JBL Aquarium Fish Food - Trusted Worldwide

Fish breeders, scientists and public aquariums in many countries of the world place their trust in JBL quality.

Looking at its characteristics and properties we are going to explain why our food is top class:

Selected Raw Ingredients

Instead of cheap fish meal with a large proportion of fish leftovers, and an accordingly high amount of phosphate from the fish bones, JBL only uses pure fish protein without fish waste products or cheap fish meal. We carefully dose fish bone meal as a mineral source to the protein later, to keep the phosphate content low and precisely adjusted.

Conservation of Fisheries Resources

Not a single fish is caught to make JBL fish food! We exclusively use fish meat, which is leftover from fish fillet production, and our motto is: The large fillet for humans and the small fillet for our aquarium fish! This way fish meal containing a lot of phosphate is avoided while high-grade, pure fish protein is still obtained. By the way this fish processing takes place in the north of France. JBL strictly rejects the processing of whole fish from endangered fish stocks.

Ingredient Variety

Who else has 54 types of frozen food or live food in the fridge? Our main food JBL NovoBel, for example, contains 7 flakes with a total of 54 different, natural raw ingredients. The fish in the wild is used to this much variety and deserves it in the aquarium too!

Modern, Gentle Production Process

JBL invests millions in state-of-the-art manufacturing processes so that the flakes, granulates, tablets and sticks don’t lose their valuable ingredients during the production process! Directly after production the flakes are intercepted and hermetically sealed on the 15,000 kg heavy flaker roll. This is the only way to keep the vitamins where we want them.

High-quality Packaging and Sealing

Have you ever tried to tear the JBL sealing foil which closes our food tins? If so, you’ll know that it’s almost impossible! Again here JBL has invested in top class materials to ensure that the high food quality of closed tins is maintained over a long period of time. Even the tins are made of high-grade plastic to keep the air and light away from the food.

Research in Laboratory and in the Wild

The best „guinea pigs“ are fish in the wild! That’s why JBL also includes feeding trials with feed prototypes during the research expeditions in the product development. The result is that the food is accepted exceptionally well.

Do not become accept less! You will find further information about our production and our company on the following site: De firma

© 26.04.2017
Heiko Blessin
Heiko Blessin

Tauchen, Fotografie, Aquaristik, Haie, Motorrad


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