Dive into Christmas joy: JBL's top 25 gift tips for terrarium owners 2023

The same question arises every year. What should I get for Christmas? Either your loved one already has everything or hasn’t said what they want.  

Christmas is just a few days away. Are you looking for a suitable gift and don't fancy pots, socks or shower gel under the Christmas tree? Neither do we.  

That's why we've picked out the perfect gift tips for you or someone close to you! There are tips for every terrarium owner and their turtles, spiders or lizards - that will put a sparkle under your Christmas tree.

At JBL we have a wide range of products that not only make the hearts of owners of rainforest and desert dwellers beat faster, but also help to transform their terrariums into an impressive natural landscapes.  

In this blog post, we proudly present the 10 best Christmas gift tips for terrarium keepers in 2023, all from our comprehensive and popular range.

1. JBL PROTERRA MENU - The food range with 4 flavours

Turtles are picky eaters and, just like us humans, need a varied, healthy and balanced diet. The practical 3+1 value packs are not only cheaper, but also offer a choice of four different varieties. For terrapin and water turtles with nutritious crayfish, snails, fish or gammarus and for tortoises with fruit, flowers, herbs or vegetables. Who can say no to that? And feeding is a joy for the hobbyist too!

To the product for tortoises:  JBL PROTERRA TORTOISE MENU

To the product for terrapin & water turtles:   JBL PROTERRA TURTLE MENU

2. JBL PROCLEAN TERRA - Effective glass cleaner keeps your glass spotless

Keep your terrarium clean with JBL PROCLEAN TERRA. This effective terrarium cleaner removes all dirt and ensures full hygiene on all glass surfaces. Uses the power of natural to combat limescale. 

To the product:  JBL PROCLEAN TERRA

3. JBL TempProtect II - Burn protection in the terrarium

The dedicated plastic of the JBL TempProtect II ensures the safe use of heat sources from lights in the terrarium. This heat protection not only protects your animals from direct contact with heaters and the resulting burns, but also protects the light sources from overheating or shortening their service life due to heat build-up.  

To the product:  JBL TempProtect II light

4. JBL ReptilJungle L-U-W Light alu – Solar spotlight for the jungle terrarium

Light, UV-B and heat are the three important elements of the JBL ReptilJungle L-U-W Light aluminium full spectrum spotlights. The light simulates the sun and has two different strengths for the inhabitants of your jungle terrarium. As cold-blooded animals, the inhabitants are highly dependent on the quality of the light. Only the best is good enough to stimulate their activity, food intake, digestion or resting phases. Do your animals a favour. 

To the product:  JBL ReptilJungle L-U-W Light alluminio (Lampada speciale per l'allevamento di rettili! Non adatta per altri usi! Non necessita di etichetta energetica europea. Esenzione in conformità a (UE) 2019/2015 allegato IV 3. c) radiazione UV > 2 mW/klm)

5. JBL ReptilDesert L-U-W Light alu - Solar spotlight for the desert terrarium

Heat and light are particularly important in the desert. L-U-W stands for light, UV-B and warmth. The JBL ReptilDesert L-U-W Light alu full spectrum spotlights provide all of these elements. The light simulates the sun and has two different strengths for the inhabitants of your desert terrarium. As cold-blooded animals, the inhabitants are heavily dependent on the quality of the light. Only the best is good enough to stimulate their activity, food intake, digestion or resting phases. Give your pets a treat. 

To the product:  JBL ReptilDesert L-U-W Light alluminio (Lampada speciale per l'allevamento di rettili! Non adatta per altri usi! Non necessita di etichetta energetica europea. Esenzione in conformità a (UE) 2019/2015 allegato IV 3. c) radiazione UV > 2 mW/klm)

6. JBL ReptilHeat – Heat lamp for ideal temperatures in the terrarium

The JBL ReptilHeat is a powerful ceramic heat lamp that ensures the ideal temperature in the terrarium. No additional light, no UV-B - so it is also suitable at night and keeps the tropical climate constant. It creates heat zones and supports the well-being of your terrarium pets.  

To the product:  JBL ReptilHeat

7. JBL TempSet Unit L-U-W Multi - Installation set with L-U-W and HQI with ballast

Click and connect, a ballast for different intensities incl. socket and installation set for HQI and L-U-W metal halide lamps - the JBL TempSet Unit L-U-W Multi combines all this for simple installation and integration of the lighting in your terrarium.  

To the product:  JBL TempSet Unit L-U-W

8. JBL TerraSand - Natural substrate for desert terrariums

Designing is fun. The natural substrate JBL TerraSand is available for your desert terrarium in the colours natural yellow, natural red and natural white. All varieties are virtually dust-free and the red variety can even be moulded into caves when moist. This substrate promotes the natural behaviour of your animals in the terrarium. 

To the product:  Substrato

9. JBL TerraCoco - Natural substrate made from coconut

The JBL TerraCoco products are made from the fibres of the outer shell of the coconut and are used as substrate in your terrarium. The natural, germ-reducing effect and reduction of mould infestation are an ideal supplement for the rainforest terrarium and are fast gaining in popularity amongst terrarium keepers.     

To the product:  Substrato

10. JBL UV-Spot plus - Extra strong UV-B lamp for terrariums

Quite a few terrarium inhabitants love short sunbaths and need an extra strong UV-B source that simulates the sun. Large terrariums require this source as a permanent supply of light, heat and UV-B radiation. Available in three different strengths, this spotlight is a useful piece of basic equipment for every terrarium keeper with a desert terrarium and rainforest terrarium. For the health of your reptiles, it supports the vitamin D3 metabolism and promotes well-being. 

To the product:  JBL UV-Spot plus (Lampada speciale per l'allevamento di rettili! Non adatta per altri usi! Non necessita di etichetta energetica europea. Esenzione in conformità a (UE) 2019/2015 allegato IV 3. c) radiazione UV > 2 mW/klm)

With these 10 gift tips from JBL you will not only create a fascinating environment for your terrarium inhabitants, but also facilitate the care and well-being of your desert or rainforest dwellers. Visit our online shop and discover the variety of our high-quality products. We wish you and your terrarium owners a happy and reptile-rich Christmas! 

Your JBL Team

© 17.12.2023
Matthias Wiesensee
Matthias Wiesensee
M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik

Social Media, Online Marketing, Homepage, Kundenservice, Problemlöser, Fotografie, Blogger, Tauchen, Inlineskating, Aquaristik, Gartenteich, Reisen, Technik, Elektronische Musik

Su di me: Seit Teenagerzeiten mit Aquarien in Kontakt. Klassische Fischaquarien, reine Pflanzenaquarien bis hin zum Aquascape. Aber auch ein Gartenteich und Riffaquarien begleiten mich privat im Hobby. Als Wirtschaftsinformatiker, M.Sc. bin ich als Online Marketing Manager bei JBL für die Bereiche Social Media, Webentwicklung und der Kommunikation mit dem Anwender der JBL Produkte zuständig und kenne die JBL Produkte im Detail.


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