ProScan Historie – Scanning, Saving, Managing

The product JBL PROSCAN has now been available in the specialist shops for one year and we have collected your comments and requests. There was in particular a request for an option to compare several measurements and to manage different aquariums and ponds.

We wouldn’t be JBL if we didn’t manage to provide you with a reliable solution. Therefore we can proudly report today that this function will be available with the next update in January. For this you will need a user account to save the measurements and also to retrieve and manage them, even without a smartphone. The aquarium and pond data you enter will also be available for our other Laboratori / Calcolatori .The selection of functions will of course be further extended in 2016. That’s something to look forward to.

There now follows a quick insight into the new functions of version 2.0. Click on the pictures to view the full screenshot.


The difference is quickly explained. Under MY ANALYSES you will find the new history function. After you have logged in with your JBL user account you can access your aquariums and your ponds. Scan, save and compare your measurements here with the history function.

You can find the previous features of the ProScan app under QUICKSCAN. This area is relevant for you if a measurement is to be carried out without assigning it to an aquarium or pond. You can view the last measurement as before without saving it in your JBL user account. A comparison with other measurement results is not possible. QUICKSCAN is therefore useful for making a quick test at a fellow aquarist’s or for testing stream water when you’re out and about.

ADDING an Aquarium or a Pond

Please enter first your aquarium, your pond or other water into the data administration. Enter a name for your aquarium / pond and select the water type (NOTE: Subsequently the type cannot be changed). Additionally you can add a photo to clearly differentiate the different entries in the overview.

MY ANALYSES – The Data Administration

Here you can manage your aquariums and ponds. To start a new measurement to add to the history please select the appropriate category and click on “Continue” to start the measurement. The usual measuring process now takes place.

To access previous measurements (the history) please click on the new icon with the history between “Back” and “Continue”. This will give you access to the old measurements so that you can compare the water parameters and display the measurement results with the recommendations.

The History

In the history you can compare all 7 parameters of the last 5 measurements and access the overviews of the complete measurements, including the recommendations. This way the fluctuations and problems can be diagnosed quickly and you can increase your understanding of your aquarium or garden pond. The scale on the side shows the usual colour code (red, yellow, green) of the values in the y-axis and the measurements in the x-axis. By clicking the button with the corresponding date you will receive the overview of results for the measurements you have selected. You can receive further measurements, beyond the last five, by using your JBL user account under myJBL -> Le mie analisi

Because Apple’s AppStore is taking a break until 29 Dec. 2015 we have not yet been able to submit our latest update. The usual period of 6-15 days will therefore mean that the update is available by mid-January. We are looking forward to providing you with this update with the history function for Android and iOS soon.

© 27.12.2015
Matthias Wiesensee
Matthias Wiesensee
M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik

Social Media, Online Marketing, Homepage, Kundenservice, Problemlöser, Fotografie, Blogger, Tauchen, Inlineskating, Aquaristik, Gartenteich, Reisen, Technik, Elektronische Musik

Su di me: Seit Teenagerzeiten mit Aquarien in Kontakt. Klassische Fischaquarien, reine Pflanzenaquarien bis hin zum Aquascape. Aber auch ein Gartenteich und Riffaquarien begleiten mich privat im Hobby. Als Wirtschaftsinformatiker, M.Sc. bin ich als Online Marketing Manager bei JBL für die Bereiche Social Media, Webentwicklung und der Kommunikation mit dem Anwender der JBL Produkte zuständig und kenne die JBL Produkte im Detail.


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Notifiche push di JBL

Cosa sono le notifiche PUSH? In quanto parte dello standard W3C le notifiche web definiscono un'API per le notifiche rivolte agli utenti finali, che vengono trasmesse tramite browser ai dispositivi desktop e/o mobili degli utenti. Sui dispositivi finali appaiono notifiche come le conosce l'utente finale dalle applicazioni istallate sul dispositivo (ad es. email). Sui dispositivi appaiono le notifiche come le conosce l'utente finale dalle applicazioni installate sul dispositivo (ad es. email).

Queste notifiche permettono al gestore delle pagine web di contattare i suoi utenti mentre hanno ancora aperto un browser – indipendentemente dal fatto se l'utente sta visitando il sito web o no.

Per poter inviare notifiche push si ha bisogno soltanto di un sito web con un codice web push installato. In questo modo anche marchi senza applicazioni possono usufruire di molti vantaggi delle notifiche push (comunicazioni personalizzate in tempo reale, proprio nel momento giusto).

Le notifiche web fanno parte dello standard W3C e definiscono un'API per le notifiche all'utente. Una notifica permette di informare l'utente su un fatto, come ad es. un nuovo commento sul blog, al di fuori dal contesto di una pagina web.

Questo servizio viene offerto gratuitamente da JBL GmbH & Co. KG ed è tanto facile da attivare come da disattivare.