The JBL expeditions are an essential part of the JBL research activities. But the research trips are very popular with JBL customers and consumers too and it’s quite hard to get a place on this opportunity to go with the JBL team.
Between 10 and 50 friends of JBL are given the chance to join an expedition under the scientific supervision of biologists and acknowledged experts to explore the habitats of our animals. This aim is to bring our hobby still closer to nature’s model.
One of the team members has got back to us with a video montage. A sense of nostalgia prompted him almost three years later to go through his old videos and photos and he enjoyed it so much that he went on to create the following montage. He is still drawing on the memories, the knowledge and impressions - as do all the other participants of this and previous expeditions.
To get more information about this expedition: Workshop Vietname