
¿Quieres recibir información de interés sobre el hobby o echar un vistazo entre los bastidores de JBL? Nuestro equipo de expertos de JBL pone regularmente a tu disposición conocimientos, consejos y demás información sobre los distintos tipos de hobby que no encontrarás en ningún envase ni en la descripción de los productos. Aprovecha la oportunidad y participa en las discusiones sobre temas controvertidos o expresa tus dudas. Ten al equipo de expertos tan cerca como nunca.

Interzoo 2016 – Introducing JBL’s innovations at the world's leading trade fair


From May 26 to May 29, 2016 the world’s leading trade fair Interzoo opened its doors for the 34th time in Nuremberg. The trade fair, exclusively aimed at the specialist trade, showcased product innovations from all over the world.

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Inside JBL: videos and exclusive insights into the new food production hall


Take this unique opportunity to accompany us on a tour through our new production area, where up to 35 tons of food is manufactured per day.

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Inside JBL – How does the food get in the tin?


You’ve probably already asked yourself how food gets put in tins. During our company tours we not only show our visitors how food is manufactured, but also how the tins are filled and sealed.

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Garten- & Zooevent 2015 – Innovations and Information


At last, last weekend, we presented our product innovations to a wide audience of specialists at the ”Garten- & Zooevent” in Kassel . After some short product training, our general manager Roland Böhme took to the stand and introduced his favourite new item.

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What is an Aqua-terrarium / Paludarium?


You’ve seen them in zoos. They are a combination of conventional terrariums and aquariums. On top there’s a rainforest, below there’s an aquarium.

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The JBL Intern - All good things have to come to an end, or do they?


Hi folks, My time as an intern at JBL is now coming to an end. The five months were a lot of fun and I learned a lot about working in marketing and also about this hobby.

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The JBL Intern - 10 Things You Didn’t Know About JBL


Hey guys! In the last few weeks, I’ve learned so many new things about JBL that I didn't know before and I don't want you to miss out. That's why I’ve decided to rank them into a top ten.

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Interzoo 2016 – Need clarification? JBL ProCristal will help


Neben ProHaru ist die neue ProCristal Produktlinie mit zahlreichen Neuheiten ein echter Zugewinn für Ihr Aquarium oder Ihren Gartenteich.

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Interzoo 2016 –Bonding with ProHaru®


This post introduces you to another innovation. It is the product line ProHaru® which creates bonds in your aquarium, terrarium or pond to last a lifetime.

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The JBL Intern - The diversity of social media


Hi everyone! Nowadays social media is a part of our daily life. The Corona era in particular has had a huge influence on the use of social media.

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Video: JBL ProScan for water analysis of tap, aquarium and pond water using your smartphone


Have you ever tested your aquarium water with your mobile phone? With the free JBL PROSCAN app and the JBL ProScan test strips you can test the 7 most important water values of your aquarium water in just one minute.

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Inside JBL – The fan meeting “Online meets Offline”


You have probably already read or heard of it. The JBL fan meeting “Online meets Offline” takes place annually for selected applicants. JBL fans can apply for one of the 25 coveted places for some unforgettable hours with JBL.

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Mites and mould in the terrarium


Any terrarium owner can experience mites and mould. It isn’t always a problem, but can become one when …

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Laboratory Comparator System to Compensate the Intrinsic Colour of the Water


Instead of comparing the colour change of the water on a colour scale, a second measuring glass with the aquarium water is put on the colour field of the colour chart.

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Inside JBL – Live construction project - extruder hall


Today we would like to give you an exclusive insight into the new construction of our extruder hall. You have been able to follow the progress of the construction project 21211 online with the webcam for several months now. In the meantime the project has advanced considerably.

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The JBL Intern - On The Road With The Sales Force


Max and Moritz on Tour - that’s been the motto of the last few days. Instead of sitting in an office, I’ve been allowed to go out and do some field work, and get to know JBL from a completely different side.

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Formal “Sie” or informal “du”? - International communication is not always easy - take Germany as an example!


There, you can address the individual community members with the familiar "du" or the polite but more distant "Sie", depending on how close you are to the addressee. The "Sie" can strengthen the underlining of our professionalism, but can also be perceived as a little distant.

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The JBL Intern - We Shoot Videos! Do You?


Hi everyone! As you've already noticed, shooting short videos for our social media channels is an integral part of our daily routine.

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Inside JBL: AirView – an Aerial View of the JBL Plant


Take off and have an aerial view of the JBL plant in Neuhofen. We’re going for a trip in a quadrocopter, flying over nearly 10,000 m2 of JBL company premises!

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The JBL Intern - My Job is My Hobby


Hi guys! I’ve been The JBL Intern for three months now and continuing to really enjoy my work. Being in contact with like-minded people and constantly learning new things from them is also affecting how I go about my hobby.

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How is a reel / TikTok video made? - A visit to the Landau Reptilium


Even though the short videos on Instagram and TikTok are just a maximum of 15 seconds long, a lot of work goes into making these short clips look the way you see them.

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The JBL Interns - Now twice as good!


Hi guys, Moritz has already told you that Online Marketing has received reinforcements with me as its second student. Since February, I’ve been an "Online Marketing" intern at JBL.

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#jbldeal – Now you can benefit!


As a member of the myJBL community you have exclusive access to special promotions. We have attractive benefits and offers for you. Don’t miss out!

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JBL PROMEAL - The food box for aquarium and terrarium keepers


The first JBL PROMEAL food box gives you the choice of the following dishes.

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#jblinside - Jörn The Sales Rep At The Customer


You’ll find the first part of his report in this post.

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Vienna - Haus des Meeres


As we mentioned in the last blog, our JBL marketing team visited the Haus des Meeres in August 2021 for the filming of the new JBL TV episodes.

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JBL Expedition 2016: In the Rainforest of Venezuela - Part 1


In just a few weeks 50 participants are setting off for the Venezuelan rainforest. I planned this expedition - as far as it’s possible to plan it – during my preparatory trip in 2014. The best thing about it has to be that we are going to be travelling in regions where there’s no tourisms at all.

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New Year Competition – Start the aquarium year 2016 with a newly-packed JBL ToolBag.


In the new section myJBL you will regularly find exciting new competitions. And to start the year we’ve thought up a nice little activity for you.

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The new Aquarist Care - JBL Expedition approved!


In line with our new JBL PROCLEAN care product range, we’ve decided it’s time to develop a shower gel for all you aquarists and we’re calling it JBL PROCLEAN SHOWER.

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BEST OF JBL TV 2021 - Review and Preview


826 days ago, on Oct 11, 2019, the first JBL TV episode was released. A format that takes on fundamentally important aspects of the aquarium, terrarium and pond and explains them clearly.

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Cookies: información breve y seguimos

La página web de JBL también usa varios tipos de cookies para poder ofrecerle una funcionalidad completa y muchos servicios: las cookies técnicas y funcionales son imprescindibles para que todo funcione cuando visite esta página web. También empleamos cookies para el marketing. Así podemos reconocerle cuando vuelva a visitar nuestra amplia página, medir el éxito de nuestras promociones y, mediante cookies de personalización, también podemos llamar su atención de forma individual, directa y adaptada a sus necesidades incluso fuera de nuestra página web. Usted puede determinar en todo momento –incluso con posterioridad– qué cookies desea permitir y cuáles no (más información en «Cambiar configuración»).

La página web de JBL también usa varios tipos de cookies para poder ofrecerle una funcionalidad completa y muchos servicios: las cookies técnicas y funcionales son imprescindibles para que todo funcione cuando visite esta página web. También empleamos cookies para el marketing. Usted puede determinar en todo momento –incluso con posterioridad– qué cookies desea permitir y cuáles no (más información en «Cambiar configuración»).

En nuestra política de privacidad obtendrá información de cómo tratamos sus datos personales y la finalidad de dicho tratamiento de datos. obtendrá información de cómo tratamos sus datos personales y la finalidad de dicho tratamiento de datos. Rogamos que confirme el uso de todas las cookies pulsando «He tomado nota» para poder continuar.

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Notificaciones PUSH (emergentes) de JBL

¿Qué son las notificaciones PUSH? Como parte del estándar W3C, las notificaciones de escritorio definen una API para las notificaciones destinadas a los usuarios finales, que serán enviadas por medio de notificaciones al navegador del equipo de sobremesa y/o dispositivo móvil del usuario. Las notificaciones aparecen en los terminales de la forma que el usuario final conoce por las app instaladas en el dispositivo (p. ej., correos electrónicos). Las notificaciones aparecen en los terminales de la forma que el usuario final conoce por las app instaladas en el dispositivo (p. ej., correos electrónicos).

Estas notificaciones permiten al propietario de una página web ponerse en contacto con sus usuarios siempre que estos tengan un navegador abierto, independientemente de si el usuario está visitando la página web en ese momento o no.

Para poder enviar notificaciones de escritorio solo se necesita una página web con un código web push instalado. Así, las marcas que no tengan app también pueden beneficiarse de las muchas ventajas que ofrecen las notificaciones emergentes (también denominadas push, comunicaciones personalizadas en tiempo real justo en el momento adecuado).

Las notificaciones de escritorio son parte del estándar W3C y definen una API para las notificaciones destinadas a los usuarios finales. Una notificación permite notificar al usuario sobre un suceso como, p. ej., un artículo nuevo en un blog, fuera del contexto de una página web.

JBL GmbH & Co. KG ofrece este servicio de forma gratuita, el cual puede activarse tan fácilmente como se puede desactivar.