On the JBL website you will not only find information about your aquariums Productos y tienda : On each product page you will find guides, blogs, FAQs and videos relating to the topics.
Our popular Manuales y folletos contain the most important topics from the Themeworld Acuario , which is a complete guide to your aquarium. You'll find everything here, from the setup to maintenance to troubleshooting.
Current topics and very specific issues as well as reports from the scene can be found every week in the myJBL Blog .
In case you have questions about a product or its application, we have linked all the FAQs from each product page with the corresponding products, so you can search centrally for the answer under Preguntas frecuentes .
However, if you do not find an answer to a topic or have a very specific question, you can request we deal with a topic about the aquarium, fish and plants here in this blog post. We’re giving you the opportunity to ask your specialist questions about your hobby.
We are giving you the chance to ask specialist questions about your hobby. Perhaps you are unsure because you have found contradictory statements online and need "clarification". We are happy to help!
Ask us your specialist question and we, together with our team of experts, will answer your question in the comments.
Here’s how it works:
- Login / register
- Ask a question in the comments
- Wait for the answer
Please do not ask any questions about a JBL product or order, as these will be handled by our Centro de Atención al Cliente .
We look forward to receiving your topic requests, questions and suggestions regarding our content offering.