Setting up and connecting the external filter - here's how it works:

How do you set up and connect an external filter? What does an external filter look like from the inside?

We would like to answer these questions with a short video and show you how anyone can set up an internal filter within a few minutes. The following video will illustrate the inner design and which materials and accessories you will find there, using the example of the JBL CRISTALPROFI e1502 greenline . The larger and smaller models are only distinguished by their size and number of filter baskets, as well as some smaller visual differences. The interiors of all basically have the same design and the same installation method is followed.

The necessary steps

If you need detailed instructions to start the filter you can follow these steps.

The aquarium external filter is a pressureless system, which means that the filter is not self-priming. If you press the start button and the water doesn’t start to flow, it is usually due to mechanical blockages in the water flow or to differently filled levels, which prevent the necessary vacuum from building up. A reduced water level makes it harder for the filter to work.

For a correct start please follow these instructions carefully:

  1. Ensure that the filter is positioned below the aquarium. Between the filter head and the water surface there should be a height difference of at least 20 cm. Completely remove the water from the filter canister and the connection hoses. After this step the filter should be “dry”.
  2. Make sure that both small stopcock levers on the pump head are in the “OPEN” position. During the following start up procedure, the water outlet pipe with the spray bar etc. must be positioned ABOVE the surface of the water for an optimal ventilation of the appliance. Now press the “START” button on the pump head repeatedly (10 – 20 times) with the palm of your hand until water begins to flow into the suction hose (hose on “IN”).
  3. Wait until the filter has completely filled with water and the water in the hose leading to the water outlet pipe (hose on “OUT”) is at the same level as the surface of the water in the aquarium.
  4. Connect the filter to the mains power supply. The water will now flow out of the water outlet pipe into the aquarium. At first, it may be mixed with air that is still trapped between the layers of the filter media. Gently shake the filter to dislodge the air which will escape with the stream of water.
© 06.02.2018
Matthias Wiesensee
Matthias Wiesensee
M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik

Social Media, Online Marketing, Homepage, Kundenservice, Problemlöser, Fotografie, Blogger, Tauchen, Inlineskating, Aquaristik, Gartenteich, Reisen, Technik, Elektronische Musik

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