Our online Advent calendar makes your Christmas anticipation even sweeter by offering you a virtual door to open for every day of Advent.
High-quality product packs await you behind every door!
Whether aquaristics, terraristics or pond. The JBL Online Advent Calendar has something to offer for every hobby. Don't miss out on the chance to win a high-quality product pack!
Wondering how the JBL Online Advent Calendar works? Simply open one door every day until Dec 24, 2024 and answer the question inside. At midnight (00:00) the winners will be selected from every participant of the day just ended and notified immediately by email. *
Everyone who has answered correctly in at least one door will automatically receive a consolation prize by email at the end of the competition period. **
60 ilâ 200 l kapasiteli akvaryumlar için dış filtre
Tatlı su akvaryumları için yüksek perf. LED lamba
CO2 kumanda bilgisayarlı CO2 bitki gübreleme cihazı
Tatlı su analizi için 13 su testli test çantası