Why isn’t the JBL PROSCAN showing a CO2 value?
The CO2 content, which is only calculated from the values of pH and KH measured, is not displayed in the water type “pond”. This is because there are no systems in place in the pond which can increase or influence the CO2 content. In addition, the large water surface of most ponds ensures there is always sufficient CO2 entering the water from the atmosphere. In addition, most of the plants usually have direct access to the air in the atmosphere.
How long can the test strips be used once they have been opened?
Test strips are sensitive to moisture. The reaction starts immediately on contact. Please only remove the number of test strips you need and immediately reseal the container. The container contains a desiccant to absorb the moisture from any air trapped inside. If the container is left open for some time, a reaction may already have occurred rendering the test strips unusable. The digital test strips for JBL PROSCAN are much more sensitive to the effects of moisture than the somewhat coarser scaled JBL PROAQUATEST EASY 7in1. Always store the test strips in a cool and dry place.
Why can't I register / log in to the app anymore even though my data is correct?
Please use your username and password to log in to the app. The email address will not be accepted as username. Make sure beforehand that you have already created a myJBL profile.
Does the colouration of the water by peat, algae or other substances affect the test result?
With the JBL PROSCAN the test results are not affected by the inherent colouration of the water and are still reliable. With the JBL PROAQUATEST drop reagents this effect is compensated by the use of the comparator block and also leads to a reliable test result.
The latest measurements on your smartphone after the initial setup
If you go on our website to view the online profiles under myJBL --> myAnalyses, you will find all the measurements. As soon as you log in again with your smartphone and add a new measurement to the respective profile, the 4 latest measurements will also be downloaded from the cloud and will be available again on your smartphone.
The measurements are not transmitted - error during data transfer
If your new measurements cannot be successfully transferred, it is probably because your access data has changed. Each measurement is linked to its user's record on the creation date. If the measurement is not transferred (missing Internet connection) and your access data changes (password changed), this error occurs. Solution: Please delete the app, confirm the removal of the locally saved data and reinstall the app. If you now log in, your profiles will be downloaded and with the first addition of a new, further measurement you will also see your old measurements in the app again. On the JBL website you can view and compare all the measurements you have saved at any time under myJBL --> My analyses.
How is the CO2 content of the digital water test strip determined?
Unlike the other six parameters on the quick test strip of the JBL PROSCAN digital water test, the CO2 content is calculated on the basis of the pH and carbonate hardness values measured in your aquarium water. This is reported in three categories: "Value too low", "Everything OK" and "Value too high". You may recognise this procedure from the so-called CO2 tables which you can also find in the JBL Themeworld Aquarium:
The procedure is only an indicator, however, as other acidic substances can falsify the calculation. If you want to know the exact content, a drop test will help. You can carry out this fast and very accurate method of determining the CO2 content with the JBL PROAQUATEST CO2 Direct. Just add an indicator liquid to a sample of your aquarium water and count the drops until a stable pink coloration is obtained. This test even enables you to eliminate other acid influences on the test result.
Why am I getting the message „measurement not possible“
Please make sure that the ProScan analysis strip is correctly aligned. This means that the measurement fields are placed at the word “Top” on the ColorCard. “Bottom” indicates that side of the analysis strip, which you are holding in your hand.
When reading the ColorCard the whole card should always be visible in the recording window. A slight margin all around will ensure that the “corner points” can be focused.
How can I store the measurement values?
You can store the measured values as an image with the button „Share” or you can send them to yourself by SMS or email. If you are already registered and logged in, the app also gives you the opportunity to display the analysis of the last measurement. All you have to do is click on "Save" on the results page.
Why doesn’t ProScape work on my mobile?
In order to determine the photometric measuring results accurately ProScan needs a camera with autofocus. This is the only way to determine the results with maximum precision. Not having one could prevent you from downloading the app from the store. Moreover the app requires the Android version 7.0 or higher or iOS 13.0 or higher. It is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, as well as with 5100 Android smartphone and tablet types. If the download in the store doesn’t work, your mobile is probably incompatible with one of the above mentioned points. If there are any problems during use, e.g. with the scanning, please contact our customer service team: www.jbl.de/en/support .
Why do I get different measurement results with repeated measurements?
Please note that the analysis strips will continue to react. Thus a strip can only be scanned once. A repeated scan would lead to different values, because they change dramatically after 70+ seconds. However the fluctuations can also indicate an incorrect reading caused by shadows/reflections. It is best to carry out the test near a window with bright light and using a sheet of white paper as a matt non-reflecting base. Direct light from above casts shadows or reflections which can affect the colour rendering. The ColorCard should be uniformly illuminated. Please remember to ALWAYS shake the water sideways off the analysis strip. “Puddles” can cause the colour fields to react with each other and to produce reflections. Please always approach your smartphone vertically to the ColorCard.
How do I report a new error?
JBL ProScan is being developed continuously. We will repair bugs and small errors which can be caused by software updates as soon as we can. To help us in this, we request a short email to socialmedia@jbl.de with the software version, device name, designation of the smartphone and a description of the errors with words and pictures.
Can I print out my ColorCard myself?
Unfortunately it is not possible to print the ColorCard of ProScan yourself. It is produced by means of a special printing process and afterwards tested on a special device for colour fastness.
Only this way can we guarantee the high accuracy of measurements made with the ProScan test kits.
Can I also use it in saltwater?
JBL ProScan is not designed for use in saltwater. The scales of measurement and recommendations inside apply only to freshwater.
After using the ProScan app my JBL account is locked
Please log out from the ProScan app. Either ask the help desk to unlock your account or change your password. Now you can register again to return to the app.
Why did it happen? Old unsynchronised measurements are being transferred with the old access data. The app offers a data reconciliation in the background. After repeated data reconciliation attempts your access gets blocked for security reasons. Please do not change your data until all the measurements have been transferred from the app.
The easiest way to prevent such problems when changing the access data is to log out from the app.
Can I also use the EasyTest strips?
JBL ProScan Recharge are special digital analysis strips which have been designed for the ProScan app. They enable a detailed and precise evaluation in small scaling steps. JBL undertakes no guarantee for the correctness for the use of the EasyTest 6in1 strips. These have definitely less fine scaling steps and are not suitable for reliable measurement analysis. They are therefore incompatible.
Which way round do I place the ProScan analysis strip onto the ColorCard?
On the ColorCard the "top" and "bottom" are indicated. When picking up the test strips you automatically hold the "bottom" side. It’s the side with no analysis fields on the strip. On the "top" side the analysis fields are printed right to the edge. An error message appearing in the app usually means the analysis strip has been positioned on the ColorCard the wrong way round. Just correct the position.
Why do I get an error message that the test strip is not correctly aligned?
In the operating system of your smartphone there is a resource management. This also manages your camera. Because other apps are accessing the camera too, it can occasionally happen after use that a new access is not granted and therefore a blockage can occur. As result you receive an error message from your ProScan app despite a correctly aligned analysis strip. Especially after an update you can find the resource “camera” blocked for further apps, including JBL ProScan.
In many cases the solution is quite simple: Close all the apps in the background on your task manager. Now restart your smartphone and open JBL ProScan as your first app. Carry out the scan again. By closing and restarting all the resources will be released. If the error still occurs, the test strip is not correctly aligned on the ColorCard. You can also test the app is working by carrying out a test scan without an analysis strip and using the empty ColorCard.
Does the test also work correctly in osmosis and distilled water?
In weakly buffered solutions such test methods can’t deliver reliable test results for pH values.
Further parameters, such as NO3, NO2, GH, KH und Cl are not affected by this. But the calculations of the CO2 content can here also lead to incorrect values.
Why don’t the water values match my JBL drop count test?
Each test has a fixed scale, which enables the allocation of the water values. For example the steps in a drop test are different to those of the ProScan. Therefore ProScan also has a scale to enter the values and to avoid jumps at repeated measurements. Bigger differences between the values mostly indicate an incorrect reading caused by shades/reflections. Best is to carry out the test near a window with bright light. Direct light from above casts shadows or reflections which can affect the colour rendering. Please remember ALWAYS to shake the water off the analysis strip sideways. “Puddles” can cause the colour fields to react with each other and to produce reflections.
Incorrect values can occur through expired drop tests too (i.e. tests which have been open for more than 9 months) or incorrect use (with air-filled drops and deviating water quantities). In this case please check your measurements once more.
One example:
The aquarium has the following water values: 18 mg/l NO3, 0.5 mg/l NO2, 5° dGH, 7 mg/l CO2, 1.5° dKH, 6.8 pH.
The measurements with the different systems give the following values:
The ProScan shows following values: 18 mg/l NO3, 0.5 mg/l NO2, > 4° dGH, < 15 mg/l CO2 (by way of calculation), 1.5° dKH, 6.8 pH.
The drop test shows the following values: 20 mg/l NO3, 0.6 mg/l NO2, 5° dGH, 10 mg/l CO2 (by way of calculation), 2°dKH, 6.8 pH
Both results are very precise and differ only slightly from each other. This has no negative effect on further statements and actions. Inaccuracies in the application have a greater effect on the results than jumps resulting from the scale. Finer scaling steps could result in an inability to allocate the results exactly to the same measuring points when there is some divergence of light and distance in the surroundings. This would cause the values to jump again in a repeated test.