
Would you like to learn some interesting facts about your hobby or have a glimpse behind the scenes at JBL? Our team of experts regularly share tips, knowledge, and further information not to be found on any packaging or product. Don’t miss this opportunity for lively discussions and questions. Experience the expert team as never before.

JBL TV #61 Keeping water turtles in a species-appropriate way Part 2 – Nutrition and care


This second part deals with the species-appropriate nutrition of aquatic and pond turtles, as well as nutritional supplements with vitamins and minerals.

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JBL TV #61 Keeping water turtles in a species-appropriate way Part 1 – Setup and lighting


This part deals with the size of the terrarium, the setup, suitable substrates, creating water and land sections, the correct lighting with and without UV, how to use heat mats, and heating the water section.

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JBL TV #60 Keeping tortoises in a species-appropriate way. Part 1 - Technology and nutrition


In the second part, biologist Heiko Blessin interviews Uwe Wünstel, the reptile specialist and owner of the Reptilium in Landau, on the subjects of technology and nutrition for tortoises.

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JBL TV #60 Keeping tortoises in a species-appropriate way. Part 1 - Care and set-up


This first part deals with the size of the terrarium, keeping tortoises outdoors, covering and securely bonding the equipment parts, and their drinking water supply.

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JBL Expedition #21: Where to?


What’s your suggestion for an expedition destination, where our team can carry out useful aquarium and terrarium biotope research? We’re looking for one where we don’t spend too much time getting there and back.

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Spring, sunshine, Easter and the JBL competition


The joys of spring lurk just around the corner, and one of them is a particularly colourful Easter gift for all aquarium lovers. It's worth joining in!

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PROTERRA SCAN + WIN - Here are the campaign details!


To celebrate the launch of JBL PROTERRA, we have come up with something very special for our loyal community. Over 12 months, you have the chance to win exciting and unique prizes.

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The JBL review: 2023 was yesterday - now it's time for 24!


Before I get lost in the details, telling you what was and what will be, I would like to give you the most important buzzwords from 2023.

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Dive into Christmas joy: JBL's top 25 gift tips for terrarium owners 2023


Christmas is just a few days away. Are you looking for a suitable gift and don't fancy pots, socks or shower gel under the Christmas tree? Neither do we.

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Treat yourself for Christmas with the JBL XMAS CASHBACK!


The MEGA #jbldeal at Christmas. Get up to 15 % cashback.

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JBL at the Vivarium 2023


Last weekend, more than 12,000 visitors strolled through the Vivarium exhibition hall. We were there too and welcomed some of the visitors to our booth.

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The TOP Highlights of the 18 JBL Expeditions Part 3


As the expedition leader, the question I’m asked most often about our expeditions is: What was the most beautiful expedition so far? And this is exactly the question that’s hardest to answer.

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The TOP Highlights of the 18 JBL Expeditions Part 2


As the expedition leader, the question I’m asked most often about our expeditions is: What was the most beautiful expedition so far? And this is exactly the question that’s hardest to answer.

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The TOP Highlights of the 18 JBL Expeditions Part 1


As the expedition leader, the question I’m asked most often about our expeditions is: What was the most beautiful expedition so far? And this is exactly the question that’s hardest to answer.

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The PUSH for the myJBL Community


Hast du sie schon entdeckt? Die PUSH-Nachrichten von JBL sind jetzt da. Aber was bedeutet das überhaupt? Welche Vorteile bringt sie dir?

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Have you heard it yet? TROPENFIEBER - Hobby meets Nature


There are seven fascinating episodes online already and each one takes you on a journey into the habitats of ornamental fish, into the deep rainforests of Colombia and into the world of indigenous peoples.

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Dauerhafter % SALE % bei JBL


Alles muss raus! 30 % Rabatt auf alle Produkte in unserer neuen SALE-Kategorie

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Umfrage vom #jblpraktikant + Gewinnchance


Ich schreibe aktuell meine Bachelorarbeit zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit und Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation und führe dazu eine Umfrage durch.

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JBL TV #55 JBL research expeditions - just come along! What skills do you need?


Every year a new JBL expedition takes place and nature enthusiasts can join in again. But what are the requirements?

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Listen to TROPENFIEBER, JBL’s podcast, now


Parallel to JBL TV, the myJBL blog content and the JBL Themeworlds, the podcast will offer you insights and knowledge about your hobby in a completely new way.

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