Problems with plant growth
Crescimento de plantas
Nothing is more annoying than buying beautiful plants which then decline and die. Basically plants “only” need the right light, the main nutrient carbon dioxide (CO2), as well as trace minerals and elements. But plants react extremely if only one factor is insufficiently available or missing. This factor then limits the plant growth (Liebig’s Law of the Minimum). Fortunately you can see what is missing on a plant quite well. The visual appearance precisely indicates the missing or deficient substance. Only exception: plant-eating fish! If you supply your plants with all essentials but they still decline, have holes or damaged leaves, always check your fish community. Long-whiskered cat fish are typically present in a lot of aquariums and the owners don’t know they also like to eat plants.
These fish feed on your plants:
There are few fish species that count as notorious herbivores. And even within these species, one individual fish may happen to eat more plants than the other. Fish can be individualists too. By adding plant food you can reduce the fish's hunger for greens, but never completely eliminate it. It is usually possible to add a lot of fast-growing plants which grow back faster than they can be eaten.
Do the plants in your aquarium grow exactly as you expect them to?
We’ll show you what reasons there could be if your aquarium plants are not growing as you would like and what you can do to make your plants grow properly!
What’s wrong with my plants and fish?
We will show and explain all the important deficiency symptoms of fish and plants. In addition you can learn how to avoid or to remedy deficiency diseases/symptoms here.