
Aquarium cleaning – much less work than you think

It is a widespread belief that it’s necessary to tip the aquarium upside down regularly and to boil the gravel. This is complete nonsense!

Every now and then you need to clean your aquarium panes. During each partial water change the dirt needs to be removed from the substrate and every 4-8 weeks a filter cleaning is due – that’s it!

Cleaning of the panes

Each aquarium works differently, but after about one week a light algae coating forms on the glass panes which you can quickly and easily remove with a JBL glass cleaner. With the JBL FLOATY II you won’t even get your arms wet and you can comfortably and efficiently clean the panes from outside within a few minutes. Caution: always take care when cleaning the pane that no tiny stone (sand or gravel) gets between the glass cleaner and the aquarium pane. Sand and gravel scratch your panes!

Some types of algae are so stubborn that they are hard to remove with normal pane magnets. For such cases, there is the JBL FLOATY BLADE with a blade. You will be surprised how quickly and easily you can remove ALL types of algae with it!

Cleaning the aquarium pane

Cleaning aquarium panes correctly and without scratches: We demonstrate how the incorrect cleaning of aquarium panes leads to scratches and how you can avoid it. How do you clean curved panes? How do you avoid damaging the silicone bonding? Why should household cleaners not be used? We talk about and demonstrate all the types of pane cleaners for your aquarium

Cleaning the cover pane

In the course of time limestone deposits on the cover pane and reduces the intensity of the lighting which reaches the aquarium water. You can easily remove the lime residue with an acidic cleaning agent. Please make sure that no cleaner residues reach your aquarium water. JBL has a special, non-toxic glass cleaner in its range: JBL PROCLEAN AQUA .

Household cleaners for limescale removal, of course, also remove limescale deposits on aquarium glass panes or aquarium technology, but: If only the smallest amounts of household cleaner get into your aquarium water, this can lead to the death of ALL your aquarium inhabitants! Always use a limescale cleaner especially developed for aquariums. Here too make sure this cleaner doesn’t enter the aquarium. But even if it does nothing will happen to the aquarium inhabitants.

Partial water change

The most important care measure is the partial water change, which should be carried out together with the substrate cleaning. Siphon about 1/3 of the aquarium water with a hose. Please connect the hose with a gravel cleaner, instead of just sucking off clear water (suitable products you can find here: Aspiração do lodo ). Go with its suction piece gradually through the aquarium ground and siphon the debris off (similar to a vacuum cleaner). Subsequently the sucked off water needs to be replaced by tap water and with the water conditioner JBL Biotopol you can remove the heavy metals and neutralise any chlorine contained in the water.

You can find out more about this topic here Mudança de água .

NEVER carry out the partial water change on the same day as the filter clean! Put together the measures constitute too strong an intervention in the biology of your aquarium.

If you have added a long-term substrate fertiliser such as JBL PROFLORA AQUABASIS underneath your actual substrate, you will have to work a little more carefully with the suction cup of your substrate cleaner and not "push" all the way through to the bottom disc. In this case, only siphon off the top centimetres of the substrate without reaching the substrate fertiliser layer.

Limpeza do filtro

Internal filters need to be cleaned every two weeks. Since external filters have a larger volume their cleaning interval may be longer. Filter cleaning of external filters: Depending on the dirt accumulation the complete filter or maybe only the pre-filter (as in the Filtro exterior range) needs to be cleaned under running water. Please inoculate the filter again with filter bacteria ( JBL FilterStart ) after cleaning.

NEVER carry out the filter cleaning on the same day as the partial water change, as this would be too much of an intervention in the biology of your aquarium.

JBL FilterStart or JBL Denitrol - what is the difference?

You can use both products to reactivate your filter material. JBL FilterStart was designed for one small bottle to be sufficient for three litres of filter volume. For this purpose, the bacteria concentration in JBL FilterStart has been increased slightly. If you take JBL Denitrol , you simply need approx. 1/3 more than from JBL FilterStart.

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