Living cleansing bacteria for immediate aid

  • For healthy fish and clear, clean aquarium water
  • Use: shake disposable cartridge, open and put entire content into the aquarium. Ideal for 60-200 litres freshwater
  • Always use after: water change, filter cleaning, medication and adding of new fish
  • Breaks down ammonium/ammonia and nitrite. Supports the filter and reduces sludge (dirt on the ground)
  • Package contents: 1 disposable cartridge with 50 ml concentrate of living cleansing bacteria for freshwater aquariums
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Price: 6,53 €
basic price 130.6 EUR / l
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Product information

Bacteria are not always negative organisms! In the soil and in the water, they are among the most important and useful helpers for such activities as removing toxins or converting them into harmless substances. Several JBL bacterial products contain highly concentrated bacterial strains designed for such purposes as converting problematic nitrogen compounds, such as ammonium (NH4), ammonia (NH3) and nitrite into harmless nitrogen compounds (nitrate (NO3) or nitrogen gas (N2)). Live bacterial cultures in JBL products like JBL ProClean Bac, JBL Denitrol, JBL FilterStart and JBL FilterBoost can’t be overdosed! This is because the bacteria may be added in over-concentration, but the survival of the bacteria is linked to the available nutrients. If, for example, a lot of ammonium is present, many bacteria can live on it and reproduce. If there is hardly any ammonium, only a part of the bacteria will survive. Here, supply and demand regulate the amount of bacteria.



Art. no.:
EAN Code:
50 ml
60-200 l
Volume packaging:
0.09 l
Gross weight:
63 g
Net weight:
50 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
25/145/25 mm


Animal species: Armored catfish, Arowana, Axolotl, Barbels, Bettas, Bichirs/reedfish, Blowfish, Catfish, Cichlids (South America), Clawed frogs, Clawed shrimps, Crayfish, Crustaceans, Danions, Discus, Dwarf crayfish, Dwarf shrimps, Flowerhorn, Gill maggots, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Mussels, Newts, Panchaxes, Rainbowfish, Snails, Spiny eels, Terrapins, Tetra, Tropical terrapin, Veiltails, Water turtles, blood parrot cichlids, freshwater butterflyfish
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Volume habitat: 60-200 L ( 60-100cm)
Material: Various strains of water cleaning bacteria (nitrosomonas, nitrobacter and others) in buffer solution. All bacteria belong to the risk class R1.
Colour: transparent
Dosage: 50ml is sufficient to activate 60-200l aquarium water
Transport conditions: Do not store at temperatures below 0°C or above 40°C; short term transport below 0°C is not a problem and does not affect its functioning.

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

Technical Data

Height:145 mm
Length:25 mm
Width:25 mm
diameter:25 mm
High nitrite value - addition of bacteria and effects

When JBL Detoxol is used free ammonium is bound in the water, which provides immediate relief for the fish. This removal of ammonium also prevents any further nitrate from forming. Any nitrite already present is not bound. If you have high nitrite values, carry out a water change beforehand. A subsequent addition of bacteria will help you maintain a sustainable and biological removal of ammonium and nitrite.

What happens, when Denitrol has been dosed and the animals aren’t added until several days later?

If you don’t immediately add your animals, the cleansing bacteria included in Denitrol will quickly die from lack of food. If you wait a few days before adding the animals (against the advice of these instructions) problems will occur with ammonium/ammonia and nitrite. In the end, the bacteria will not be able to develop and will die off due to a lack of food. As a result the ammonium excreted by the fish will not be broken down. Since no bacteria are present to oxidise ammonium into nitrate in two steps, a nitrite peak will occur despite the application. If the first fish are introduced immediately after the addition of Denitrol, the purification bacteria get food and begin to multiply. This is comparable to an unathletic person who starts doing sports and first has to "train up" his fitness. This ensures that there are enough bacteria right from the start and that neither ammonium/ammonia nor nitrite become a problem when more fish are added. Please always increase the fish stock moderately and only after a few days.

If I want to add live bacteria to my aquarium, do I need to switch off the UV-C device?

Yes, this would be useful. The bacteria, as for example in JBL Denitrol or JBL PROCLEAN BAC, need a little time to settle on the substrate. Until then they are floating freely in the water so that the UV-C radiation can kill them off. It is therefore recommendable to switch off the UV-C device for a day.

Blog (opinions & experiences)


The water change is the lifeblood of your aquarium. Not only do we have the right tools for this, we also have a #jbldeal for you that will benefit you and your fish.

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JBL AquaMyths #5

The AquaMyths are back and today they are looking at the following two myths: “Water changes are not necessary” and “Small aquariums make it easier to get into the hobby”?

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Cleaning in the aquarium made easy with JBL PROCLEAN products

With the right tools, cleaning is child's play and done in no time at all. Cleaning can even be fun.

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JBL TV #36: Home moving with an aquarium - How to move smoothly from A to B

If a home move with the aquarium is well prepared, it will not cause any problems.

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JBL TV #35: Water change in the aquarium - Why? How? When?

Every 2 weeks 1/3 of the aquarium water needs to be renewed instead of just replenishing the evaporated water.

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JBL TV #32: Quick and easy cleaning tips - for internal & external filters

Sooner or later your aquarium filter will get dirty. This is how to clean it properly.

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Filter maintenance made easy – It’s time to clean the aquarium

Have you ever thought about cleaning your filter? JBL guides you through it step by step, telling you which parts can be cleaned correctly and easily. Giving you a checklist so that you don't forget anything.

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Automatic water change - No drips and spills!

Today let’s talk about making the water change less messy, to save the living room carpet from getting ruined.

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JBL TV #20: Bacterial starters for aquariums - a waste of money or absolutely essential?

All you need to know about bacterial starters for aquariums: Should you wait 2 weeks after setting up the aquarium or use a bacterial starter straight away?

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JBL TV #19 Part 6: Aquarium set-up - water preparation, starting, attaching background pictures

How do you prepare your water correctly before starting an aquarium? How do you get a biological balance?

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Video: Bacteria for clear, clean aquarium water without pollutants

Add useful purifying bacteria to your aquarium water to keep the water crystal clear and ensure that pollutants are broken down quickly and safely.

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JBL TV #10: How to start an aquarium

Why do you need a bacteria starter? What happens if you run an aquarium without a bacteria starter?

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JBL TV #7: Why do fish die in high nitrite levels and what can be done about it?

How does the nitrogen cycle in the aquarium work? Why do nitrite values get too high and how can the value be reduced? Why adding salt is senseless.

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Moving With Your Aquarium – The Checklist

But wait, how do I transport my aquarium(s) from A to B? What ’s important here? We have put together a checklist-like post that explains the process, so you won’t forget anything.

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Care products - The best solutions for your aquarium

With the right products, aquarium care is not only easy, but can also be a lot of fun! The formulas that make up JBL products are based on intensive research and, especially with care products, their effects are not always immediately visible, yet in the medium and long-term they’ll result in a beautiful aquarium and healthy fish.

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Bacteria starter – starting an aquarium without a run-in phase – Part 2

In the previous post we discussed the use and necessity of bacteria products in aquariums. In this one we will answer your frequently asked questions on the subject.

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Bacteria starter – starting an aquarium without a run-in phase – Part 1

Bacterial preparations for aquariums have been on the market for more than 20 years. That’s a very long time. From the start they were used to establish healthy bacterial flora or as an emergency measure to quickly add fish to a freshly set up aquarium.

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Frost can’t harm JBL bacteria starter any more

Till now, JBL bacteria starters were delivered with special polystyrene heat packs during frost periods or, in very low temperatures, not delivered at all. This is now a thing of the past!

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JBL to Go: Bacteria to take away

With JBL ProClean Bac we have followed the wishes of many aquarium friends and specialist dealers and produced a ready-to-use, immediate effect bacterial concentrate.

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Reference guide (Themeworld)

Rocky reef aquarium type JBL Malawi Rocks®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Jungle aquarium type JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Goldfish aquarium type JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.

Aquascaping aquarium type JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium


safety instructions

  • safety instruction for water conditioners
    • Filename:
Customer reviews


Overall rating: 4.9
32 public review(s) for this product.

2 Reviews


its a nice product to use after your water change. it helps a lot with your filter's biology!


A very good product for newly established tanks.

25 more reviews in other languages

25 Reviews in other languages

K. Rusch - German

Mein treuer Begleiter,wenns mal wieder schnell gehen & ein neues Aquarium einfahren werden muss. 👌

R. Pech - German

Das JBL Pro Clean Bac, kam bei mir nach dem Filter Wechsel zum Einsatz und was soll ich sagen kein Nitrit kein Ammonium/ Ammoniak, nichts alles wie vor dem Filter Wechsel 🤩. Also von mir definitiv 5 🌟 🤩🤗

freshwaterscapes - Dutch

I add this to a 250L aquarium after every waterchange, to boost microbial life in the tank. It's hard to tell the effect it has when your tank is running smoothly, unitl you have a different tank in which you don't use the product. The water is clearer for longer. But I mainly use this product because I have a layer of mulm in my soil which is susceptible to blue-green algae. With this the problems seem to be gone.

I only want a bigger bottle of this!

LadyDiscus - Polish

AquaBoxOfficial - German

Ich benutze es nach einer Filterreinigung sicher ist sicher es eignet sich auch super bei Neueinrichtungen.

A.Q.U.A.R.I.S.T.I.Komet - German

Ein gutes zusätzliches Produkt, was in Kombination mit dem Filterstarter die ersten wichtigen Bakterien in ihr Aquarium bringt.

scapingmania - German

Für mich der beste Bakterienstarter und in keinem neuen Becken wegzudenken... Ich benutze das zeug IMMER und würde auch kein Becken mehr ohne starten wollen.. Ich kann nach einem Tag schon die verbesserung sehen und testen.. Kein Trübes Wasser, direkt klar



K. Buchgeister - German

Sehr gutes Produkt.

Ich hatte schon lange Probleme mit Schwebeteilchen, dank diesem Produkt gehören sie der Vergangenheit an!

Nur zu empfehlen für Kristallklares Wasser und die Fische fühlen sich sichtlich wohler.

A. Gillet - French

Bonjour bon produit je l'utilise dans mes bacs à crevettes et poissons lors du nettoyage des mousses de filtration

S. Kübler - German

Super Produkt. Lässt sich einfach und schnell ins Becken geben. Wird von mir immer zum Neustart eines Beckens genutzt.

P. Hergenröther - German

Ich finde das Produkt klasse. Einfach nach dem Wasserwechsel mit rein schütten. Und bei der gängigen Größe von bis zu 200 Liter Becken kein nach messen nötig. Vielleicht ein bisschen viel Plastik, aber gut. Wird ja auch sonst schwierig es anders zu verpacken.

H. PEKTAŞ - Turkish

Es hat einen sehr praktischen Nutzen! Nach jedem Wasserwechsel gebe ich es ins Aquarium.


A great and really helpful product. Ideal for a new setup(aquarium) if you want to "kick-start" it.

tangelo.shrimps - German

S. Tejera Galindo - Spanish

Lo uso siempre en mis cambios de agua. Totalmente recomendado

https://www.tiktok.com/@acuariomania - Spanish

Lo utilizo casi siempre cuando hago cambios de agua o limpio el filtro en profundidad.

Unterwasserwelt_Bautzen - German

Einfach nur sehr hilfreich.

Schnelle und einfache Dosierung indem man einfach nur die Kappe ab machen muss und dann rein schütten ins Becken.

Aufjedenfall zu empfehlen.

T. Fischer - German

Diese shots sind klasse!

Kappe ab und rein damit!

Da ich Nanobecken habe und ein shot pro Becken zu viel wäre, teile ich den einfach auf. Perfekt wenns schnell gehen muss!

Und die Wirkung ist ebenfalls top!

Findet regelmäßig Anwendung!

Aquascape.boutique - Dutch

The product itself seems to have the right effect. Ideally would still buy the product, if it is sold in bottle. Does it work? Yes it does!

_aqua4you_ - German

Sehr einfache Dosierung. Lässt sich gut im Aquarium verteilen.

Lediglich der Plastikmüll, der durch die kleinen Packungen entsteht ist noch verbesserungs fähig.

malawireef - French

Sehr gutes Produkt, verwende ich oft nach meinem Wasserwechsel.

Aquariuana - German

Sehr gutes Produkt, wird bei mir genutzt nach einer größeren Filterreinigung oder zum Start eines neuen Beckens :)

M. Alparslan - German

Der Pro Clean ist eins meiner Lieblingsprodukte .

Benutze es bei der Filterreinigung oder Neueinrichtung .

Habe festgestellt das Mulm schnell abgebaut wird und das Wasser Kristallklar wird ( Bei mir mit e1500 - 500 L Becken ) ich möchte es nicht mehr missen da nützliche Bakterien für mich das A und O für eine gesunde Wasserqualität ist.

Ragnarshrimps - French

Produits très efficace, même dans mes aquariums à crevettes. Je l'utilise dès que je nettoie les mousses de mes exhausteurs. Serait pratique d'avoir une graduation car mes bacs font 20 litres.

aqua_aktiv - German

Das Produkt selbst bzw die flüssigkeit an sich bekommt von mir 5 sterne es wirkt super ABER ich finde es sehr schade das gerade ein unternehemen was speziel aquarien produkte herstellt so viel plastik in diesem produkt verbraucht wen man sich mal das bild anschaut sieht man die ausmase erst mal https://www.jbl.de/images/container/w470_h282/75945.jpg und da sind gerade mal 1200ml drin und so viel plastik was in den meeren landet ich würde mich freuen wen ihr es in tetra paks machen würdet und die umwelt,Fische so wie die meere würden sich freuen und es ist wieder erneuer bar ;) (vielen dank fürs lesen)

Comment from JBL:

Hallo Yannik,

vielen Dank für deine Anregungen. Hier gehen Konvenienz und Nachhaltigkeit auseinander. Leider sind nicht viele andere Materialien momentan denkbar, denn die Haltbarkeit der Bakterien und die Stabilität müssen erhalten bleiben. Ansonsten funktioniert es nicht.

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