We want our aquarium fish to feel comfortable in the water. But what does ideal water mean for fish in the aquarium? Do we have to copy the water values from natural habitats? How can we turn soft tap water into hard water and hard water into soft aquarium water? Is it even necessary? Do we have to arrange our fish community according to the fish's country of origin or which criteria are important? The video explains what aquarists should really do to make aquarium fish feel comfortable and hopefully then reproduce.
Here in the Themaworld Aquarium you can read about all the water values with explanations of the individual parameters: Parámetros del agua
Go to the Themeworld Aquarium for a better understanding of the individual water tests and procedures: Test para el agua
All the available JBL water tests at a glance: Test para el agua
Checklist to avoid typical mistakes when testing the water: Inaccurate water tests – or did I do something wrong after all?