JBL Expedition Indian Ocean: part 8 - the island paradise of La Digue

Leaving the best to the end.

You should never dive on the last day before the return flight, as the nitrogen bubbles in the body combined with the lower air pressure in the aircraft can lead to serious, even fatal, physiological problems. That’s why we always schedule snorkelling or a shore excursion on the last day before a flight.

The seventh part was a report on our stay in the Seychelles: JBL Indian Ocean Expedition: part 7 – the Seychelles

When visiting the Seychelles, we usually think of big granite rocks, palm trees and breathtakingly beautiful beaches. And the beaches on the small island La Digue are said to be the most beautiful of all. In just under 45 minutes we had reached the island by ferry and were exploring some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. At one beach the trusting fish allowed us to carry out more feeding tests, even with other tourists present in the water. And even some large batfish complied! With a camera we captured the "feeding orgy" on a video. At the most famous beach of all we used the background of the big granite rocks to take our obligatory group picture and to carry out all our sea water tests once more. The water values were identical with those already made. But this in itself is an important result because it serves to confirm our previous ones.

With this trip our JBL Expedition Indian Ocean 2018 had come to an end. One participant rightly said: “We’ll need at least two weeks after we return to process all our experiences!” I can only agree. But this saying also applies for me: After the expedition is before the expedition. Next October we are going to Japan. This will certainly be just as exciting and while I am writing these lines, the application deadline for the Expedición a Japón is coming to an end and we'll be drawing lots tomorrow to find out who's coming with us.

© 11.12.2018
Heiko Blessin
Heiko Blessin

Tauchen, Fotografie, Aquaristik, Haie, Motorrad


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