
Je wil graag op de hoogte blijven van de wetenswaardigheden rondom je hobby of een kijkje nemen achter de schermen bij JBL? Het JBL deskundigenteam zal je regelmatig voorzien van informatie, tips en overige wetenswaardigheden over je hobby die je op geen enkele verpakking of product vindt. Grijp de mogelijkheid aan en discussieer controversiële onderwerpen of stel brandende vragen. Beleef het deskundigenteam van dichterbij dan ooit tevoren.

JBL TV #65 Kranke Fische im Aquarium - Vergiftungen, Parasiten, Bakterien & Krankheiten


Manchmal beobachtet der Aquarienfreund ein eigenartiges Verhalten bei seinen Fischen, weiß aber nicht, was die Ursachen sind.

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PRONOVO WERELDREIE – Soortspecifiek houden, verzorgen en voeren van maanvissen


Deze cichlide onderscheidt zich door de lichaamsvorm duidelijk van alle andere cichliden in de zoetwateraquaristiek. Maar waar moet je op letten als je maanvissen in je aquarium wil houden?

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The habitats of flag cichlids are very diverse. These beautiful cichlids live between wooden roots and branches, as well as between large stones and huge boulders.

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JBL TV #64 Levendbarende vissen in het aquarium I Profiel


In deze video legt gediplomeerd bioloog Heiko Blessin, die ook de onderzoeksexpedities van JBL leidt, uit wat we van de observaties in de vrije natuur leren kunnen met betrekking tot de verzorging van levendbarende vissen in onze aquariums.

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Gratis met de JBL expeditie naar Peru? Met PRONOVO SCAN + WIN krijg je die kans!


Je hebt altijd al eens naar de landen van herkomst van onze siervissen willen reizen? Dan heb je nu eenmalig de kans om een plaats binnen het expeditieteam van de komende JBL expeditie naar Peru te WINNEN!

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JBL TV #63 Karperzalmen in het aquarium I Profiel


Er bestaan circa 1900 soorten karperzalmen wereldwijd. In deze video vertelt gediplomeerd bioloog Heiko Blessin ons wat wij, aquariumbezitters, over de succesvolle verzorging van karperzalmen moeten weten.

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Het sprookje van de nachtelijke temperatuurdaling


Aquariumbezitters lezen telkens weer over een nachtelijke temperatuurdaling in het aquarium, aangezien dit ook in de natuur voorkomt en een positief effect op de planten zou hebben.

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Interzoo 2024 - A paradise for animal lovers


From 7 to 10 May 2024 Messe Nürnberg opened its doors for the world's leading international trade fair for pet supplies, Interzoo. We were there as visitors …

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Today we are accustomed to the sight of bright cardinal tetras in the aquarium. But imagine what it was like in 1930 when the first cardinal tetras arrived in Germany. It was a real sensation!

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Scan & Win: Win een expeditieplaats naar Peru


Iedereen, die een potje JBL PRONOVO voer koopt, vindt op de zegelfolie een code waarmee men mee kan doen aan de competitie. Wie meerdere verpakkingen koopt, heeft meer kans om te winnen. Daarnaast zijn er nog talloze directe prijzen!

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Thermometers for the aquarium – an overview


Ensuring the best living conditions for your aquarium pets should always be your top priority. And temperature plays a central role in this. A thermometer is therefore an indispensable instrument...

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PROSCAPE sets new standards in aquascaping – JBL PROSCAPE S20 ZICKZACK


May we introduce? The JBL PROSCAPE TOOLS are growing! With the new JBL PROSCAPE S 20 ZICKZACK we are expanding the horizon in aquascaping and helping you to set new standards.

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JBL expeditie #21: Waar gaat de reis heen?


Heeft u een idee waar het voor het expeditieteam de moeite waard is om aquaristiek en terraristiek biotooponderzoek uit te voeren? Het is voor een expeditiedoel belangrijk dat de heen- en terugreis niet te lang duren.

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Spring, sunshine, Easter and the JBL competition


The joys of spring lurk just around the corner, and one of them is a particularly colourful Easter gift for all aquarium lovers. It's worth joining in!

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De terugblik van JBL: 2023 was gisteren – nu is 24 aan de beurt!


Voordat ik me in de details verlies, vertel wat er was en wat gaat komen, geef ik alvast de belangrijkste buzzwoorden van 2023.

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PRONOVO World Tour - Visiting the armored catfish in South America


Armored catfish are among the most popular fish in our aquariums. Beginners in particular like these small, lively bottom dwellers in their community aquariums. But what species are there and where do they live? Let's take a closer look at this topic.

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The habitats of the altum angelfish were quite different. They were always found in Colombian blackwater rivers such as the Caño Sabanitas near Puerto Inirida or the Rio Atabapo on the border with Venezuela.

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Neem een duik in de kerstsfeer: JBL's top 25 cadeautips voor aquariumbezitters 2023


Nog maar een paar dagen en dan staat Kerstmis voor de deur. Je bent op zoek naar een geschikt cadeau en wordt niet enthousiast van potten, sokken of douchegel onder de boom? Wij ook niet.

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De waterverversing is het levenselixir van je aquarium. Wij hebben niet alleen het juiste werktuig daarvoor, maar ook een #jbldeal voor je, waar zowel jij als je vissen van zullen profiteren.

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Gun jezelf iets leuks met Kerstmis met de JBL XMAS-CASHBACK!


De MEGA #jbldeal met Kerstmis. Ontvang tot 15 % cashback.

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JBL at the Vivarium 2023


Last weekend, more than 12,000 visitors strolled through the Vivarium exhibition hall. We were there too and welcomed some of the visitors to our booth.

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JBL at the aqua EXPO 2023


The aqua EXPO took place from Sept 29 to Oct 1, 2023, in Dortmund, Germany. At the booth, our experts Elias and Gary were on hand to answer questions about our products and exchange ideas about the hobby.

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The TOP Highlights of the 18 JBL Expeditions Part 3


As the expedition leader, the question I’m asked most often about our expeditions is: What was the most beautiful expedition so far? And this is exactly the question that’s hardest to answer.

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The TOP Highlights of the 18 JBL Expeditions Part 2


As the expedition leader, the question I’m asked most often about our expeditions is: What was the most beautiful expedition so far? And this is exactly the question that’s hardest to answer.

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The TOP Highlights of the 18 JBL Expeditions Part 1


As the expedition leader, the question I’m asked most often about our expeditions is: What was the most beautiful expedition so far? And this is exactly the question that’s hardest to answer.

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JBL TV #59 Biotope Aquaristics - The fascination of natural underwater worlds with Heiko Bleher


It’s hard to find anything more exciting than biotope aquaristics – recreating the real habitats of our aquarium fish. But what exactly is biotope aquaristics and what do we need to know before recreating a biotope?

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PRONOVO WORLD TRIP - Visiting the cichlids from Lake Tanganyika Part 2


Let us now turn to the growth eaters from Lake Tanganyika. They are characterised by a wide, (mostly) inferior mouth equipped with lots of small teeth. With this "rasping tool", many of the endemic (only living there) cichlids have specialised in grazing the algae growth off the rocks, along with all the micro-organisms living within it.

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Take part in the JBL Beach Party competition 2023


The last warm days of summer are coming to an end. Take part now and make sure of your chance to win a COOL pack for your aquarium.

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The PUSH for the myJBL Community


Hast du sie schon entdeckt? Die PUSH-Nachrichten von JBL sind jetzt da. Aber was bedeutet das überhaupt? Welche Vorteile bringt sie dir?

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JBL TV #58: Which fish and plants fit into a 100 cm aquarium?


Which fish fit into a 100 cm aquarium and which fish are not suitable?

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Have you heard it yet? TROPENFIEBER - Hobby meets Nature


There are seven fascinating episodes online already and each one takes you on a journey into the habitats of ornamental fish, into the deep rainforests of Colombia and into the world of indigenous peoples.

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Dauerhafter % SALE % bei JBL


Alles muss raus! 30 % Rabatt auf alle Produkte in unserer neuen SALE-Kategorie

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Which fish and plants fit into a 80 cm aquarium?


Which fish fit into a 80 cm aquarium and which fish are not suitable?

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Umfrage vom #jblpraktikant + Gewinnchance


Ich schreibe aktuell meine Bachelorarbeit zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit und Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation und führe dazu eine Umfrage durch.

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JBL TV #56: Which fish and plants fit into a 60 cm aquarium?


Which fish fit into a 60 cm aquarium and which fish are not suitable?

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JBL PRONOVO - Het voer voor een gezonde en soortspecifieke verzorging van de vissen in je aquarium


Prebiotisch, zonder kunstmatige kleurstoffen, maar met natuurlijke grondstoffen en nog veel meer. 100 % ORIGINAL JBL QUALITY. Made in Germany.

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Summer heat - But not in the aquarium, please!


If you own an aquarium you’ll be asking yourself what effects the heat has on your aquarium and on your fish. We’ll tell you and explain what to do.

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JBL TV #55 JBL research expeditions - just come along! What skills do you need?


Every year a new JBL expedition takes place and nature enthusiasts can join in again. But what are the requirements?

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The conservation breeding programme for goodeids


Márk Liziczai, head of the conservation breeding programme for goodeids, has provided us with further exciting details about this great project, and we just have to share them with you.

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JBL TV #54 The right water temperature – all the facts about temperature in the aquarium


A conversation with the chief biologist of the Sealife Centre in Speyer about issues which can arise in some water temperatures.

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Support for a special school project in Hungary


In Mosonmagyaróvár, a town in Hungary, there is a high school dedicated to a very special project - a conservation breeding programme for endangered goodeid fish.

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PRONOVO WORLD TRIP - Visiting Threadfish in Asia


The threadfish is a very popular and well-known aquarium fish. But where does it come from, why is it called a threadfish, what do you need to know about keeping it and what does it eat?

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Listen to TROPENFIEBER, JBL’s podcast, now


Parallel to JBL TV, the myJBL blog content and the JBL Themeworlds, the podcast will offer you insights and knowledge about your hobby in a completely new way.

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JBL TV #53 How do you carry out water tests correctly and what are the most common mistakes?


Water tests for aquarium water can be very important, especially when there are problems.

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JBL AquaMyths #5


The AquaMyths are back and today they are looking at the following two myths: “Water changes are not necessary” and “Small aquariums make it easier to get into the hobby”?

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CASHBACK - Get a reward for your loyalty to JBL!


But this is a first at JBL. We have a MEGA #jbldeal for you. Curious? It's worth taking a look!

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Kardinaaltetra's in de natuur en in het aquarium


Als je een natuurlijke biotoop voor kardinaaltetra's in je aquarium wilt namaken, moet je streng op de esthetische aspecten letten. Veel loof op de bodem, gebruin gekleurd water en geen waterplanten. Er zijn ongetwijfeld aquariumliefhebbers die dit mooi vinden. Zo ziet de orginele habitat er nou eenmaal uit.

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JBL begint met een uniek project: Vis-Vliegtuig


JBL heeft besloten een stapje verder te gaan en doelgericht aquarium-, terrarium- en natuurbeschermers aan te spreken. Bedreigde vissoorten moeten plaatselijk opnieuw geïntroduceerd worden.

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JBL TV #51: Fish nutrition in the aquarium Part 2 - Characins, barbels, invertebrates & Co


What’s important when producing food? Why aren’t there any 100 % spirulina foods?

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Stroom besparen: Getallen liegen niet, of toch?


Je leest op het internet veel over het ontkoppelen van stekkers en apparaten, als het daaraan verbonden apparaat niet ingeschakeld is (bijv. mobiele telefoon of magnetron). Dat is ook van toepassing op de kabels van ledverlichting.

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Visvangbeker met handvat om aan op te hangen - Een nuttige accessoire voor iedere aquariumbezitter


Een visvangbeker hoort net zo goed bij aquariumaccessoires als twee vangnetten en een stuk slang. Hij kan heel veelzijdig worden ingezet en is niet alleen geschikt voor vissen vangen.

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Op je plaatsen - Filter - Start! Startproblemen? Wij helpen!


Hoewel in de gebruikershandleiding van elke JBL buitenfilter een heel goede en begrijpelijke handleiding voor de startknop staat, ontvangt JBL steeds weer vragen over dit onderwerp.

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Perfect aquarium plant growth - very complicated or really simple?


"The fish excretion in the water fertilises the plants!" This is not wrong, but it is only part of the truth!

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JBL TV #50: Fish nutrition in the aquarium Part 1 - Cichlids, bottom dwellers & community aquarium


Fish nutrition is a complex issue, just as it is for us humans. But what does species-appropriate nutrition mean? Is one main food sufficient? What do our ornamental fish eat in the wild?

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Heiko Blessin guests on my-fish talking about the JBL expedition to Colombia


Heiko Blessin tells you about the unforgettable journey to the exciting and beautiful land of Colombia in the latest my-fish podcast.

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A quiet and powerful air pump for lots of oxygen with 2 air connections (JBL PROSILENT a300)


Diaphragm pumps, also called air pumps, pump air into the aquarium or pond. The air enters the water through air stones and thus increases the oxygen content.

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How much do aquarium fish really like PRONOVO?


To answer this question, we've teamed up with our influencers! The result is a series of great videos showing you how the aquarium dwellers rush to feed on the new PRONOVO. Take a look and see for yourself!

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JBL PROSILENT a200: JBL’s quietest air pump for powerful aquarium aeration


A larger water surface increases the exchange of gas and thus enables the aquarium water to absorb more oxygen from the air.

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What do substrates really look like in biotopes?


Diese Geschichte endet etwas unerwartet und begann mit der Frage vom Chefredakteur der aquaristik, ob ich ihm ein paar Unterwasserbilder von den Böden verschiedener Gewässer senden könnte.

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JBL TV #49: Saving energy in the aquarium - reducing costs made easy


Yes, we can make energy savings in our aquarium, but not where most people think! In this video we show exactly where and how to save electricity costs.

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Why does the wood in aquariums lie with its roots facing upwards?


Have you ever noticed that in most aquariums the wooden roots are positioned with their wide ends at the bottom and the delicate roots pointing upwards? But why?

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Small diaphragm pump for the right oxygen level in the aquarium (PROAIR a50)


Air pumps (also called diaphragm pumps) pump air into the aquarium or pond. The air enters the water through air stones and thus increases the oxygen content.

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Kristian Anicker as a guest on my-fish about the right nutrition for fish in the aquarium


Just like us, good nutrition is important for the well-being and health of our aquarium fish.

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JBL PROAQUATEST - simple yet laboratory standard - Part II


Today we’re continuing on the topic of water tests, with Part II of the blog post from 22.01.2023. Enjoy reading.

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JBL TV #48: Fish also need to breathe - measuring and increasing the oxygen content (O2)


Many plants, high temperatures or the use of medicines and anti-algae agents can quickly become a problem.

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JBL PROAQUATEST - simple yet laboratory standard - Part I


Aquarium water tests are similar to a blood test at the doctor's. Water tests allow you to take a look at the water composition.

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JBL PROSILENT a400: Powerful air pump with 2 connections for perfect aquarium aeration


Air pumps (also called diaphragm pumps) pump air into the aquarium or pond.

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JBL Expeditions: Water analyses worldwide 2002-2019


In this post we have summarised all our measured water values. From one of our first expeditions to Sri Lanka and the Maldives in 2004 to the Japan Expedition in 2019.

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How one air connection becomes two and the air is precisely regulated


A practical air distributor to operate several air stones with only one air pump.

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JBL TV #47: Gardening in the aquarium - inserting plants correctly


How do you plant aquarium plants correctly? Our biologist Heiko Blessin shows you how!

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