JBL PROMEAL - The food box for aquarium and terrarium keepers

Inspired by 16 JBL expeditions to the most diverse destinations on this earth, our JBL team and expedition members have been privy to some interesting local dishes and recipes. From a European point of view, these can sometimes seem daunting at first, but there have been some real treats and delicacies.  

We have thought about this for some time, but the production of food for our aquarium, terrarium and pond inhabitants with the freshest ingredients is of such a high standard that there is no longer any reason to hold back the production of contemporary food boxes full of fresh and high-quality ingredients. It’s no problem for JBL and it fits in with our existing production systems. 

As multiple food boxes have proven to be extremely popular in recent years and cooking shows and cooking duels on TV also work with them, we no longer want to deprive you of our expertise from the individual countries. With a weekly subscription, you can put together your personal JBL PROMEAL food box from up to 5 recipes and have it sent to your home. All recipes are "JBL EXPEDITION TESTED" and easy to recreate. 

Each package comes with a card with illustrated instructions so that even inexperienced amateur cooks can prepare the delicacies and create the same taste as the teams experienced on the JBL expeditions. Apart from water, all other ingredients including spices, vegetables, fruits and the main ingredients are included. The box is delivered chilled by express. 

You choose the day of delivery. Possible delivery options are Tuesday to Friday. Shipping in an ecological grass paper box goes without saying, as does the use of recyclable cool elements to keep the food fresh. 

For the first JBL PROMEAL food box you can choose from the following dishes: 

Steamed fillet of the payara on manioc

This food fish from the genus dogfish tetras is known as the dog tooth characin or vampire tetra. Instead of serving it with "blood" that flows when hunting its prey, we decided to serve the imposing little fellow with manioc, which is often used as a feed additive in meat production. A popular food fish from Colombia. 

Lime bouillon from the metynnis

The fruity acidity of the lime and the fat of the metynnis make a strong bouillon that provides sufficient warmth even on cold days in Europe and helps with mild colds. Its predominantly vegetarian diet also makes it particularly tasty for us humans, coupled with the vitamin C of the lime. A popular edible fish from Colombia.  

Grilled catfish in a fiery herb marinade

The catfish family comprises more than 50 species. The fleshy body of the catfish is ideal for grilling, similar to beef steak, and pairing with the spiciness of the seeds of the Colombian orange chilli. Ideal meal for nutrition-conscious athletes and meat lovers.

Whole grilled piranha bedded on lentils

The piranha is a popular food fish among the indigenous peoples of Colombia and Venezuela. It is known to be particularly resistant to diseases. It is said to transfer this property to us humans when we eat it. As it is not particularly meaty, lentils round off the menu and are filling. A very lean food for conscious eaters. 

Inspiring tapas from around the world 

The culinary tapas mix consists of stimulating ingredients. With a special export permit, we were able to get hold of small quantities of the love fruit "Coco de Mer" from the Seychelles. The sweetness of this fruit is combined with the spiciness of the balut from Vietnam, the hatched egg. The warm maggots from the liquorice tree in Venezuela and the fish from Vietnam, which has been dried in the sun for many weeks, are a perfect match. 

Create your perfect cooking box

So, are you reaching for the order form? Just in case, we would like to treat you to your first box. You can then recommend us to up to three friends from the hobby community. Just mention them here in this post. The first box will be shipped from 05.04.2022. Currently, the box will only be available in Germany. If the concept proves successful, we will of course also offer it in other countries. 

New recipes and regular live cooking shows with our local chefs and well-known stars from the scene await you every week. Just subscribe to the hashtag #jblpromeal and be amazed!

© 01.04.2022
Matthias Wiesensee
Matthias Wiesensee
M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik

Social Media, Online Marketing, Homepage, Kundenservice, Problemlöser, Fotografie, Blogger, Tauchen, Inlineskating, Aquaristik, Gartenteich, Reisen, Technik, Elektronische Musik

Su di me: Seit Teenagerzeiten mit Aquarien in Kontakt. Klassische Fischaquarien, reine Pflanzenaquarien bis hin zum Aquascape. Aber auch ein Gartenteich und Riffaquarien begleiten mich privat im Hobby. Als Wirtschaftsinformatiker, M.Sc. bin ich als Online Marketing Manager bei JBL für die Bereiche Social Media, Webentwicklung und der Kommunikation mit dem Anwender der JBL Produkte zuständig und kenne die JBL Produkte im Detail.


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