
In addition to new products you can find a lot more information about JBL and your hobby here. Events at specialist pet shops, exhibition activities, lectures, workshops and expeditions are announced here.


JBL Heizer für Diskus

Das Diskuschampionat 2024, zum fünften Mal in Dortmund veranstaltet, setzt bei der Wassertemperatur und Temperaturkontrolle bei den wertvollen Diskus auf die zuverlässigen JBL PROTEMP s Regelheizer und die JBL Thermometer mit einer Genauigkeit von +/- 1 °C.



Schon mal die Naturfilmreihe von JBL gesehen?

100.000 Aquarienfreunde haben sich die „Wild Nature Aquarium“ Folge über Altum-Skalare unter Wasser in ihren natürlichen Lebensräumen bereits angesehen. Während der JBL Expeditionen sind einmalige und z. T. weltweit erstmalig Aufnahmen ...



Twelve new episodes filmed for JBL TV

The craggy coastline of Ireland, ice-cold Alpine lakes, in the studio, the pet shop and the Reptilium have all provided backdrops for the next 12 thrilling episodes of JBL TV.



Optimisation for JBL Sintomec and Micromec

Because the filling quantities now have to be indicated on the packaging by law, the two top sintered glass filter media JBL Sintomec and JBL Micromec have new article numbers.



JBL tests UV stability of fertilisers

The combination of aquatic plant fertilisers and UV-C water clarifiers can create problems for aquarium enthusiasts: the UV-C radiation (200-280 nm wavelength) unfortunately destroys vitamins and plant fertilisers.



JBL now offers the cleaning glove in two sizes

Whether for the cold or for diving, gloves that don't fit properly are a nuisance. That's why JBL has now launched their very popular and versatile JBL PROSCAPE CLEANING GLOVE in two sizes.



JBL runs at the Hockenheimring

For the 20th time JBL took part in the 2024 BASF Company Cup with 14 employees at the Hockenheimring. The Grand Prix race track was extended by a few hundred metres with barrier fences, to make it 5.2 km long. The fastest member of the JBL team...



Holidays are coming - no problem with JBL

Who feeds the fish in the aquarium or pond when you go on holiday? It’s especially an issue for terrarium friends, because most of their pets only eat live food. But thanks to JBL, both aquarium and pond enthusiasts now have a solution: an automatic feeder to take over the feeding.



Win with JBL: zoo visits and food assortments

The main prizes in the JBL SCAN & WIN PROTERRA competition change every month. Any terrarium enthusiast who buys a JBL PROTERRA food can take part in the competition using the QR code on the sealing film and the proof of purchase.



JBL Top 3 products for saving energy

The subject of energy saving is now a firm feature of hobby aquaristics, but unfortunately, some aquarium owners are getting rid of their aquariums in the mistaken belief that their aquarium consumes a lot of electricity. This is not the case!



JBL LED SOLAR NATUR Generation 2 launch now

They’re here! The first LED lamps of the 2nd generation are in the delivery stage. In response to demands from all sides to save electricity, the engineers in the JBL development department have managed to reduce the power consumption of the Gen. II by 20 %!



JBL gives you a sniff

What is the best way for a turtle enthusiast to experience the freshness and pleasant odour of flowers and herbs? With sniffing jars! To mark the launch of the new turtle range, JBL is offering every specialist retailer the opportunity to place eight sniffing jars of the new JBL PROTERRA turtle foods in their display. There is no more direct and pleasant way...



JBL aquarium thermometer for hoses

Aquarium thermometers often spoil the beautiful visual impression of the aquarium front pane. The new JBL DigiScan Tube aquarium thermometer solves this problem!



The JBL South Seas Expeditions are online

Shark interactions, new fish species and exciting findings: The JBL South Seas Expeditions are online



How accurate are aquarium thermometers?

Did you know that clinical thermometers are allowed a deviation of 0.1 °C? Most aquarium thermometers have an accuracy of +/- 2 °C.



JBL launches its new LED aquarium lights in Spring!

LED lighting technology is constantly evolving, and JBL has added the latest technical updates to its successful LED SOLAR aquarium lamps.



JBL supports nature conservation in Peru

The 20th JBL expedition in 2025 will include a trip to the Amazonian lowland rainforest. In the small town of Tarapoto, about an hour's flight from Iquitos on the Amazon, is the Urku Centre, a small station run by biologists



No microplastics in JBL products

Synthetic polymer microparticles - also known as microplastics - are a major burden on the environment. They degrade very slowly and are easily absorbed by living organisms.



New JBL PROTERRA food concept for reptiles

It tastes good to the turtles, is healthy, natural and varied. In co-operation with leading turtle experts, the JBL research and development department has developed a completely new line of food that provides species-appropriate nutrition for all land, water and pond turtles:



Zu Weihnachten: Im Fachhandel kaufen und JBL zahlt Cashback-Aktion

JBL unterstützt das Weihnachtsgeschäft des Zoofachhandels mit einer wirkungsvollen Cashback-Aktion. Jeder Aquarien-, Terrarien- und Teichfreund, der zwischen dem 15.11.2023 und dem 15.01.2024 JBL Produkte im Fachhandel (in DE, AT, LU, FR, BE und NL) kauft, kann diese kostenlos registrieren und nach dem Hochladen der Kaufbelege je nach Warenwert (ab 50,- €) einen Cashback zwischen 2,5 und 15 % (bei 500,- €) von JBL direkt erhalten!



JBL launches new vitamins and minerals for reptiles

Along with our new turtle food, the JBL research and development department has been working intensively on species-appropriate food and mineral supplements for reptiles. It was important, for example, that the vitamin A content does not exceed certain limits.



JBL Expedition: Peru with Rainbow Mountains by motorbike

Have you ever wanted to ride a motorbike through the Andes and see the unique natural spectacle of the Rainbow Mountains in South America's highest mountain range?



JBL answers your requests: what would you like to see on JBL TV?

JBL TV is the most successful series made by a manufacturer of aquatics, terraristics and pond sector products. Up to 100,000 end consumers use the educational films...



Did you know that UV-C water clarifiers can get limescale and then stop working?

If you’ve ever opened your UV-C water clarifier to find out why its effectiveness has diminished so much, you were probably surprised to find the glass tube around the UV-C bulb completely covered in a layer of limescale.



2,500 turtles vote for JBL

Turtle Island in Graz is the world's largest turtle institution with its 2,500 reptiles coming from 140 species. Chief biologist, Dr. Peter Praschag, was enthusiastic about the planned JBL PROTERRA turtle food range and had "his" turtles try all nine types of food before the launch in December



JBL Expedition South Seas with first evidence in the region

Normal divers don't even notice the small, somewhat inconspicuous damselfish. It is just one of thousands of Pomacentridae that live in the coral reefs of the South Seas. But aquarists and marine biologists only notice the sharks and manta rays in passing …



JBL Expedition to see discus in Peru

In September 2025 the JBL Expedition #20 will set off for the Andes and the jungle of Peru. Apply on the JBL homepage (www.jbl.de/expedition) to go with the JBL research team.



JBL koi feeding in autumn - get your koi fit for the winter

Autumn has only one thing in common with spring and it’s the water temperature! The koi have completely different demands on their food AFTER hibernation in spring and BEFORE hibernation in autumn.



JBL shows aquarium owners how to save energy

JBL has created a separate section on the JBL website for this number one topic in the aquarium scene and is making this content available to the specialist trade as a free brochure. In addition, episode 49 of the JBL TV series on YouTube also deals with this fascinating topic.



JBL external filters now have hose size specifications

Following numerous requests and suggestions, JBL now displays the tube sizes listed in the filter data table on the outside of our packaging.



JBL does Hollywood

An entire show house, a six-person film crew, a film family and a beautifully set up aquarium - these were the ingredients for the new JBL short film about the JBL PRONOVO food range.



The end of an era - JBL sells off its last lighting tubes

JBL SOLAR fluorescent tubes were great with their sun-like full spectrum and reduced energy consumption. But LED technology continued to improve, bringing a higher light output with even less power consumption.



The next JBL generation is born

On June 26, 2023, Managing Director Stella Kaltenmeier-Böhme and her husband welcomed a baby son to the world! Mother and baby are doing well and our first interview with the child has revealed that he is sure to follow in her footsteps at JBL! The whole JBL team shares their boss’s joy at the healthy baby! During Stella's maternity leave, her father...



JBL Team on the starting blocks in Hockenheim

They weren’t in a car or on a motorbike, the JBL employees were on foot as they circled the 4.8 km course, cheered on by their Managing Director, Stella Kaltenmeier-Böhme.



JBL Expedition South Seas 1: Results are reassuring

These days on this planet it hardly matters which coral reefs you go to see: coral bleaching and other reef destruction is sadly the norm. So it’s absolutely good news to hear that the atoll reefs in French Polynesia are completely healthy!



The JBL food advisor is available for everyone 365 days a year

What does a neon tetra or a gourami eat? Do kissing gouramis only eat plankton? It’s hard to find a question about ornamental fish nutrition that goes unanswered in JBL's online food advisor.



Finally - holiday time for the aquarium

Holidays can be a problem for many pets - but not for aquarium inhabitants! An aquarium can get along perfectly well for a few days or even weeks without much care. Malicious tongues claim it’s when it recovers from the keeper.



JBL TV Guide for Aquarists

If you find thrillers boring and can already sing along with the countless repeats of the feature films on television, you’ll find some entertaining and informative alternatives on JBL TV.



JBL makes sustainability its top priority

Along with product quality, sustainability issues are a top priority at JBL. The JBL management and the JBL team are not the only ones who care about the issue



JBL PRONOVO BEL GRANO S finally in 1000 ml

Pet shops, breeders and fish wholesalers are enthusiastic about the new JBL PRONOVO BEL GRANO in mini size S, but not about the tin size. 100 ml is the ideal container size for most aquarists, but some people need more and therefore also want a larger tin!



If you have any questions about press releases or if you would like to be included in the press distribution list, please contact our marketing manager.

Heiko Blessin
Dipl.-Biologe / Biologist (M.S.)
JBL GmbH & Co. KG

E-Mail heiko.blessin@jbl.de

Dieselstr. 3
67141 Neuhofen

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Сайт JBL также использует несколько видов кукис, чтобы предоставить вам полную функциональность и многие сервисы. Нам требуются технические и функциональные кукис, чтобы обеспечить работоспособность сайта, когда вы на него заходите. Мы также используем кукис для рекламных целей. За счет этого мы можем узнать вас, когда вы повторно посещаете наш сайт, таким образом мы можем оценить эффективность рекламных кампаний, а персональные кукис позволяют нам предоставлять вам напрямую персонифицированную информацию, адаптированную под ваши нужды - даже когда вы не находитесь на нашем сайте. Вы можете в любой момент определить - даже позднее - какие кукис вы разрешаете, а какие нет (подробнее по ссылке "Изменить настройки").

Домашняя страница JBL использует несколько видов куки, чтобы предложить вам все функции и многие сервисы: технические и функциональные куки нужны в обязательном порядке, чтобы всё работало во время посещения вами нашей домашней страницы. Дополнительно мы используем куки в целях маркетинга. Вы всегда — сейчас или позже — можете решить, какие куки допустить, а какие нет (см. больше в разделе "Изменить настройки").

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PUSH-уведомления от JBL

Будучи частью стандарта W3C, браузерные уведомления определяют API для уведомлений конечных пользователей, рассылаемых через уведомления браузера на десктопные и (или) мобильные устройства пользователей. На конечных устройствах уведомления появляются в виде, знакомом конечному пользователю по приложениям, установленным на устройстве (напр., электронная почта). На конечных устройствах уведомления появляются в виде, знакомом конечному пользователю по приложениям, установленным на устройстве (напр., электронная почта).

Эти уведомления позволяют оператору веб-сайта оставаться в контакте со своими пользователями в течение всего времени, пока у пользователей открыт браузер, — независимо от того, находится ли пользователь в конкретное время на веб-сайте или нет.

Для отправки браузерных пуш-уведомлений нужна лишь веб-страница с установленным специальным кодом (web-push-код). Таким образом марки без приложений также могут пользоваться многими преимуществами пуш-уведомлений (персонализованная коммуникация в режиме реального времени в нужный момент).

Браузерные уведомления являются частью стандарта W3C и определяют API для уведомления конечных пользователей. Уведомление позволяет информировать пользователя вне контекста веб-страницы о каком-либо событии, например, о новой записи в блоге.

JBL ГмбХ & Ко. KГ предоставляет этот сервис с простым подключением и отключением бесплатно.