JBL TV 40: Selection of filter material for the aquarium - Biological. Mechanical. Troubleshooter.

Why are there different types of activated carbon? What is sintered glass filter material and where in the filter do you place the dedicated filter materials? Biologist Heiko Blessin talks about the different filter materials, what they do and where to place them in the filter.

Which filter material does what? Find out more in the Themeworld Aquarium: El material filtrante adecuado

Product overviews

1) Dedicated filter material for every purpose - product overview: Algodón, esponjas y fieltro

2) Filter material for JBL external filters - product overview: Material filtrante para filtros externos de JBL

3) Filter material for JBL internal filters - product overview: Material filtrante para filtros internos de JBL

4) Filter material accessories - product overview: Accesorios material filtrante

© 22.07.2022

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Heiko Blessin
Heiko Blessin

Tauchen, Fotografie, Aquaristik, Haie, Motorrad


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