JBL ArtemioPur
Artemia eggs for the production of live food

  • Live food home-grown: high-quality Artemia eggs with maximal hatching rate for cultivating Artemia nauplii
  • Easy to use: add eggs into the saltwater, Artemia nauplii will hatch after 24 hours (special salt sold separately)
  • Hatching rate is guaranteed even after longer storage period due to our nitrogen filling process.
  • To use: 1-3 dosage spoons Artemia eggs for 0.5 l saltwater. Aerate well
  • Package contents: 20 g Artemia eggs in glass bottle (40 ml), incl. dosage spoon. Can be stored for 1 year unopened. Use within 4 months after opening
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Price: 16,15 €
basic price 807.5 EUR / kg
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Product information

Animal welfare is important to us
No processing of cheap fish meal, uses fish meat from fish fillet production with the motto: The large fillet for humans and the small fillet for our aquarium fish.
For years JBL has supported the largest international organisation for the protection of sharks “Shark Project”.

Other good reasons to use JBL fish food:
- The use of pure fish protein without cheap fish meal
- Optimal protein/fat ratio
- Mainly proteins from water animals
- Reduction of algae growth and optimum fish growth thanks to adapted phosphate content
- Impressive acceptance on the part of fish: research expeditions with fish feeding trials in the wild
- Very slight vitamin loss due to airtight sealed packaging

Ahead through research
The results of the JBL research expeditions, combined with the expertise of the JBL research and development team, has resulted in optimal and balanced food mixtures made of high-quality ingredients.

Feeding recommendation
Feed 1 – 2 times a day, as much as can be eaten within a few minutes. Young, growing fish 3 – 4 times a day in the same way.

Unopened the food tins can be kept for 3 years, after opening use up within 4 months, since valuable vitamins will deteriorate.
Complements complete food and available separately: supplementary food and treats.


JBL ArtemioPur 40 ml

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
20 g
40 ml
Volume packaging:
0.24 l
Gross weight:
65 g
Net weight:
20 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
47/110/47 mm


Animal species: Barbels, Bettas, Cichlids (South America), Danions, Flowerhorn, Gobies, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Rainbowfish, Tetra, Veiltails
Animal size: 1 - 4 cm
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Volume habitat: For all aquariums
Material: You will find details of the materials used under Details & Composition
Feed type: Artemia
Colour: brown
Dosage: 1 - 3 dosage spoons Artemia eggs for 0.5 l saltwater

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No
Analytical components
JBL Artemio Mix: There are only very few nauplius larvae, or none at all, hatching in my tank. What am I doing wrong?

A water temperature of 25 °C is ideal for hatching. At room temperature (equivalent to a water temperature of approx. 20-21 °C), it takes up to 36 hours. Try again with 2 instead of 3 spoonfuls of the fermentation starter and reduce the air supply to approx. 50%. On condition that the best-before date has not been exceeded, this should work. An additional lighting source at the start of fermentation can considerably increase the hatching rate.

With reference to the KidsSet: the number of eggs in the KidSet in the salt mixture has been reduced (so that the hatched larvae don't poison themselves with their metabolic end products), and this means that you may not be able to recognise the small nauplii in the KidSet at first sight. Backlight may help to see them better.

Planktonic algae are ideal for rearing the larvae. ArtemioFluid contains a suspension of ultra-fine algae products which the larvae accept as substitute food. A warm, light spot is recommended. If there is a lack of light, especially in the winter, you may want to provide additional lighting, e.g. by using an energy-saving lamp.

How high is the hatching rate of the artemia eggs?

Based on my experience, the actual hatching rate is quite constant within the range of room temperatures, around 90 % for our eggs. The time varies enormously, ranging from 16 h at a temperature of 28 °C to 36 h at 20-21 °C. It isn't until temperatures drop below 20 °C that the hatching rate also drops, and rather quickly at that. Results are best at approx. 25 °C.

The hatching rate depends less on temperature and more so on the eggs used and their origin, where there are distinct differences in terms of both species and years. In some years, the hatching rate is higher, and in others it's somewhat lower.

Blog (opinions & experiences)

JBL TV #50: Fish nutrition in the aquarium Part 1 - Cichlids, bottom dwellers & community aquarium

Fish nutrition is a complex issue, just as it is for us humans. But what does species-appropriate nutrition mean? Is one main food sufficient? What do our ornamental fish eat in the wild?

Find out more

Feeding in the community aquarium - Why fish have sex more often than humans

But what does "healthy food" mean anyway? Even with humans we don't exactly know, or else we actively avoid it.

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JBL TV #28 Part 1: Aquarium care is so easy! Daily measures

How to care for your aquarium properly. What needs doing on a daily basis?

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Video: JBL ArtemioSet: Successful Cultivation of Artemia as Live Food for Aquarium Fish

In this video we will show you how to to produce live food for your aquarium fish in no time, using brine shrimp eggs and the JBL ArtemioSet.

Find out more

Misunderstandings – typical beginner mistakes

Based on our own experience in customer service and the many messages and questions we receive, we have put together the typical mistakes beginners may make. The experienced aquarist might well smile, but if they are honest, these are mistakes we all made at the start, aren’t they?

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Lack of oxygen in the morning

The fish stay under the water surface in the morning, gasping for air.

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Artemia – Rearing the Nauplii

Even if Artemia nauplii have their highest nutritional value directly after the hatching, there are reasons to rear the small crustaceans to become adult Artemia. One is to have real treats for larger fish.

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Artemia - Live Food Easily Home-Grown

Many aquarium owners know the small brine shrimps from their childhood. Often these small crustaceans were found in magazines or experiment kits. But only a few people know that they are a high-quality food for your aquarium fish.

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JBL Expedition to the Freshwater Artemia in German Riparian Forests

Only a few people know that there is an Artemia species (brine shrimp) which is endemic in pure German freshwater! The fairy shrimp (Eubranchipus grubii) lives in riparian forests and forest ponds in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe.

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Reference guide (Themeworld)

Fish nutrition

The right diet for ornamental fish. The right food for every species thanks to the PRONOVO species concept.

Daily care

How much daily or weekly care is involved? What are the basic maintenance measures for your aquarium?

Food sorts

What needs to be considered when feeding ornamental fish? How much and what food?

Fish breeding in aquariums

Would you also like to breed your fish? What do you have to consider when breeding?

Fish species

Which fish species suit your aquarium? What demands do the fish species have?

Feeding in absence

Who feeds your fish while you are on holiday? What’s the best way to feed automatically and smartly several times a day?

The marine aquarium

Holiday at the coral reef - in your own living room! Marine aquariums are the most exciting branch of aquatics

Biotope (habitat) aquarium types

A real piece of the Amazon or, with the Congo, a piece of the heart of Africa. A habitat (biotope) aquarium is a challenge. Can you emulate nature?

Jungle aquarium type JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Rocky reef aquarium type JBL Malawi Rocks®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Goldfish aquarium type JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.

Aquascaping aquarium type JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium


Additional product information and downloads

safety instructions

  • safety instruction for accessories
    • Filename:
spare parts
Customer reviews


Overall rating: 5.0
20 public review(s) for this product.

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20 more reviews in other languages

20 Reviews in other languages

flo.to.fish - German

Das Artemio Pur in Kombination mit dem Artemio Salz funktioniert super. Die Schlupfrate ist entsprechend hoch.

K. Buchgeister - German

Tolle Schlupfrate.

Die kleinen schwimmen innerhalb 24-30st.

E. Gautier - French

artemia eggs are of very good quality with a good hatching rate!

Z. Khawaja - German

Meine Fische lieben es Top Produkt

S. Tejera Galindo - Spanish

Me gusta mucho este tipo de artemia ya que la taza de eclosión es bastante superior en comparación con otras que he probado.

bennys riff welt - German

Ich bin mit den Sehr zufrieden und meine Quallen habe sie zum Fressen gerne. Aber nicht nur die. auch meine anderen Bewohner echt TOP

aqua_aktiv - German

Die schlüpfung läuft unkompliziert und es ist eine gute Quote 👍

A.Q.U.A.R.I.S.T.I.Komet - German

Unserer Meinung nach ist die Möglichkeit zum selber fertig machen des Artemiaanzucht mit dem Artemia Pur super easy. In Kombination mit dem Salz dazu ist es wirklich ein gutes Produkt um Ihren Fischen wenn das Artemia alt genug ist eine große Freude zu bereiten

bennys riff welt - German

ich bin mit dem ArtemioPur voll zufrieden die Schlupfrate ist echt sehr gut.

D. Gehrke - German

Bin von der Schlupfrate mehr als begeistert ! Den kleinen schmeckt es sehr gut und innerhalb von 24h erreicht man eine gute Portionsgröße.

Discus.forest - German

Meine Fische lieben es ! Ich habe damit unzählige Jungtiere gefüttert. Auch meinen großen fahren total drauf ab.

malawi_aquaristic - German

Qualitativ sehr gute Artemia-Eier mit einer ausgezeichneten Schlupfrate. Besonders gut geeignet für die Aufzucht von Jungfischen. In warmen Salzwasser sind bereits nach 24 Stunden die ersten Artemia Krebse zu sehen.

shrimpscapes_ - German

Wer seinen Fischen etwas gutes tun will gibt ihnen frische Artemio zum fressen.

Mit diesen Eiern hat man kaum Ausfälle, sehr hohe Schlupfrate und super einfach zum dosieren!

aquarium.meer91 - German

Das Artemio Pur sind sehr hochqualitative Artemia-Eier die eine sehr hohe Schlupfrate haben! Ich bin begeistert

Unterwasserwelt_Bautzen - German

Top Schlupfrate und sehr empfehlenswert deshalb

_aqua4you_ - German

Eine hohe Schlupfrate! Durch die puren Eier können das Salz und die Eier genau dosiert werden. Bei Fertigmischungen ist das oft ein Problem.

P. Hanisch - German

Wer Wert auf gutes Lebendfutter gibt, ist mit dem Artemio Pur an der richtigen Stelle. Tolle Schlupfrate erzielt. !

Smells_Like_Seawater - German

Artemio Pur ist einfach super ! Ich benutze steht's 1gehäuften Löffel und muss sagen für mich reichts da es wirklich eine super Schüpfrate hat ☺️

andys.planet - German

Wer Wert auf die Gesundheit seiner Aquarien Bewohner legt der kommt an Artemia Pur nicht vorbei! Bei mir laufen täglich im Wechsel zwei Aufzuchtstationen so das ich meinen Tieren immer frisches Lebendfutter anbieten kann! So verlernen die Fische Ihr normales Jagdverhalten nicht und es ist natürlich super Gesund.

Liebe Grüße aus Hessen Andy

Mehr Info gibt's auf meinem Instagram Kanal Andys.Planet

Schaut gerne mal vorbei

malawiaddiction - German

Ich bin begeistert von den Artemia Eiern, sie schlüpfen sehr schnell und die Schlüpfrate ist sehr hoch.

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JBL GmbH & Co. KG provides this service free of charge, and it is easy to activate or deactivate.