For the first time aquatic fans joined koi enthusiasts at their meet-up from April 21 to 23, 2017 in Kalkar, near the Dutch border. The old Kalkar nuclear power plant, which was never used, is a bizarre backdrop. Its premises house a hotel, an amusement park and the exhibition hall. Because of its proximity to the Netherlands a lot of Dutch people came to visit us. Specialist dealer Markus Schlangen from Neuss had the complete JBL pond care program and the new JBL ProPond food concept on offer. The response was enormous and some products sold out on the first day. The visitors expressed particular interest in JBL ProScan, a water test where the test strip evaluation is carried out by smartphone. JBL experts Georg Dietrich and Heiko Blessin gave lectures about algae control and koi nutrition. The trade fair was certainly worth a trip!
You can find further information about the range here: PROPOND® / NEO Index®