Social Escape is a private aquarium project of JBL’s online marketing manager Matthias Wiesensee and his friends Adrie Baumann ( Aquascaping Symphony ) and Lucas Müller ( GarnelenTV ).
What does the name mean? It reflects a part of my life. Social stands for online marketing and social media. Escape means a way out of our fast moving digital lives and a way into another world. A balancing haven of peace and relaxation. The oasis for recuperation and gathering new ideas for the creation of a great hobby – our hobby. What better to help us than a wonderful aquarium? The project needed a name and I decided that the title doesn’t need to describe what you see, but what it means for the owner (and that’s me here).
Do your aquariums also have a name?
The world aquascaping champion Adrie Baumann and I set up this aquarium with loving care at my home in a weekend, once we had conducted detailed preliminary planning as to what and how to put my ideas into action. My flat became a film set, with covered up doors and windows, several large studio lamps and a film crew issuing instructions. Of course we could have done it all in private, but then you wouldn’t have been able to enjoy these step-by-step videos. You would have had to make do with a couple of snapshots.
The whole project was also supported by Tropica Aquarium Plants , Denmark, who contributed the magnificent in vitro plants and by StreamBiz who contributed the LED lights Zetlight QMaven Q6500.
Details of the aquarium:
IHM white glass aquarium 130 cm white (approx. 350 litres)
- 20x 003B POR : Taxiphyllum barbieri
- 5x 002F POR : Fissidens fontanus
- 5x003D POR : Riccardia chamedryfolia
- 5x 067A TC: Echinodorus tenellus 'Green'
- 15x 132B TC: Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini'
- 5x 003F TC: Fontinalis antipyretica
- 10x 132C POT: Eleocharis parvula
- 10x 045A POT: Glossostigma elatinoides
- 5x 048A POT: Hemianthus micranthemoides
- 5x 039B POT: Hydrocotyle tripartita
- 2x 008G POT: Microsorum pteropus ‚Trident‘
- 5x 033A POT: Rotala 'Green'
- 5x 033 POT: Rotala rotundifolia
Animal stock:
- 20x Neritina pulligera - dusky nerite
- 125x Paracheirodon simulans - green neon tetra
- 60x Corydoras habrosus
- 250x Caridina logemanni - golden bee shrimp
- approx. 100kg black basalt (stones)
- 2 large sections of dried Savannah wood
Technical equipment:
Zetlight QMAVEN TZ6500 white (2 lamps with 90 W each)
Arka Vida GT 4 dosing computer
Care products:
JBL Schiuma filtrante blu grezza