The filter / pump hums during operation
It’s to investigate the cause of this. With pumps and filters positioned inside, you do not need to do anything other than hold the unit freely in the water, keeping it out of contact from any other objects. It is important that the unit remains completely under water and is only touching your hand. If the running noise is now quiet, there is no sign of wear on the rotor, it is just resonance transmission to surrounding elements such as the cover, the base cabinet or anything adjacent to the aquarium. You can then decouple this by making small adjustments.
For external filters, make sure that the filter has 4 rubber feet at the bottom (except for the model CPe1901/2 with castors) and that it is only touching the cabinet there. To test the filter, place it next to or in front of the aquarium on a soft surface (e.g. a thick towel) and make sure that the hoses are not in contact with the cabinet. Many aquarium cabinets act like the sound box of a guitar with its sound hole. The smallest noise is amplified by the hollow body. Therefore, a soft underlay and, if necessary, lateral insulation are advantageous if the resonance is to be amplified. Tubes lying on top or in a very rigid installation with further attachments lead to the same effect. The test with the filter outside the cabinet, as described above, provides information about the actual operating noise.
Strong running noises are caused by a worn impeller, a too strong load on the impeller due to a power reduction (dirt or throttling) and by a too small height difference between the water surface and the filter head, as described in the manual. Another possibility is that CO2 sucked in from the fertiliser system or air from the diaphragm pump, which are introduced near the filter, cause loud running noises.
My external filter was loud or gurgled after it was installed.
After a new installation, the remaining air escapes from the filter media during the first 5-7 days. This causes “gurgling” or intermittent rattling. Additional problems may occur due to transmission of resonance. Please make sure that the filter has 4 rubber feet on the bottom and only has contact with the cabinet there and nowhere else. Test by placing the filter on a soft surface, making sure that the hoses don’t have any contact with the stand either. If you notice air in the filter, please check the hose on the inlet side for air pockets and streams of bubbles. This would give an indication of the source of the trapped air.
On the new filter the start button is blocked - what shall I do?
There is a resistance the first time you press the start button because it needs to be activated. Take both hands, lean over the filter and press the button with force. A clicking activates it and indicates the correct procedure. Now the start button can easily be pressed with one hand.
Может ли снизиться производительность внешнего фильтра?
Моторы головы насоса во внешнем фильтре JBL CristalProfi называются синхронными, т.е. они вращаются с фиксированной скоростью, при 50 Гц - 3000 оборотов в минуту.
В этом отношении внешний фильтр не теряет производительность. Если же производительность снижается, то либо загрязнился фильтрующий материал, либо развились так называемые биопленки, особенно в шлангах.
Пожалуйста, регулярно прочищайте шланги специальной щёткой. Промывать тёплой водой не достаточно.
Подходит ли CristalProfi е для аквариумов с морской или солоноватой водой?
Да, их можно спокойно использовать в аквариумах с морской или солоноватой водой.
The filter no long sucks in water.
Please clean all the hoses, pipes and the filter to remove any biofilms, algae and mud in them. It is not enough to simply rinse with tap water. Make sure to use the JBL Cleany hose brush for cleaning. Remove the water from the body of the filter and the hoses. Make sure that the two small stopcock levers on the pump head are in the “OPEN” position. During the following start up procedure, the water outlet pipe with the spray bar, etc. must be positioned ABOVE the surface of the water for optimum ventilation of the appliance. Press the “START” button on the pump head repeatedly with the palm of your hand until water begins to flow into the suction hose (hose on “IN” ). Wait until the filter has filled completely with water and the water in the hose leading to the water outlet pipe (hose on “OUT”) is at the same level as the surface of the water in the aquarium. Connect the filter to the mains power supply. The water will now flow out of the water outlet pipe and into the aquarium. At first, it may be mixed with air that is still trapped between the layers of the filter media. Gently shake the filter to dislodge the air which will escape with the stream of water.
Можно ли подавать углекислый газ (CO₂) во впускной патрубок внешнего фильтра?
Не рекомендуется подавать диоксид углерода (CO₂) в аквариумную воду через всасывающий патрубок внешнего фильтра JBL CristalProfi.
1) В работающем фильтре всегда есть небольшой вакуум, который может выводить CO₂.
2) Нерастворённые пузырьки газа накапливаются в корпусе ротора, что может вызвать шум во время работы.
3) Существует также опасность попадания потока воды в корпус ротора, что может привести к поломке фильтра.
4) Это влияет на работу кнопки запуска фильтра.
Можно ли роторы от фильтров JBL CristalProfi e700, e900 или е1500 использовать в фильтрах JBL Cristal e701, е901 или е1501 greenline?
Даже если роторы фильтров JBL CristalProfi е700, е900 или е1500 подойдут для корпуса ротора в фильтрах JBL CristalProfi е701, е901 или е1501, это не рекомендуется в любом случае.
Магнит крыльчатки фильтров JBL CristalProfi e700, e900 или E1500 немного меньше, чем магнит крыльчатки фильтров JBL CristalProfi e701, e901 или e1501.
Из этого следует, что передача магнитной муфты не такая надёжная, фильтр может не запуститься или остановиться, что приведёт к тому, что голова насоса больше не будет охлаждаться правильно.
Это может привести к выходу из строя головы насоса.
Пожалуйста, используйте только соответствующие оригинальные роторы. Гарантия не покрывает другие комплектации.
My external filter makes loud, gurgling noises.
This is most likely due to a small bubble appearing periodically in the pump head of the CristalProfi which is then transported out of the filter.
If air enters the filter system, this may be an indication that a seal is no longer tight or that connecting pieces don’t close tightly. As there is constant slight low pressure during operation, this is not necessarily noticeable. In the event that there is a leak of this kind, you can test by switching off the filter temporarily, in which case a small amount of water would escape where the leak is. Please note: This test should only be carried out with careful monitoring.
Be sure to check the hoses on the inlet side for air pockets or fine streams of bubbles. Often this is merely because the hose no longer fits securely into the JBL InSet.
Another possibility: The filter material may be very heavily soiled, which can result in the formation of fermentation gas which is periodically pressed out of the filter.
Please restart the filter as follows:
Remove the water from the body of the filter and the hoses. Make sure that the two small stopcock levers on the pump head are in the “OPEN” position. During the following start up procedure, the water outlet pipe with the spray bar, etc. must be positioned ABOVE the surface of the water for optimal ventilation of the appliance. Press the “START” button on the pump head repeatedly with the palm of your hand until water begins to flow into the suction hose (hose on “IN”). Wait until the filter has filled completely with water and the water in the hose leading to the water outlet pipe (hose on “OUT”) is at the same level as the surface of the water in the aquarium. Connect the filter to the mains power supply. The water will now flow out of the water outlet pipe and into the aquarium. At first, it may be mixed with air that is still trapped between the layers of the filter media. Gently shake the filter to dislodge the air which will escape with the stream of water.
Кнопка запуска внешнего фильтра CristalProfi застряла и не возвращается в исходное положение после нажатия.
Скорее всего, это оттого, что кнопка запуска была нажата слегка под наклоном.
Решение: открутите 4 винта по углам, которыми крепятся боковые ручки. Под ними будет еще 4 винта, которые держат крышку головы насоса. После этого можно поднять крышку головы насоса.
Кнопка запуска навинчивается, её можно освободить поворотом. Обычно пружина выдвигает кнопку запуска после первого поворота.
Установите на место крышку головы насоса и ручки в обратном порядке.
JBL CristalProfi e700
JBL CristalProfi e701
JBL CristalProfi e900
JBL CristalProfi e901
JBL CristalProfi e1500
JBL CristalProfi e1501