they cannot be scratched with blades or metal pads. However, the gravel and sand in the aquarium is harder and can cause scratches if it gets between the cleaner and the glass. So be careful when you’re getting close to the ground with the glass cleaner.
The silicone seams of your aquarium are also at risk. Avoid damaging the silicone seams with pane cleaning blades. Use a care glove (JBL PROSCAPE CLEANING GLOVE) for cleaning these sensitive areas.



Art. no.:
EAN Code:
For glass:
15 mm
Volume packaging:
1.8 l
Gross weight:
339 g
Net weight:
290 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
55/265/130 mm


Animal species: Armored catfish, Arowana, Axolotl, Barbels, Bettas, Bichirs/reedfish, Blowfish, Catfish, Cichlids (South America), Clawed frogs, Clawed shrimps, Corals, Crayfish, Crustaceans, Danions, Discus, Dwarf crayfish, Dwarf shrimps, Flowerhorn, Gill maggots, Gobies, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Mussels, Newts, Panchaxes, Rainbowfish, Snails, Spiny eels, Terrapins, Tetra, Tropical terrapin, Veiltails, Water turtles, blood parrot cichlids, freshwater butterflyfish
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Volume habitat: 15mm
Material: neodymium, metal (steel), plastic (ABS)
Colour: black

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

Technical Data

Height:60 mm
Length:125 mm
Width:76 mm


Art. no.:
EAN Code:
For glass:
25 mm
Volume packaging:
2.06 l
Gross weight:
477 g
Net weight:
424 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
60/265/130 mm


Animal species: Armored catfish, Arowana, Axolotl, Barbels, Bettas, Bichirs/reedfish, Blowfish, Catfish, Cichlids (South America), Clawed frogs, Clawed shrimps, Corals, Crayfish, Crustaceans, Danions, Discus, Dwarf crayfish, Dwarf shrimps, Flowerhorn, Gill maggots, Gobies, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Mussels, Newts, Panchaxes, Rainbowfish, Snails, Spiny eels, Terrapins, Tetra, Tropical terrapin, Veiltails, Water turtles, blood parrot cichlids, freshwater butterflyfish
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Volume habitat: 25mm
Material: neodymium, metal (steel), plastic (ABS)
Colour: black

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No
Are the algae magnets also suitable for curved aquarium panes?

With curved panes, an algae magnet, such as the JBL FLOATY, cannot fully lie on the surface to clean the soiled areas effectively and powerfully. Only the edges of the FLOATY rest on the curved sections, making cleaning more difficult. Instead, we recommend using a cleaning glove (PROSCAPE CLEANING GLOVE), a blade cleaner (Aqua T-Handy) or the the glass pane cleaner (Blanki or WishWash).

Why does my JBL Floaty / algae magnet scratch the aquarium pane?

Scratched panes after using a glass cleaning magnet are always a sign of sand or gravel particles being caught between the inner parts of the magnet and the aquarium pane. The materials used for the JBL glass cleaning magnet are softer than the glass of the aquarium pane and cannot scratch it.

Blog (opinions & experiences)

JBL TV #29: Cleaning the aquarium pane - How to do it quickly and properly, without scratching

Cleaning the aquarium panes properly, without scratching. Avoid scratches caused by incorrect cleaning.

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JBL TV #28 Part 2: Aquarium care is so easy! Weekly measures

What do you need to do every week? We explain everything that needs to be done once a week.

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#jbldeal – Now you can benefit!

As a member of the myJBL community you have exclusive access to special promotions. We have attractive benefits and offers for you. Don’t miss out!

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The JBL Intern - Aquariums in the Company

When I first entered the administrative offices, I was very impressed by the display aquariums in the boss's office and in the various conference rooms.

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Video: JBL Floaty floating glass pane cleaner with magnet for clean panes

This aquarium glass pane cleaner is designed so that one part cleans the pane inside the aquarium while you move its magnetically connected outer part on the outer pane. Should the inner part lose contact, it floats to the water surface and you can simply use the magnetic outer part to re-engage it.

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Misunderstandings – typical beginner mistakes

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Outline: Fertilisation in the Aquarium

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Care products - The best solutions for your aquarium

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Social Escape – an aquarium slowly and relaxingly takes shape and is the antidote to burn out.

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An algae magnet has never been more effective

At first glance, the floating magnet tends to appear unspectacular. It only has one blade for removing stubborn algae which is attached on the side.

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Laboratories and calculators

Water Analysis Online Laboratory

Enter your water parameters and get an in-depth analysis of your values in a matter of seconds. You enter your water values – and we analyse! Here you have the opportunity to enter the measured water values directly into the JBL Online Laboratory. This will analyse your values and explain and submit corrective measures.
Reference guide (Themeworld)

Algae control

Here’s how to combat algae successfully and lastingly.


An aquarium requires less work than any other pet. Here’s how to do it properly!

Daily care

How much daily or weekly care is involved? What are the basic maintenance measures for your aquarium?

Useful equipment

Which tools and equipment facilitate your aquarium maintenance? What is really useful?

The marine aquarium

Holiday at the coral reef - in your own living room! Marine aquariums are the most exciting branch of aquatics

Biotope (habitat) aquarium types

A real piece of the Amazon or, with the Congo, a piece of the heart of Africa. A habitat (biotope) aquarium is a challenge. Can you emulate nature?

Aquascaping aquarium type JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium

Jungle aquarium type JBL Rio Pantanal®

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Rocky reef aquarium type JBL Malawi Rocks®

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Goldfish aquarium type JBL Goldfish Paradise®

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Nobody likes to clean. But with the right accessories, cleaning is child's play and can even be fun. We’ll list the most important cleaning work in the terrarium.


Additional product information and downloads

safety instructions

  • safety instruction for accessories
    • Filename:
spare parts
Customer reviews


Overall rating: 5.0
10 public review(s) for this product.

0 Reviews

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10 Reviews in other languages

aquagoekhan - German

Sehr starker Magnet, der die Aquarienscheiben rückstandslos reinigt. Dabei bleiben die Hände trocken :) Absolute Kaufempfehlung!

D. Zager - German

Sehr starker Magnet echt empfehlenswert für große Becken

S. Sass - German

Ich habe diesen Scheibenmagnet jetzt im Einsatz, ich bin begeistert von der Kraft des Magneten, meine 15 mm dicken Scheiben sind für den Magnet ein Kinderspiel. Er ist beim reinigen nicht einmal abgegangen, und die Reinigungs Leistung ist super.

Kenne keinen besseren.

Unterwasserwelt_Bautzen - German

Für mich aktuell der beste Scheibenmagnet auf dem Markt.

J. Mundt - German

Super Teil.

Super Reinigungsleistung und die stumpfe Klinge macht das, was sie soll, ohne Schäden zu hinterlassen. Und schneiden kann man sich auch nicht daran.

Tolles Produkt, meine unbedingte Empfehlung 👍

AquaBoxOfficial - German

Für mich ist es der beste Scheiben Magnet den ich bis jetzt hatte. Er schaft ganz easy auch härtere Verschmutzungen. Wenn man ihn benutzt vor dem Wasserwechsel spart man sich dann einfach beim Wasserwechsel die Scheibe Reinigung.

malawiaddiction - German

Der beste Scheiben Magnet den ich bisher hatte.

Sehr einfache Reinigung beim ersten wich ist eigentlich immer alles weg.

Auch die oberen Kalkränder gehen prima weg.

Durch der Versatz von Klinge oder Reinigungsfläche kommt man auch an schwer erreichbare stellen, wo ansonsten der Magnet stören würde.

Auch bei ruckhaften Bewegungen hält der Magnet bombenfest, er ist mir bisher nur sehr sehr selten schwimmen gegangen bei meiner Reinigungsarbeit.

malawiaddiction - German

Der beste Scheiben Magnet den ich bisher hatte.

Sehr einfache Reinigung beim ersten wich ist eigentlich immer alles weg.

Auch die oberen Kalkränder gehen prima weg.

Durch der Versatz von Klinge oder Reinigungsfläche kommt man auch an schwer erreichbare stellen, wo ansonsten der Magnet stören würde.

Auch bei ruckhaften Bewegungen hält der Magnet bombenfest, er ist mir bisher nur sehr sehr selten schwimmen gegangen bei meiner Reinigungsarbeit.

aquaristik_influencer - German

Einer der besten Scheiben Magnet Reiniger wenn man nicht großartig die Hände im Wasser haben möchte! durch die zusätzliche klinge reinigt dieser Magnet zu 99% die Scheiben beim ersten wisch :D

cichlids_catalunya - Spanish

El mejor que he probado, tengo el blade xl y merce la pena muchísimo. Lo axonsejo al 100%. De una pasada lo deja limpio limpio. Eso sí, el imán tiene tanta fuerza que hay que ir con cuidado no te pille un dedo en medio.

Satisfecho al 200%.

Gracias por estos productos, JBL

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