Soil activator to start plants quickly

  • For vigorous plant growth: live bacterial cultures make the nutrients available to the plants and promote the aquarium plants’ root development
  • For an initial setup: spread it over the nutrient substrate or first soil layer and cover with substrate
  • Reduces external germs and blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) colonisation. Optimises nutrient uptake of the plant roots by a bacterial breakdown of the minerals in the soil. Plants grow quicker
  • Further benefit: mixed bacterial culture for the breakdown of organic waste at the bottom. Transforms the substrate into an additional filter
  • Contents: 2 individually sealed metallized bags, each with 8 g mineral granulate with live bacteria cultures for soil activation in aquariums from 20-100l
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Price: 7,51 €
basic price 469.38 EUR / kg
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Product information

Aquatic plants are useful for each aquarium since they withdraw nutrients from the water and are thus effective against algae.

When plants are initially inserted it takes quite a while until they have formed roots strong enough to anchor them well at the bottom. With JBL PlantStart you reduce this firm rooting time and the plant growth starts almost immediately.
The special bacterial mixture (mixed culture) makes the intake of nutrients and trace elements easier for the plants. The precipitated iron III is transformed into iron II which is accessible to the plants.

Another benefit of JBL PlantStart emerged in tests: the bacteria form an initial colonisation on the substrate fairly quickly and break down organic material. This way even a newly added substrate becomes a functioning additional filter in an extremely short time. Using the biofilm formed JBL ProScape PlantStart reduces the colonisation of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria).



Art. no.:
EAN Code:
2 x 8 g
20-100 l
Volume packaging:
0.3 l
Gross weight:
34 g
Net weight:
16 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
27/140/74 mm


Animal species: Armored catfish, Arowana, Axolotl, Barbels, Bettas, Bichirs/reedfish, Blowfish, Catfish, Cichlids (South America), Clawed frogs, Clawed shrimps, Crayfish, Crustaceans, Danions, Discus, Dwarf crayfish, Dwarf shrimps, Flowerhorn, Gill maggots, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Mussels, Newts, Panchaxes, Rainbowfish, Snails, Spiny eels, Tetra, Veiltails, blood parrot cichlids, freshwater butterflyfish
Material: Up to 1% of various strains of water cleaning bacteria (pseudomonas, xanthomonas, arthrobacter, micrococcus, nitrosomonas and others) are coated on solid mineral carrier material. All bacteria belong to the risk class R1. Rest = mineral granulates
Colour: brown / natural
Dosage: 8 g for aquariums with 20-50 l

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No
Can you add the substrate activator for aquariums afterwards?

Unfortunately this is not possible. The granulate with the bacterial cultures must be evenly distributed under the substrate and covered with a top layer of gravel, sand or soil. If you wish to add bacteria to the substrate at a later date, for example because the cultures have been damaged by heavy cleaning, you can inject JBL Denitrol with a syringe.

Blog (opinions & experiences)

JBL TV #47: Gardening in the aquarium - inserting plants correctly

How do you plant aquarium plants correctly? Our biologist Heiko Blessin shows you how!

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Why is there the JBL PROSCAPE programme in addition to the JBL PROFLORA?

There is a lot of feeding in a community aquarium and this provides a certain amount of nitrogen and phosphates. In a plant-dominated aquarium these nutrients are in short supply and need to be added separately.

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JBL TV #19 Part 4: Aquarium set-up - inserting aquarium plants and adding the water

If you’d like to set up an aquarium and learn how to insert aquarium plants and add the water, we’ll explain how to do it.

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JBL TV #19 Part 2: Aquarium Set-Up - The Substrate - Gravel, Sand or Nutrient Substrate?

We’ll show you all the different aquarium substrates, from sand to coarse gravel, and list their advantages and disadvantages.

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JBL TV #8: Do the plants in your aquarium grow exactly as you want them to?

What makes for ideal plant growth? All the factors for good plant growth: light, LED, tubes, fertilisation, fertilisation quantity, fertilisation monitoring, influence of water conditioners, chelated iron.

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ADM Team Bernd Terletzki: Wind through the Tabletop Mountains

A deep gorge cuts through the middle of the tabletop mountains in Venezuela. The wind propels the rushing water and the fish play in the water currents flowing through the tiny crevices.

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ADM Team Sascha Hoyer: Green Storm

With this layout I wanted to display a Nature Style Aquarium featuring roots, which is both easy to implement and attractive.

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ADM Team Tobias Gawrisch „AquaOwner“: Rock Face

The original idea behind my layout was a massive rock face, completely filled and raised from behind with soil substrate, so that it covers the background completely. You can use small plants and even ground-covers at the top and back of the layout.

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ADM (Aquarium Design Meisterschule) Team Garvin Borschewski: Eastwind

The basic idea for this year's ADM was for the apprentices to try out the (currently very popular) technique of gluing wood and stones with superglue and cigarette filters.

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ADM Team Florian Junghans: The sky’s the limit with this aquarium

With this aquarium I wanted to show that you are not limited in height and can work beyond the frame. "Lost forest" was the motto, because behind all the plants you can only guess what is happening.

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Misunderstandings – typical beginner mistakes

Based on our own experience in customer service and the many messages and questions we receive, we have put together the typical mistakes beginners may make. The experienced aquarist might well smile, but if they are honest, these are mistakes we all made at the start, aren’t they?

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Time For A Change - Pros And Cons

Think back to your childhood. Your bedroom was a small area for you to let your imagination run free. And unsurprisingly you felt like re-decorating and rearranging it at least every three weeks.

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(MSAD) Master School of Aquarium Design Team 5: The Island-Style Aquarium

The intention was to use roots and stone to create two islands, separated from each other by sand or a dense carpet of ground cover plants.

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(MSAD) Master School of Aquarium Design Team 3: The Triangular Layout

This layout consists of nothing but a beautiful, very unusual piece of wood which has been carefully positioned in the aquarium along the principles of the golden ratio.

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(MSAD) Master School of Aquarium Design Team 2: Tree On The Riverbed

The dimensions of the aquarium they were given and its built-in filter inlet and outlet, lead this team to choose a nature aquarium with a triangular layout. The motive shows the bottom of a tree protruding into a riverbed.

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The Master School of Aquarium Design 2018

“Wow – that’s beautiful“. This how people typically react upon seeing a lovingly created aquarium landscape. Whether an aquascape, biotope or community aquarium - creativity knows no bounds.

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The Master School of Aquarium Design: Join In!

A dream aquarium of your own design? Have you ever wanted to recreate a dream aquarium you’ve seen somewhere, but don’t know how? Do you sometimes wonder how famous scapers have set up the aquariums they display online?

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The world’s best aquascapers use JBL products

Although aquascaping is an art, any aquarium owner can set up an aquarium artistically.

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JBL ProScape Tools

The JBL ProScape tools meet the requirements of the professional aquascaping perfectly. They are produced from high-quality steel, made in Japan, (with an extremely smooth surface) for scissors with the best quality and the highest cutting precision.

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Outline: Fertilisation in the Aquarium

The JBL plant care concept leads to vigorous and healthy growth even with the most demanding aquatic plants. JBL has all the components you need, whether it’s a fertiliser, a bottom substrate or a fully automatic CO2 fertiliser system.

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Care products - The best solutions for your aquarium

With the right products, aquarium care is not only easy, but can also be a lot of fun! The formulas that make up JBL products are based on intensive research and, especially with care products, their effects are not always immediately visible, yet in the medium and long-term they’ll result in a beautiful aquarium and healthy fish.

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Plant aquarium in fast motion with or without CO2

Have you ever had the chance to see how big the difference really is between a plant aquarium with and without CO2 fertilisation?

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Event Report: Master School of Aquarium Design 2017

Aquatics is a hobby full of emotions, creativity and fun. Numerous competitions to set up aquariums in all kinds of styles have sprung up during the last few years. Whether locally or in the internet – competitions are a ten a penny.

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The JBL Calculators – Calculated Success

The three most important factors for your plant aquariums are the nutrient balance, the substrate and the lighting.

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Social Escape – an aquarium slowly and relaxingly takes shape and is the antidote to burn out.

Social stands for online marketing and social media. Escape means a way out of our fast moving digital lives and a way into another world. A balancing haven of peace and relaxation.

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Plant care: How can water tests help?

Ideally water looks crystal-clear, yet pollutants are often invisible. That’s why clear water might still be toxic.

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How to scape an aquarium

This is where to find a quick start guide for the scaping of an aquarium. Using pictures we show you in easy steps how to create your own scape and make your aquarium a perfect ProScape. Clean the aquarium with . Never use household cleaners. Pile up lava granulate ( ) to create a stable foundation for the stones or wood to be placed on. The lava granulate prevents...

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What is so special about the care of a ProScape?

The maintenance measures for a “normal” aquarium consist of nothing more than a partial water change of about 30% every two weeks and cutting back the aquarium plants which have grown too long.

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There’s more to fertilization than you’d think Part 2

Simply put, Liebig’s Law of the Minimum states that the growth of plants is limited by the scarcest resource. Adding a nutrient which already exists in abundance does not influence the growth.

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Fertilization is not just fertilization Part 1

Unlike in natural waters, aquariums with fish mostly have a surplus of nutrients caused by feeding and the resulting fish excrement. Thus nitrates and phosphates in large (often too large!) quantities are available for the plants.

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Creating Dreamscapes under Water

Sooner or later every aquarist reaches the point where he wants more than "just" an aquarium with fish and plants. Perhaps he wants to simulate a landscape above water, such as a mountain range with woods or some special habitat (biotope), inside his aquarium.

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#HannoverScape2016 – Rankings

Last weekend the final of the aquarium design competition #HannoverScape2016 took place. Together with the organizer of the event we now would like to present the final placements.

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ProScape „Sulawesi Cliffs” by Jessica Runde

We asked some Proscapers to present their work to our community, which means you. Jessica Runde created a model aquarium at home several months ago and recorded its setting-up and development with JBL ProScape in videos and photos.

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Oxygen Explosion in the Aquarium – The Right Fertilisation

Every evening my aquarium resembles a “whirlpool“ with a thousand little oxygen bubbles. This is the time I relax and wind down after a long day.

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ProScape: „Escarpment“ – an endorser Aquascape report

We asked some Proscapers to present their work to our community, which means you. Phillip Tauchmann created a model aquarium at home several months ago and recorded its setting-up and development with JBL ProScape in videos and photos.

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How to create a ProScape - The making of „Scaping Four“

From the idea to the finished layout it needs some planning. What materials do I need and where do I get them? This is assuming you have already decided on a style.

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You ask, we answer: What’s the best way to fertilise an aquascape?

Dear Chris, dear Community, Thank you for your question. A luxuriant plant growth is based on the elements lighting, CO2 supply and an optimal fertilisation with nutrients.

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JBL ProScape PlantStart: Bacteria for Quick Plant Growth & Against Blue-Green Algae

Unfortunately aquarium plants don’t grow always as they are supposed to, even if nutrients and minerals are available. Research findings show that bacteria are responsible for the breakdown of the minerals and nutrients in the root zones.

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Laboratories and calculators

ProScape dosage calculator

Here you can calculate the optimal supply for your aquarium with the JBL ProScape fertilizers. In order to supply the aquatic plants with exactly the right amount of fertilizer, we recommend dosing in two steps.

ProScape substrate calculator

Find out what quantities of the various substrates you require. Please choose the suitable product from the summary selection. Then enter the surface and the height the substrate needs to cover here.
Reference guide (Themeworld)

Algae control

Here’s how to combat algae successfully and lastingly.

Plant care

What maintenance measures do your aquarium plants need?

Daily care

How much daily or weekly care is involved? What are the basic maintenance measures for your aquarium?

Planning and stock

Which fish are compatible? What do you need to consider when selecting fish?

Plant care

What care do your plants need in the aquarium?


Why do aquarium plants need to be fertilised?

Plant species

Which plant species suit your aquarium? What demands do the individual species have?

Bacterial initial phase

How do you start an aquarium with bacteria properly? When do you need to bacterially inoculate the water?


Which aquarium plants are best? What’s the best way to plant them?


What is the perfect substrate? Which material is suitable? What‘s the right grain size?

Setting up an aquarium

How is an aquarium set up? What do you have to consider? Step by step to a beautiful aquarium

Biotope (habitat) aquarium types

A real piece of the Amazon or, with the Congo, a piece of the heart of Africa. A habitat (biotope) aquarium is a challenge. Can you emulate nature?

Aquascaping aquarium type JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium

Jungle aquarium type JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Rocky reef aquarium type JBL Malawi Rocks®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Goldfish aquarium type JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.


safety instructions

  • safety instruction for water conditioners
    • Filename:
Customer reviews


Overall rating: 5.0
16 public review(s) for this product.

2 Reviews


its my first time trying this product and I can say that I am happy with it! I can see that this product promoted a faster root development and helped achieve a stable environment. I am going to use it again in my next scape as well. (you can check a greater review on my instagram profile)

highly recommend it


Ive never used soil additives before but after using plant start I was blown away with Firstly with how much you got in a pack and secondly how much it covered.

I used it on a iwagumi scape with only carpet plants

14 more reviews in other languages

14 Reviews in other languages

LadyDiscus - Polish

AquaBoxOfficial - German

Die positiven Effekte sind oft schon nach kurzer Zeit sichtbar. Pflanzen entwickeln sich kräftiger, bilden stärkere Wurzeln und zeigen insgesamt ein gesünderes Wachstum. Dies trägt wesentlich zur Schönheit und Stabilität des gesamten Aquascapes bei.

Zusammenfassend kann ich JBL PROSCAPE PLANT START jedem empfehlen, der Wert auf eine schnelle Etablierung und optimales Wachstum seiner Aquarienpflanzen legt. Es ist eine wertvolle Ergänzung für jedes Aquascaping-Projekt.

freshwaterscapes - Dutch

Small packets, but a great influence in the startup of my tanks. Use it all the time now in any of my scapes!

AquaBoxOfficial - German

Perfekt für eine Neueinrichtungen um dein Scape gleich mal auf die Sprünge zu helfen.

ShrimpPuddle - German

Top Produkt, leicht zu verwenden und man kann hiermit auch gut Faulgase im Bodengrund vermeiden durch die Bakterienkulturen.

Alles in Allem bin ich sehr zufrieden bisher damit.^^

samija_aquaristik - German

Einfach einzubringen, gut portionierbar mit den 2 Beuteln.

S. Kübler - German

Perfekt für den Neustart. Die Nährwerte unterstützen die Pflanzen Perfekt zum Start.

LadyDiscus - Polish

Rośliny rosną jak szalone 💚

Aquarianer_Lehrling - German

Super und einfach zum Start eines neuen Beckens. Die Nährwerte, sind super für die Planzen zum Anfang.

skalar1987 - German

Kommt auf die erste Schicht bevor der eigentliche Bodengrund drauf kommt. Unterstützt die Pflanzen beim Neustart.

Menge reicht für ein 180 Liter Aquarium.

aquascaping.tv - German

Bakterie w podłożu są bardzo ważne dla zdrowych ryb i roślin. Ten preparat to dobra alternatywa dla bardzo drogich preparatów innych marek.

der_ aquariumschrank - German

Die Menge hat perfekt gepasst für ein 180 Liter aquarium.

Und meine Pflanzen wachsen gut

malawiaddiction - German

Super Produkt für den Aquarien Start, ich habe vor kurzem ein Becken gestartet und das Produkt großzügig auf dem Bodengrund verteilt.

Die Pflanzen haben alle in wenigen Tagen starke wurzeln gebildet und waren sehr schnell auf die submerse Wuchsform umgestellt.

fishrimps9 - Spanish

las plantas lucen mas fuertes y con muchas raices si llo colocas cerca, un 10

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JBL GmbH & Co. KG provides this service free of charge, and it is easy to activate or deactivate.