Update about the JBL Expedition 2018 to the Indian Ocean

The detailed planning of the JBL expedition to Madagascar, Mauritius and the Seychelles is in full swing. Here is some important new information:

  1. Travel period: the expedition will take place middle/end October 2018. Departure is probably on Friday, 19 October 2018 with Condor from Frankfurt. Return flight is then on 04 November 2018 at 7:45 a.m. to Frankfurt, also with Condor. This planning is based on the current flight schedules for 2017 and will be fixed for 2018 at the end of 2017.
  2. Change of travel itinerary: we will leave out Mozambique and instead observe the whale sharks in the north of Madagascar nearby Nosy Be. Mozambique has very unfavourable flight connections and would cost us too much time, meaning long waits for connecting flights and nights spent at the airports. With Nosy Be we will win an additional day for the observation of whale sharks.
  3. New on the itinerary: the island of Réunion in the middle of the Indian Ocean! While checking all possible flight connections we discovered (thanks to Mr Barth from Flugpoint Mannheim!) that we had best start in Mauritius, then fly over Reunion directly to Nosy Be in the north of Madagascar, before continuing to the middle of Madagascar and finally to the Seychelles, from where we will take a direct flight to Frankfurt or to other home countries. And while we are in Reunion we should take the opportunity to have a closer look at the rainforest and the sea. So we will stay for one night on this isolated island which is situated another 1000 km off the east coast of Madagascar and recently hit the headlines with shark accidents.
  4. Number of participants: Due to the transport facilities in Madagascar the group size is limited to 15 participants.
  5. Travel price: we are still working on it. The direct flights with Condor will save a bit of the money budgeted.

Hint Okyanusu Keşif Gezisi

© 04.05.2017 JBL GmbH & Co. KG

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