JBL PROFLORA Ferropol Tabs
Rostlinné hnojivo pro sladkovodní akvária

  • Základní výživa pro vitalitu rostlin: Tablety hnojiva pro sladkovodní akvária
  • Vitální rostliny, bez známek deficitu: Důležité minerály s obsahem železa, draslíku a dalších stopových prvků
  • Optimální, intenzivní zbarvení listů díky optimální koncentraci železa
  • Optimální růst rostlin znamená méně problémů s řasami. Bez fosfátů a dusitanů
  • Obsah balení: 1 balení FerroTabs, 30 tablet. Použití: 1 tableta/25 l vody každých 14 dní první dávka a týdenní doplňování: 1 tableta / 50 l vody
Cena 10,44 €
základní cena 745.71 EUR / kg
Doporučená prodejní cena vč. DPH
Tento produkt můžete najít ve vašem obchodě nebo na eshopu
Informace o produktu

Výživa akvarijních rostlin
Zdravé rostliny brání růstu řas a zásobují obyvatele akvária životně důležitým kyslíkem, odstraňují škodlivé látky, poskytují úkryt a snižují výskyt zárodků nemocí.

Zdravé rostliny = zdravé ryby
Pro vývoj rostlin jsou důležité následující podmínky:
Světlo jako zdroj energie pro fotosyntézu
CO2, živiny a stopové prvky na podporu růstu.

Hnojicí zařízení JBL dodávají rostlinám všechny důležité živiny a hlavní stopové prvky. Rostlinám se dostane všech důležitých látek, které potřebují pro jejich příjem listy a kořeny, aby nepociťovaly jejich nedostatek (např. železa).


JBL PROFLORA Ferropol Tabs

č. výr.:
EAN kod:
30 Tabl.
Objem vody:
750 l
0.3 l
Hrubá hmotnost:
34 g
Čistá hmotnost:
14 g
Faktor hmotnosti:
Rozměry balení (d / v / š):
27/140/74 mm


Živočišný druh: Arowana, Axolotl, Bichirovití / bichirek úhořovitý, Bojovnice, Cambarellus, Cichlidka, Cichlidy papouščí, Cobitoidea, Cyprinodontiformes, Drápatka vodní, Duhovkovití, Epiplatys, Ergasilus sieboldi, Fadenfische, Guramis, Karas zlatý, Krabi, Labyrintky, Mastacembelidae, Mladé ryby, Mloci, Mlži, Motýlkovci, Pancéřníček skvrnitý, Parmy, Raci, Razbory, Stenopodidae, Sumeček, Terčíkovci, Trnobřiší, Trpasličí krevetky, Vrubozubcovití (Jižní Amerika), Zlatá rybka, Čtverzubcovití, Šneci, Živorodka duhová, Živorodky
Velikost zvířete: Pro všechny velikosti zvířat
Věková skupina zvířete: Všechny akvarijní ryby
Velikost biotopu: > 750 l
Materiál: Chlorid draselný, kyselina ethylendiamintetraoctová, sůl sodná, chlorid železitý, chlorid zinečnatý, kyselina boritá, chlorid manganatý, síran měďnatý, chlorid kobaltnatý, polyvinylpyrrolodon, celulóza
Barva: bílá / černá
Dávkování: Nové založení, částečná výměna vody (jen na vyměněné množství vody): 1 tableta na 25 l vody Týdenní hnojení: 1 tableta na 50 l

Elektronická etiketa / svítidlo

Rtuť: Ne
Stmívatelný: Ne
Do the plant fertiliser tablets with iron dissolve immediately?

No, the active ingredients are bound in a cellulose matrix that does not dissolve immediately and ensures even distribution and addition. To do this, place the tablet in a spot with sufficient water movement and do not bury it. Refer to the instructions for use on your packaging for the quantity appropriate to your aquarium size.

Where did my algae come from?

Algae problems in an aquarium can never be traced to just one factor or general condition, and instead, are always the result of a combination of different factors, which include light, fertilization, water changes – specifically, how often and how much – feeding, fish population and, of course, the specific water parameters.

According to analyses that were performed over a course of a number of years, red algae, at least the common brush algae and beard algae, occur in descending order at the following parameters:

1) too little carbon dioxide (in relationship to 100 % of the measured tank); the pH level should be in the slightly acetic range, depending on the carbonate hardness, in every case.
2) elevated phosphate levels (over 90 %); phosphate limitation by means of JBL PhosEx ultra is often helpful here.
3) too little and too irregular fertilization (there should always be traces of iron at least).
4) insufficient water changes; a weekly water change of over 30 % is recommended for algae problems.
5) not enough fast-growing plants.

I would like to fertilise my plants with your product and change over completely. How do I go about doing that?

Generally, one should never change plant fertilizers abruptly. The fertilizers from different manufacturers have somewhat different compositions in terms of trace elements. This may cause temporary nutrient changes. It is best to change over in 3 steps:

1) Reduction of the old fertilizer by 1/3; replace this with 1/3 of the new fertilizer. Wait approx. 3-4 weeks and observe the reaction of the plants.

2) Reduction of the old fertilizer by 2/3; replace this with 2/3 of the new fertilizer. Wait approx. 3-4 weeks and observe the reaction of the plants.

3) Complete discontinuation of the old fertilizer and change-over to the new fertilizer.

It is important to observe the reaction of plant growth and, in addition, to check the iron content of the water at least 2x weekly. Whereas the value should never drop to 0, it should never exceed 0.2 mg/l if possible. However, short peaks are no cause for concern.

These measures should generally be carried out on a weekly basis, ideally right after a water change. This achieves better results than fertilizing in large doses at longer intervals.

Blog (názory a zkušenosti)

JBL TV #28 Part 3: Aquarium care is so easy! Every 2 weeks.

We show you everything you need to do in a 2-week rhythm and how to do it properly.


JBL TV #28 Part 1: Aquarium care is so easy! Daily measures

How to care for your aquarium properly. What needs doing on a daily basis?


JBL TV #8: Do the plants in your aquarium grow exactly as you want them to?

What makes for ideal plant growth? All the factors for good plant growth: light, LED, tubes, fertilisation, fertilisation quantity, fertilisation monitoring, influence of water conditioners, chelated iron.


JBL TV #3: How do I get my plants to grow well in the aquarium?

If your plants aren’t growing perfectly in the aquarium, this video will help you. Biologist Heiko Blessin explains clearly and comprehensibly what is necessary for perfect plant growth in the aquarium.


Misunderstandings – typical beginner mistakes

Based on our own experience in customer service and the many messages and questions we receive, we have put together the typical mistakes beginners may make. The experienced aquarist might well smile, but if they are honest, these are mistakes we all made at the start, aren’t they?


Benefits of aquatic plants for the biosystem

Especially when new to the hobby, a lot of aquarium owners ask: Do I need real aquatic plants or is it enough to use plastic plants which can be easily cleaned?


The world’s best aquascapers use JBL products

Although aquascaping is an art, any aquarium owner can set up an aquarium artistically.


Outline: Fertilisation in the Aquarium

The JBL plant care concept leads to vigorous and healthy growth even with the most demanding aquatic plants. JBL has all the components you need, whether it’s a fertiliser, a bottom substrate or a fully automatic CO2 fertiliser system.


Care products - The best solutions for your aquarium

With the right products, aquarium care is not only easy, but can also be a lot of fun! The formulas that make up JBL products are based on intensive research and, especially with care products, their effects are not always immediately visible, yet in the medium and long-term they’ll result in a beautiful aquarium and healthy fish.


Plant aquarium in fast motion with or without CO2

Have you ever had the chance to see how big the difference really is between a plant aquarium with and without CO2 fertilisation?


The JBL Calculators – Calculated Success

The three most important factors for your plant aquariums are the nutrient balance, the substrate and the lighting.


How often should you fertilise – daily or weekly?

The subjects of plant care and fertilisation can sometimes take on a philosophical element. There are a lot of approaches and a lot of them can lead to success. It is important that your chosen approach suits your aquarium.


How much fertiliser does your aquarium need?

We are often asked: “How much fertiliser do I need for my aquarium?” On all product packaging you find dosage recommendations which give you initial information on how to start the fertilisation.


Water values for water plants in detail

If we transfer this Liebig’s Law of the Minimum to the aquatic field it quickly becomes clear how important balanced fertilisation is for plant aquariums.


There’s more to fertilization than you’d think Part 2

Simply put, Liebig’s Law of the Minimum states that the growth of plants is limited by the scarcest resource. Adding a nutrient which already exists in abundance does not influence the growth.


Fertilization is not just fertilization Part 1

Unlike in natural waters, aquariums with fish mostly have a surplus of nutrients caused by feeding and the resulting fish excrement. Thus nitrates and phosphates in large (often too large!) quantities are available for the plants.


Are aquarium fertilisers with trace elements dangerous for shrimps?

It’s no wonder that shrimp enthusiasts are unsure when they read the composition of high-quality aquarium fertilisers. Copper! All the alarm bells are ringing. We would like to clear up the confusion and give you some valuable background knowledge.



New JBL Fertilisers - Green Bottles for Green Fingers

Now that LED has become a feature of the vast majority of aquariums, it’s time to test your fertiliser compositions and perhaps readjust your dosages.



JBL FerroTabs renamed

While adapting all our JBL aquarium plant fertilisers to the stronger LED lighting, we also took the opportunity to reassess their intended uses and applications.



50 % of Aquarium Owners have Technical Questions about Plant Fertilisation

The JBL customer service team receives up to 10 calls a day from aquarium owners wanting additional information about the use of basic fertilisers (JBL Ferropol) and daily fertilisers (JBL Ferropol 24).

Laboratoře a počítače

Analýza vody online laboratoř

Enter your water parameters and get an in-depth analysis of your values in a matter of seconds. You enter your water values – and we analyse! Here you have the opportunity to enter the measured water values directly into the JBL Online Laboratory. This will analyse your values and explain and submit corrective measures.
Rádce (tematický svět)

Růst rostlin

Are your aquarium plants growing as well you want? Here’s how to achieve perfect plant growth


Here’s how to prevent deficiency symptoms in fish and plants

Likvidace řas

Here’s how to combat algae successfully and lastingly.

Péče o rostliny

What maintenance measures do your aquarium plants need?

Denní péče

How much daily or weekly care is involved? What are the basic maintenance measures for your aquarium?

Plánování a společenstvo ryb

Which fish are compatible? What do you need to consider when selecting fish?

Péče o rostliny

What care do your plants need in the aquarium?


Why do aquarium plants need to be fertilised?

Druhy rostlin

Which plant species suit your aquarium? What demands do the individual species have?

Hodnoty vody

Which water tests are important? How can you achieve perfect water values?


Which aquarium plants are best? What’s the best way to plant them?

Hnojení rostlin CO2

How important is CO2 plant fertilisation? Why do your plants need additional CO2? How does a CO2 system work?


How do you illuminate your aquarium properly? What are the advantages of the different lighting methods? How long should the lights be on? What do the light colours mean?

Typy akvarijních biotopů (životní prostředí)

A real piece of the Amazon or, with the Congo, a piece of the heart of Africa. A habitat (biotope) aquarium is a challenge. Can you emulate nature?

Typ akvária na aquascaping JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium

Typ akvária džungle JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Typ akvária skalnatých útesů JBL Malawi Rock®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Typ akvária s karasi stříbřitými JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.


Bezpečnostní listy

  • Bezpečnostní pokyny pro úpravu vody
    • Jméno souboru:
Recenze zákazníků


Celkové hodnocení: 4.8
4 zveřejněné hodnocení pro tento produkt

0 Recenze

4 ukázat další hodnocení v jiných jazycích

4 Hodnocení v jiných jazycích

samija_aquaristik - Němec

Ich komme mit den Tabs super klar für meine Bodenzehrer. In manchen Becken verwende ich lieber die JBL PROFLORA Ferropol Root.

a_jak_akwarium - Polský

Perfect tablets for the substrate for plants. Thanks to them, my Cryptocoryne began to grow lush and densely. They contain all the necessary ingredients for plant growth. Plants grow beautifully after them. Even the limnophila aromatica which is quite picky began to grow. I recommend it as much as possible.

Ragnarshrimps - Francouzština

Facile à mettre en place, mes plantes gazonnantes se sont rapidement enraciné

Aquamahh - Francouzština

Easy way to fertilize your substrate 👍

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